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Connectors (conjunctions)

Just by: だけで

Means "just by doing". Used with nouns and verbs.

[!info] Example 会う==だけで=={幸|しあわ}せになる。 Just by meeting you, I get happy.


Even tough



な-Adj + な

N + な

+ のに

The first meaning is "although", "even tough".

[!info] Example 食べたばかり==なのに==、まだお{腹|なか}が{空|す}いた。 Even tough I just ate, I'm still hungry.

In order to

Means "to do", "in order to". Used with a verb (dictionary).

[!info] Example {勉強|べんきょう}する==のに=={図書館|としょかん}に行くつもりです。 In order to study, I plan to go to the library.

And: そして, それから, それに, それで

See Listing#Connecting sentences.

Well then: さて

Used to change to topic of the conversation, or to a new element. Translates to "well (then)" or "now".

[!info] Example ==さて==、食べようか。 Well then, shall we eat?

By the way: ところで

Used to introduce a new topic of conversation. Translates to "by the way".

[!info] Example ==ところで==、車の{修理|しゅうり}はどう。 By the way, how are the repairs for your car?

Certainly: 確かに

{確|たし}かに means "surely", "certainly".

[!info] Example この{歌|うた}は==確かに=={面白|おも|しろ}そうだ。 This song certainly sounds interesting.