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@ -114,12 +114,12 @@ Means "to try to", "to make sure to". It's more of an assertion than ようと
Used with a verb.
> [!info] Example
> 毎日に{朝|あさ}ご{飯|はん}を食べる==ようします==。
> 毎日に{朝|あさ}ご{飯|はん}を食べる==ようします==。
> I'll try to eat a breakfast everyday.
### ようとする・ようとしない
Means "try to", "attempt to" (or not, in the negative form). It's more of an attempt than with ようにする.
Means "try to", "attempt to" (or not, in the negative form). It's more of an attempt than with ようにする. Can also mean "just as I was about to".
Used with the volitional form of verbs (よう).
> [!info] Example

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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ This form is used with a verb in the negative form (ない).
{一体|いったい} is used to make an emphasis when something is surprising, confusing, etc.
> [!info] Example
> ==いったい=={誰|だれ}がそんことをしたか。
> ==いったい=={誰|だれ}がそんことをしたか。
> Who in the world would do something like this?
## まるで

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
### 決して~ない
<div class="usage">
<p class="iright">して + </p>
<p class="iright">して + </p>
<div class="ileft">
<p><span class="box">V (ない)</span></p>
<p><span class="box">い-Adj <strike></strike> くない</span></p>
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
{決|け}して~ない means "never". Used with negative verbs.
{決|け}して~ない means "never". Used with negative verbs.
> [!info] Examples
> 私は==決して=={夢|ゆめ}を{覚|おぼ}えません。

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@ -41,23 +41,22 @@
<p class="right">+ わけがない</p>
Means that there is no way, "impossible".
Means that there is no way, "impossible". The nuance is that the way of doing is unknown, thus impossible for the subject. But someone else might know.
It can also mean that the will to do is not present, especially with する.
> [!info] Example
> {全部|ぜんぶ}食べられる==わけがない==よ!
> It is impossible to eat it all!
> もうこんな時間。帰り==わけがない==。
> It's already this late. I have no way to go back home (I don't know how).
### ようがない・ようもない
🛠 Todo: understand the nuance between わけがない and ようがない.
🛠 Todo: understand the nuance between ようがない and ようもない.
~{様|よう}がない means that there is no way, "impossible".
Works by removing ~ます from a verb and adding ようがない・ようもない.
The nuance it that it is impossible in general. With する, it can mean the same as わけがない, i.e. "I don't know how to".
> [!info] Example
> もうこんな時間。帰り==ようがない==。
> It's already this late. I have no way to go back home.
> [!info] Example
> {全部|ぜんぶ}食べられる==ようがない==よ!
> It is impossible to eat it all!
### まさか

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ See [[Connectors#のに#In order to]].
<p class="right">+ ため(に)</p>
Means "in order to". Mostly used in writing.
Means "in order to". Mostly used in writing, rarely used with negative.
> [!info] Examples
> {面接|めんせつ}の==ために==ヒゲを{剃|そ}らなきゃ。
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Can also mean "as for", "regarding".
## ように
Means "in order to". Implies that an effort is made or a goal to obtain.
Means "in order to". Implies that an effort is made or a goal to obtain. There is generally will implied.
Used with verbs.
> [!info] Examples

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Used with nouns and verbs.
<p class="right">+ のに</p>
The first meaning is "although", "even tough".
The first meaning is "although", "even tough". Cannot be an hypothesis, must be a confirmed fact. This, it works with past tense.
> [!info] Example
> 食べたばかり==なのに==、まだお{腹|なか}が{空|す}いた。

