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Time - During

V (dictionary)

N + の

+ 間

{間|あいだ} means "while" or "during". Used to express something that is done for the whole period of time.

[!info] Example 電車に{乗|の}っている==間==、ゲームをしてた。 While I was on the train, I was playing a game.

Can also be used to talk about a distance between two physical places or the time between two things.

[!info] Example 1時から9じまでの==間==、{寝|ね}ます。 I sleep between 1AM and 9AM.


V (casual, non-past)


な-Adj + な

N + の

+ 間に

A first meaning is similar to {間|あいだ} (while), but with intentionality.

[!info] Example 電車に{乗|の}った==間に==、本を読みました。 While I was on the train, I read a book.

A second meaning is a statement of something that happened during a time period, independently of your actions. Contrary to 間, it doesn't include the whole time period. So 間に means that at a point during the time period, something happened.

[!info] Example {夜|よる}の==間に==、{隣|となり}の木が{落|お}ちていた。 During the night, the tree next door fell.



+ ながら + ...

Means "while", "simultaneously". The difference with ついでに is that here the main action is the second one.

[!info] Example {歩|ある}き==ながら=={電話|でん|わ}を見ています。 While walking, I'm looking at my phone.


V (dictionary)

V (た)

N + の

+ ついでに

Means "while", "at the same time". The difference with ながら is that here the main action is the first one.

[!info] Example スーパーに行く==ついでに==、おにぎりを{買|か}ってくれませんか。 While you're going to the supermarket, could you bring onigiri?

{中|ちゅう}・{中|じゅう} means different things depending on its pronunciation:

  • ちゅう is used when pointing a specific time: "during", "at some point".
  • じゅう is used for the entire time or area: "through", "within", "before it ends".

[!info] Example {午後|ごご}==中==に{会議|かいぎ}がある。 There is a meeting in the afternoon (ちゅう).

{今年|ことし}==中==にスウェーデンに行きたい。 I want to go to Sweden before the end of this year (じゅう).


V (casual)


な-Adj + な

N + の

+ うちに

Means "while". The nuance is that the time is optimal and should be taken advantage of.

[!info] Example {晴|は}れる==うちに=={散歩|さんぽ}しましょう。 Let's take a walk while the weather is nice.


V (dictionary)

N + の

+ 途中で・途中に

{途中|とちゅう}で・{途中|とちゅう}に means "in the middle of", "on the way".

[!info] Example {帰|かえ}る==途中で=={自動販売機|じ|どう|はん|ばい|き}で{飲|のみ}み{物|もの}を{買|か}った。 On the way home, I bought a drink from the vending machine.


Means "in the process/middle of doing". See TeF (2) - manner of doing#ているところ.


V (ている)

N + の

+ 最中に

{最中|さいちゅう}に means "in the middle of". Happens during something else, interrupting or disturbing it.

[!info] Example {運転|うんてん}していた==最中に=={鹿|しか}が{現|あらわ}れた。 While I was driving, a deer appeared.


Means "for a while", "for now".

[!info] Example ==しばらく==お{待|ま}ちください。 Please wait for a moment.