Adam Brangenberg d6301fae90
feat: Making Quartz available offline by making it a PWA (#465)
* Adding PWA and chaching for offline aviability

* renamed workbox config to fit Quartz' scheme

* Documenting new configuration

* Added missig umami documentation

* Fixed formatting so the build passes, thank you prettier :)

* specified caching strategies to improve performance

* formatting...

* fixing "404 manifest.json not found" on subdirectories by adding a / to manifestpath

* turning it into a plugin

* Removed Workbox-cli and updated @types/node

* Added Serviceworkercode to offline.ts

* formatting

* Removing workbox from docs

* applied suggestions

* Removed path.join for sw path

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* Removed path.join for manifest path

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* Removing path module import

* Added absolute path to manifests start_url and manifest "import" using baseUrl

* Adding protocol to baseurl

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* Adding protocol to start_url too then

* formatting...

* Adding fallback page

* Documenting offline plugin

* formatting...

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* merge suggestion

Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>

* formatting...

* Fixing manifest path, all these nits hiding the actual issues .-.

* Offline fallback page through plugins, most things taken from 404 Plugin

* adding Offline Plugin to config

* formatting...

* Turned offline off as default and removed


Co-authored-by: Jacky Zhao <>
2023-09-20 11:38:13 -07:00

75 lines
5.0 KiB

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