jpg-quartz/content/1- Grammar/

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# Description
## って・って言う・と言う
Means "named", "called".
* って and っていう: used after a noun.
* という: used after a noun or a phrase.
> [!info] Examples
> ゴキブリ==って==虫しっているか。
> Do you know the insect named cockroach?
> スペイン語で、ゴキブリは「クカラチャ」==といいます==。
> In Spanish, cockroaches are called "cucaracha".
> {台風|たいふう}が来る==という==ニュース。
> A news that a typhoon is coming.
## と言ってもいい
Means "you could say".
> [!info] Examples
> サッカーは{彼|かれ}の{得意|とくい}です。ほとんどサッカーのプロ==と言ってもいい==。
## まま
<div class="usage">
<div class="left">
<p><span class="box">V (ない)</span></p>
<p><span class="box">V (た)</span></p>
<p><span class="box">い-Adj</span></p>
<p><span class="box">な-Adj</span></p>
<p><span class="box">N + の</span></p>
<p class="right">+ まま</p>
Means that something doesn't change state, stays as it is.
> [!info] Examples
> {開|あ}けた==まま==。
> To be left open.
> {熱|あつ}い==まま==。
> Still hot.
> {昔|むかし}の==まま==。
> As it always been.
> その==まま==でいい。
> It is fine as it is.
## がする
This means to experience a sense (except visual): to smell, to hear, to taste, etc, depending on the noun.
> [!info] Example
> いい{匂|にお}い==がする==。
> It smells good.
> 今日は{最悪|さいあく}日{気|き}==がする==。
> I feel like today is the worst.
## から作る・で作る
Means "made from".
> [!info] Example
> チーズは{牛乳|ぎゅうにゅう}==から作る==。
> Cheese is made from milk.
## のが「好き・上手・下手」
のが({好|すき}き・{上手|じょうず}・{下手|へた}) means "to (like/be good/be bad)" at an action.
Used with a verb in dictionary form.
> [!info] Example
> テレビでサッカーを見る==のが好き==です。
> I like watching soccer on the television.
> 彼女は料理を作る==のが上手==と思います。
> I think she is a good cook.
> {絵|え}を{塗|ぬる}る==のが下手==です。
> I'm not good at painting.
## くらい・ぐらい
<div class="usage">
<div class="left">
<p><span class="box">V (ない)</span></p>
<p><span class="box">い-Adj</span></p>
<p><span class="box">な-Adj + な</span></p>
<p><span class="box">N + の</span></p>
<p class="right">+ くらい・ぐらい</p>
Means "about" or "approximately" when talking about numbers or counter words. ぐらい is more common in conversations, but can change depending on the preceding word.
> [!info] Example
> {電車|でんしゃ}はどの==くらい==で{到着|とうちゃく}しますか。
> About how much time will the train take to arrive?
> {医者|いしゃ}に1時間==ぐらい==を{待|ま}ってました。
> I waited approximately an hour for the doctor.
Also used to compare things as being similar.
> [!info] Example
> {友達|ともだち}と{試験|しけん}の{結果|けっか}は{同|おな}じ==ぐらい==です。
> My friend and I have about the same results at the test.
Also means "to the extent of".
> [!info] Example
> 食べなくて{寝|ね}たい==ぐらい=={疲|つか}れています。
> I'm tired to the extent of not eating and going to sleep.