jpg-content/🔰 Grammar/Talking

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# Talking about
## と言えば・と言うと
と{言|い}えば・と{言|い}うと means "speaking of".
> [!info] Example
> 日本==と言えば==、富士山です。
> Speaking of Japan, Mount Fuji comes to mind.
## において・における
Means "in", "at", "regarding".
Used with nouns. Is used in formal language.
> [!info] Example
> {冬|ふゆ}==において=={雪|ゆき}が{降|ふ}る。
> Snow falls in winter.
## について
Means "concerning", "about".
Used with nouns.
> [!info] Example
> {面接|めんせつ}==について==はいつがよろしいでしょうか。
> Regarding the interview, when would be a good time?
## に関する・に関して
に{関|かん}する・に{関|かん}して means "related to", "about". More formal than について.
Used with nouns.
> [!info] Example
> ロボット==に関して==ゲームがあるんです。
> Are there any games about robots?
## つまり
Means "in other words". Used after a first phrase for an alternative explanation.
> [!info] Example
> この{映画|えいが}は120分、==つまり==2時です。
> This movie is 120 minutes, that is to say 2 hours.
## すなわち
Means "in other words". More formal than つまり.
> [!info] Example
> この{映画|えいが}は120分、==すなわち==2時です。
> This movie is 120 minutes, that is to say 2 hours.
## にかけて
Means "through", "concerning". It is used for something that happens over a period of time.
Used with a noun.
> [!info] Example
> {日本|にほん}には6月から9月==にかけて==は{暑|あつ}いです。
> It is hot in Japan from June through September.
## をはじめ
Means "starting with", "not only".
Used with nouns.
> [!info] Example
> 漫画==をはじめ=={日本|にほん}の{文化|ぶんか}は{面白|おもしろ}い。
> Japanese culture, starting with manga, is interesting.
> フランスの文化はパン==をはじめ==、ワインも{人気|にんき}です。
> French culture is popular not only for bread, but also for wine.
## にとって
Means "concerning", "regarding". Focuses on the standpoint of the preceding part.
Used with nouns.
> [!info] Example
> 猫==にとって=={睡眠|すい|みん}は{大切|たいせつ}です。
> Sleeping is important for cats.
## なんか・なんて
Means "such as", "things like". It is used to give examples or to show emphasis.
なんか is more informal than なんて. Both are spoken form, while [[Listing#など]] is more written.
なんて is used with all words, while なんか is used with nouns.
> [!info] Example
> iPod==なんか=={古|ふる}いな{物|もの}です。
> Things like iPod are old.
## 例えば
{例|たと}えば means "for example".
> [!info] Example
> {虫|むし}が{好|すき}きです。==例えば=={蝉|せみ}です。
> I like insect. For example, cicadas.