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@ -2,33 +2,26 @@
## としては
🛠 Todo: nuance.
Means "as", "in the role of". The と particle implies a result.
More used for objective judgments.
Used with nouns.
> [!info] Example
> {厳|きび}しいのに{先生|せんせい}==としては==あまり{良|よ}くない
> Because he is strict, he's not a very good teacher.
> 彼はカメラマン==としては==いい{仕事|しごと}をする
> As a cameraman, he does a good job.
## にしては
🛠 Todo: nuance.
Means "considering", "for". The に particle implies a simultaneous existence.
More used to give personal opinions.
The difference with としては resides in the fact that this is used to make a contrast between the general image associated with something and what we're describing.
Used with verbs and nouns.
> [!info] Example
> 田中さんは{父|ちち}==にしては=={最低|さいてい}です
> As a father, Tanaka-san is the worst.
> [!info] Example
> このカバンは安い==にしては==悪くない
> This bag might be cheap, it is not bad.
## としても
🛠 Todo: nuance.
Means "assuming", "even if".
Means "assuming", "even if". It has the same meaning as [[TeF (4) - even if#Even if ても・でも]], but bolder.
> [!info] Example
> 私==としても==出来ます。
@ -36,13 +29,11 @@ Means "assuming", "even if".
## にしても
🛠 Todo: nuance.
Means "even if", "even though".
Means "even if", "even though". It has the same meaning as [[🔰 Particles (1)#も]], but bolder. In some rare written cases, it has the same meaning as としても.
> [!info] Example
> それ==にしても==、{気|き}を{付|つ}けてくください
> Still, please be careful.
> フランス{語|ご}==にしても=={英語|えいご}==にしても=={彼|かれ}はとても{上手|じょうず}です
> He is very good at both French and English.
## "As": Gradual change
@ -68,7 +59,7 @@ It means that when when the first part of the sentence changes, the second part
This example works with all forms.
## につれて and にしたがって
### につれて and にしたがって
In both forms, the change is natural, and is not an intentional change. When the verb expresses gradual change, both can be used.
につれて is more common and more used for personal actions.
@ -77,7 +68,7 @@ In both forms, the change is natural, and is not an intentional change. When the
> {冬|ふゆ}が{地|ちか}づく==にしたがって・につれて=={気温|きおん}が{下|さ}がってきた。
> As winter approaches, the temperatures have lowered.
## にしたがって
### にしたがって
This form also has the meaning of "in accordance to". It doesn't express change. It is possible to talk about intention.
@ -85,7 +76,7 @@ This form also has the meaning of "in accordance to". It doesn't express change.
> {歯医者|はいしゃ}==にしたがって=={毎日|まいにち}{回|かい}{歯|は}を{磨|みが}く。
> I brush my teeth twice a day as recommended by my dentist.
## に伴って
### に伴って
に{伴|ともな}って also has the meaning of a an instantaneous change: when the first part changes, the second part also changes instantly. The first part is the reason of it changing.
@ -93,11 +84,11 @@ This form also has the meaning of "in accordance to". It doesn't express change.
> オリンピックがある==に伴って=={交通費|こうつうひ}がねあが{値上|ねあ}がりしてしまった。
> As the Olympics are held, transportations cost have increased.
## と共に
### と共に
と{共|とも}に has 3 other meanings.
### Almost at the same time
#### Almost at the same time
It is also used for two actions that happens at approximately the same time. The two actions do not have to be related. They also don't have to be specifically about change.
@ -105,7 +96,7 @@ It is also used for two actions that happens at approximately the same time. The
> {鳥|とり}は{鳴|な}き{声|ごえ}をする==と共に=={風|かぜ}が{吹|ふ}く。
> The bird sings and the wind blows.
### Together with
#### Together with
It can also mean "together with". It is much more formal than {一緒|いっしょ}に.
@ -113,7 +104,7 @@ It can also mean "together with". It is much more formal than {一緒|いっし
> {妻|つま}==と共に=={新|あたら}しい{人生|じんせい}を{始|はじ}めります。
> I am starting a new life with my wife.
### As well as, also
#### As well as, also
It can also mean "as well as", "also".

