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Means "named", "called".
- って and っていう: used after a noun.
- という: used after a noun or a phrase.
[!info] Examples ゴキブリ==って==虫しっているか。 Do you know the insect named cockroach?
スペイン語で、ゴキブリは「クカラチャ」==といいます==。 In Spanish, cockroaches are called "cucaracha".
{台風|たいふう}が来る==という==ニュース。 A news that a typhoon is coming.
Means "you could say".
[!info] Examples サッカーは{彼|かれ}の{得意|とくい}です。ほとんどサッカーのプロ==と言ってもいい==。 Soccer is his strong point. You could almost say he's a pro.
This means to experience a sense (except visual): to smell, to hear, to taste, etc, depending on the noun.
[!info] Example いい{匂|にお}い==がする==。 It smells good.
今日は{最悪|さいあく}日{気|き}==がする==。 I feel like today is the worst.
Means "made from".
[!info] Example チーズは{牛乳|ぎゅうにゅう}==から作る==。 Cheese is made from milk.
のが({好|すき}き・{上手|じょうず}・{下手|へた}) means "to (like/be good/be bad)" at an action. Used with a verb in dictionary form.
[!info] Example テレビでサッカーを見る==のが好き==です。 I like watching soccer on the television.
彼女は料理を作る==のが上手==と思います。 I think she is a good cook.
{絵|え}を{塗|ぬる}る==のが下手==です。 I'm not good at painting.
Means that something is "full of" or "covered with" something undesirable.
[!info] Example {子供|こども}のズボンは{泥|どろ}==だらけ==です。 The child's pants are covered in mud.
を{込|こ}めて means that something is "full of" or "filled with". Used with positive feelings.
[!info] Example この{映画|えいが}は{監督|かんとく}から{愛|あい}==を込めて=={作|つく}った。 That movie was made with love from the director.
N + は +
V + こと
い-Adj + こと
な-Adj + な + こと
+ で有名
は~で{有名|ゆうめい} means "famous for". Used to describe why people, places or things are famous.
[!info] Example パリ==は==エッフェル{塔|とう}==で有名==です。 Paris is famous for its Eiffel Tower.