~{合|あ}う means that the action is done with someone else.
> [!info] Example
> {妹|いもうと}と{家|いえ}へ{帰|かえ}り==会った==。
> I went home with my sister.
## ~切る・~切れる・~切れない
~{切|き}る means "to do completely" and ~切れる means "able to do completely".
The negative form ~切れない means "unable to do", "too much to complete".
It focuses on the end of the action rather than the process.
> [!info] Example
> 父はすべての{部屋|へや}を{掃除|そうじ}し==切った==。
> My father finished cleaning all the rooms.
> 彼は{納豆|なっとう}を食べ==切れなかった==。
> He could not finish all his natto.
## ~通す
~{通|とお}す means "to do something until the end", "continually" or "through". It focuses on the process of the action, rather than its ending.
> [!info] Example
> マラソンの{全部|ぜんぶ}を{走|はし}り==通した==。
> He ran through the whole marathon.
## ~直す
~{直|なお}す means to do something again.
> [!info] Example
> {今年|ことし}をやり==直す==てほしい。
> I want this year to start over.
## ~っぱなし
~っぱなし means leaving something as it is.
> [!info] Example
> この13時間{飛行|ひこう}で{座|すわ}り==っぱなし==でした。
> I sat the entire time on this 13 hours flight.
## ~込む
~{込|こ}む has multiple meanings depending on the verb. Sometimes it is idiomatic and so it cannot exactly be guessed. However, there are some broad categories.
⚠ Depending on the context, verbs can fall into multiple categories!
### Going into
* If the verb describes a movement, adding 込む add the meaning of "into" (jumping => jumping into).
* If the verb already has a notion of "into", it put emphasis into it. It could have a meaning like "completely into".
> [!info] Example
> {海|うみ}に{飛|とび}び==込んだ==。
> He jumped into the ocean.
### Emphasis
When the verb does not include physical movement, 込む can be used to put emphasis on certain verbs (deeply, a lot, etc).
> [!info] Example
> {猫|ねこ}が{眠|ねむ}り==込んでいます==。
> The cat is fast asleep.
### Repetition
The last common meaning is for an action that is repeated until a point is reached. It can also be an action that is done for a long time.
> [!info] Example
> {毎朝|まいあさ}5キロ{走|かし}り==込む==。
> Every morning I go for a 5km run (emphasis on the fact that it is a long run).