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こと: verb as noun
This allows to transform a verb into a noun (verb nominalizer). V+こと => 食べること. The verbs are never conjugated.
[!info] Example {音楽|おん|がく}を聞く==こと==が好きです。 I like to listen to music (listening to music is something I like).
~さ: adjective as noun
い-Adj い
+ さ
This allows to transform an adjective into a noun (adjective nominalizer). Used to talk about the degree of the adjective. Generally objective.
[!info] Example やさしい。 Kind.
やさし==さ==。 Kindness.
~み: adjective as noun
い-Adj い
+ み
This allows to transform an adjective into a noun (adjective nominalizer). Similar to さ, but it is used in specific contexts. Rather than a degree, it talks about a quality. Generally subjective. Can be used with less adjectives than さ.
[!info] Example 甘い。 Sweet.
甘さ。 Amount of sweetness.
甘==味==。 Quality of sweetness.
ということ: phrase as noun
This allows to transform a phrase into a noun.
V (casual)
な-Adj + だ
N + だ
+ ということ
[!info] Example 毎日サッカーをする==ということ==は{大変|たい|へん}です。 It is hard to play soccer every day.
のは・のが: sentence as noun
な-Adj + な
N + だ
+ のは・のが
Transforms a sentence into a noun. Also means "the reason for A is B", "doing A is B".
[!info] Example {勉強|べんきょう}する==のは==つまらないです。 Studying is boring.
このレストランで{一番|いち|ばん}{人気|にん|き}がある==のは=={寿司|すし}です。 The most popular dish in the restaurant is sushi.
くする: い-adjective as adverb
Replacing the い in a い-Adj by くする transforms it into an adverb. 大きい (big) => 大きくする (make big).
[!info] Example エアコンを{点|つ}けると{空気|くう|き}が{寒|さむ}==くなる==。 When turning on the AC, the air becomes cold.
にする: な-adjective as adverb
Appending にする to a な-Adj transforms it into an adverb. {静|しず}かな (quiet) => 静かにする (make quiet).
[!info] Example {部屋|へや}をきれい==にして==ください。 Please clean the room (make the room cleaner).
がる・がっている: adjective as verb
See Observation - tendency - feelings#がる・がっている.
的: noun as な-Adj / Adverb
This allows to change a noun into:
- ~{的|てき} な for a な-Adj
- ~{的|てき} に for an Adverb
[!info] Example {感情|かんじょう}。 Emotion.
{感情|かん|じょう}==的==。 Emotional.
彼女のスピーチはとても{感情|かん|じょう}==的==だった。 Her speech was very emotional.