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# 1- Particles
## は
The は particle indicates the topic of a sentence. Usually translated by "as for".
> [!info] Example
> 私==は==フランス人です。
> I am French (As for me, I am French).
When a sentence is negative, は is usually used instead of が and を.
> [!info] Example
> 肉==は==食べません。
> I don't eat meat.
## が
The が particle indicates the subject of a sentence.
> [!info] Example
> 電車==が==好きです。
> I like trains.
It is also used for making a contrast.
> [!info] Example
> 電車は好きです==が==、バスは好きじゃない。
> I like trains, but I don't like buses.
In a noun modifying clause, は becomes が.
> [!info] Example
> {彼|かれ}はラメんを{作|つく}。
> He made ramen.
> {彼|かれ}==が=={作|つく}ったラメんはおいしいです。
> The ramen he made is delicious.
## Difference between は and が
Usually, they can be used in the same sentence, but have a nuanced meaning based on the context.
> [!info] Examples
> 私==は==フランス人です。
> 私==が==フランス人です。
> I am French.
Both sentences mean the same thing. But:
* In the first sentence with は, what is highlighted is that the speaker is French.
* In the second sentence with が, what is highlighted is that the French person is the speaker.
The first sentence would most likely be the answer to "where are you from?", while the second sentence would be the answer to "who is French?". が highlights the information where the focus is wanted.
## を
This particle is used for the target of the action of a verb.
> [!info] Examples
> ケーキ==を==作る。
> I prepare a cake.
## に
This particle has multiple meanings.
* A place of existence.
> [!info] Example
> {会社|かいしゃ}は東京==に==あります。
> The company is in Tokyo.
* A point in time.
> [!info] Example
> 毎日12時==に=={寝|ね}ます。
> I sleep at 12:00 everyday.
* A direction towards whom an action is directed. For example: meeting a person, phoning to someone, riding a transport, writing on something, sitting on something, etc.
> [!info] Example
> 日本==に=={住|す}んでいます。
> I live in Japan.
## に・へ
に and へ are used to indicate a direction of movement with verbs like 行く, くる, and 帰る.
> [!info] Example
> 日本==へ==行きます。
> 日本==に==行きます。
> I'm going to Japan.
## で
This particle can indicate several things.
* A place where the action is done.
> [!info] Example
> {図書館|としょかん}==で==本を{読|よ}みました。
> I read a book in the library.
* The use of something
> [!info] Example
> えんぴつ==で==書いてください。
> Please write with a pencil.
* The use of ingredients or materials
> [!info] Example
> タコ==で==たこ{焼|や}きを作る。
> I prepare takoyaki with octopus.
* Numbers or volume for multiple objects.
> [!info] Example
> 本を5{冊|さつ}==で==買った。
> I bought 5 books.
* A noun that is the cause of something.
> [!info] Example
> かぜ==で==休みました。
> I took the day off because of a cold.
* A mode of transportation.
> [!info] Example
> {休暇|きゅうか}に電車==で==行った。
> I went on holiday by train.
## の
This particle indicates possession.
> [!info] Example
> 私==の==ボール。
> My ball.
## も
This particle means "also".
> [!info] Example
> 日本{料理|りょうり}==も=={韓国|かん|こく}{料理|りょうり}==も==食べます。
> I eat Japanese and Korean food.
The particles は, が and を change to も.
> [!info] Example
> 私は{中国|ちゅう|ごく}語==も==話せます。
> I can also speak Chinese.
In other cases, it can be combined with other particles: に, で, へ, と, から.
> [!info] Example
> {大阪|おお|さか}に==も==行きたい。
> I also want to go to Osaka.
Another meaning of this particle can be found when combined with words like {何|なに}, {誰|だれ}, or どこ (what, who, where). It means nothing, nobody and nowhere. It indicates the absence.
> [!info] Example
> A: {昨日|きのう}どこかへ行った?
> B: いいえ、どこへ==も==行かなかった。
> A: Did you go somewhere yesterday?
> B: No, I didn't go anywhere.
Used with a number or a time, it means "as many as" or "nearly".
> [!info] Example
> 2時間==も=={待|ま}っていました。
> I have waited for nearly 2 hours.