jpg-content/🔰 Grammar/Opposition - even

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Opposition: even if, even though

て-form: even if

See TeF (4) - even if.


See Considering - for - as#としても. See Considering - for - as#にしても.


V (た)

い-Adj くた

な-Adj + だ

N + だ

+ って

Means "even if", "even though". It has the same meaning as #て-form even if.

[!info] Example {今|いま}で行==ったって==、{間|ま}に{合|あ}わない。 Even if you go now, you won't make it in time.


Means "but still", "even so", "anyway".

[!info] Example 雨が{降|ふ}っていた、==それでも==出かけていた。 It was raining, but I still went out.


Means "although", "even tough". Cannot be an hypothesis, must be a confirmed fact. This, it works with past tense. See Connectors#のに#Even tough.




な-Adj + な

N + の

+ くせに

Means "despite", "even tough". Has a negative connotation when a situation is not what was expected. Regularly used to talk about characteristics. Like のに, cannot be an hypothesis.

[!info] Example {掃除|そうじ}すると言った==くせに==、まだ{汚|きたな}いよ。 You said you would clean it up, but it's still dirty.

{子供|こども}の==くせに==、{数学|すうがく}が{得意|とくい}です。 Despite a child, he is good at math.


Means "even while", "despite". It is used to express that while something is one state, something else. Cannot be used for an hypothesis: it is something that is happening right now. See also Time#ながら.

[!info] Example {病気|びょうき}==ながらも==、パーティーに行くつもりです。 Although I am sick, I'm planning to go to party.

Summing up

  • ==ても==, ==「と・に」しても==, ==たって== and ==それでも== have the same meaning.
    • ==「と・に」しても== have a bolder meaning.
    • ==それでも== breaks up the phrase.
  • ==のに== cannot be used for conditional situations.
  • ==くせに== talks about disappointment or characteristics.
  • ==ながらも== talks about something happening right now.


たとえ +

V (て)

い-Adj くても

な-Adj + でも

N + でも

Means "even if X is the case". Used to present possibilities.

[!info] Example ==たとえ=={疲|つか}れ==ても==、もうちょっと{起|お}きている。 Even if I'm tired, I'll stay up a little longer.


ても{始|はじ}まらない means "there's no point, even if you..." Used with a verb in て form.

[!info] Example もう{遅|おく}れているから、行==っても始まらない==。 I'm already late, so it's no use going now.



+ ところが +


Means "however", "even though". It is used to talk about an unexpected result, that is contradictory to the precedent statement.

[!info] Example {自転車|じてんしゃ}の{乗|の}り{方|かた}を{忘|わす}れるはありえないと{思|おも}っていた。==ところが==すっかり{忘|わす}れた。 I thought it was impossible to forget how to ride a bike. However, I completely forgot.