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@ -78,11 +78,13 @@ Means that something is "full of" or "covered with" something undesirable.
<div class="usage">
<p class="iright">N + は + </p>
<div class="ileft">
<div class="left">
<p><span class="box">V + こと</span></p>
<p><span class="box">い-Adj + こと</span></p>
<p><span class="box">な-Adj + な + こと</span></p>
<p><span class="box">N</span></p>
<p class="right">+ で有名</p>

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@ -192,5 +192,5 @@ Means "also", "as well". Means that both N1 and N2 are true (and should share a
Means "not only but also", "not to mention".
> [!info] Examples
> このゲームセンターにはゲーム==はもちろん==ボウリングもあります。
> このゲームセンターにはゲーム==はもちろん==ボウリング====あります。
> This game center not only has games but also bowling.

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ Can be used as ==ということだ== or ==とのことだ==. A more casual vers
## Summing up
* ==んだって== used for quotation, similar to って, when the information is new.
* ==と聞いた== is used for something for something you heard from an identifiable speaker. Is mostly formal.
* ==と聞いた== is used for something you heard from an identifiable speaker. Is mostly formal.
* ==と言われている== is used for something for something you heard from an unspecified speaker. Is mostly formal.
* ==そうだ== is used for hearsay and is casual.
* ==ということだ== is used for hearsay, when the validity of the information is certain. More formal than そうだ.

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@ -4,10 +4,28 @@
See [[TeF (4) - even if]].
## のに
## 「と・に」しても
Means "although", "even tough".
See [[Connectors#のに#Even tough]].
See [[Considering - for - as#としても]].
See [[Considering - for - as#にしても]].
## たって
<div class="usage">
<div class="left">
<p><span class="box">V (た)</span></p>
<p><span class="box">い-Adj <strike></strike> くた</span></p>
<p><span class="box">な-Adj + だ</span></p>
<p><span class="box">N + だ</span></p>
<p class="right">+ って</p>
Means "even if", "even though". It has the same meaning as [[#て-form even if]].
> [!info] Example
> {今|いま}で行==ったって==、{間|ま}に{合|あ}わない。
> Even if you go now, you won't make it in time.
## それでも
@ -17,6 +35,11 @@ Means "but still", "even so", "anyway".
> 雨が{降|ふ}っていた、==それでも==出かけていた。
> It was raining, but I still went out.
## のに
Means "although", "even tough". Cannot be an hypothesis, must be a confirmed fact. This, it works with past tense.
See [[Connectors#のに#Even tough]].
## くせに
<div class="usage">
@ -29,11 +52,32 @@ Means "but still", "even so", "anyway".
<p class="right">+ くせに</p>
Means "despite", "even tough". Has a negative connotation.
Means "despite", "even tough". Has a negative connotation when a situation is not what was expected. Regularly used to talk about characteristics. Like のに, cannot be an hypothesis.
> [!info] Example
> {掃除|そうじ}すると言った==くせに==、まだ{汚|きたな}いよ。
> You said you would clean it up, but it's still dirty.
> {子供|こども}の==くせに==、{数学|すうがく}が{得意|とくい}です。
> Despite a child, he is good at math.
## ながらも
Means "even while", "despite". It is used to express that while something is one state, something else. Cannot be used for an hypothesis: it is something that is happening right now.
See also [[Time#ながら]].
> [!info] Example
> {病気|びょうき}==ながらも==、パーティーに行くつもりです。
> Although I am sick, I'm planning to go to party.
## Summing up
* ==ても==, ==「と・に」しても==, ==たって== and ==それでも== have the same meaning.
* ==「と・に」しても== have a bolder meaning.
* ==それでも== breaks up the phrase.
* ==のに== cannot be used for conditional situations.
* ==くせに== talks about disappointment or characteristics.
* ==ながらも== talks about something happening right now.
## たとえ~ても
@ -53,24 +97,6 @@ Means "even if X is the case". Used to present possibilities.
> ==たとえ=={疲|つか}れ==ても==、もうちょっと{起|お}きている。
> Even if I'm tired, I'll stay up a little longer.
## たって
<div class="usage">
<div class="left">
<p><span class="box">V (た)</span></p>
<p><span class="box">い-Adj <strike></strike> くた</span></p>
<p><span class="box">な-Adj + だ</span></p>
<p><span class="box">N + だ</span></p>
<p class="right">+ って</p>
Means "even if", "even though".
> [!info] Example
> {今|いま}で行==ったって==、{間|ま}に{合|あ}わない。
> Even if you go now, you won't make it in time.
## ても始まらない
ても{始|はじ}まらない means "there's no point, even if you..."
@ -98,21 +124,3 @@ It is used to talk about an unexpected result, that is contradictory to the prec
> [!info] Example
> {自転車|じてんしゃ}の{乗|の}り{方|かた}を{忘|わす}れるはありえないと{思|おも}っていた。==ところが==すっかり{忘|わす}れた。
> I thought it was impossible to forget how to ride a bike. However, I completely forgot.
## ながらも
Means "even while", "despite". It is used to express that while something is one state, something else.
See also [[Time#ながら]].
> [!info] Example
> {病気|びょうき}==ながらも==、パーティーに行くつもりです。
> Although I am sick, I'm planning to go to party.
## 「と・に」しても
See [[Considering - for - as#としても]].
See [[Considering - for - as#にしても]].
## Summing up
🛠 Todo.

