* ==いけない== is the standardly used form. It implies a subjective view, that it would be better to do something, to avoid negative consequences (eg: brushing one's teeth, eating well, etc).
* ==ならない== is usually more formal or in written form. It implies a is more objective view, something that has to be done because there's no other way (eg: respecting the law, paying taxes, etc).
### Comparing なくては, なければ and ないと
なくては and なければ are generally interchangeable in speech. However:
* ==なくては== is generally used when there is _no penalty_ for not complying.
* ==なければ== is generally used when there _is a penalty_ for not complying.
* ==ないと== is lighter and does not imply that there can or cannot be penalty. Its construction is based on the [[Conditional#と]] particle, and should be based on knowledge or experience.