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ It is used with verbs by removing the ます and adding なさい. In casual con
## ように言う
It means "to tell", "to request", "to order".
It is form by added ように{言|い}う to a verb. The verb {頼|たの}む can be used for requests, while {命|めい}じる can be used for order. The verb {言|い}う can tell the three meanings depending on the tone.
It is form by added ように{言|い}う to a verb. The verb {頼|たの}む can be used for requests, while {命|めい}じる can be used for order. The verb {言|い}う can tell the three meanings depending on the tone. Other similar verbs can be used ({注意|ちゅうい}する, {進|すす}む, etc).
> [!info] Example
> {子供|こども}にお{菓子|か|し}を食べない==ように言った==。

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Can also be used to talk about a distance between two physical places or the tim
A first meaning is similar to {間|あいだ} (while), but with intentionality.
> [!info] Example
> 電車に{乗|の}っ==間に==、本を読みました。
> 電車に{乗|の}っている==間に==、本を読みました。
> While I was on the train, I read a book.
A second meaning is a statement of something that happened during a time period, independently of your actions.

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@ -50,5 +50,5 @@ The way the intervals are counted between these two grammar structure is differe
> 1日==おきに== =2日==ごとに== = every other day = every second day
> ●○●○●○●
> 2日==おきに== =3日==ごとに== (every three days = every third day)
> 2日==おきに== =3日==ごとに== = every three days = every third day
> ●○○●○○●○○●

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Used by combining to a verb.
## ところ
Means "just about to". Used when describing what we're about to do.
Means "just about to". Used when describing what we're about to do. Can also mean "just after something happened".
Used by combining to a verb.
> [!info] Example

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Used with a noun.
<div class="left">
<p><span class="box">V + の</span></p>
<p><span class="box">い-Adj</span></p>
<p><span class="box">な-Adj + な + の</span></p>
<p><span class="box">な-Adj + (な + の)</span></p>
<p><span class="box">N + な + の</span></p>
<p class="right">+ に対して</p>

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@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ It is a bit more casual than ずに.
> {勉強|べんきょう}し==ないで=={卒業|そつぎょう}した。
> I graduated without studying.
## ずに
## ず()
Means "without doing". Formed with a verb in the negative tense (ない) by removing the -ない stem and adding ずに.
Means "without doing". Formed with a verb in the negative tense (ない) by removing the -ない stem and adding ず().
する transforms to せずに.
It is a bit more formal than ないで.

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@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Used with nouns.
⚠ Replaces the を and が particle. It is, in a certain way, a stronger way than が to highlight information.
> [!info] Example
> {今年|ことし}==こそ=={日本|にほん}{住|す}む。
> {今年|ことし}==こそ=={日本|にほん}{住|す}む。
> This year, for sure I'll live in Japan.
## さえ