This conjunction means "and". It implies a cause-effect relationship between the two sentences. There's an interconnection, where the order of the actions cannot be changed.
> [!info] Examples
> バスケットボールをした。==そして==水を{飲|の}んだ。
> I played basketball. Then, I drank water.
### それから
This conjunction means "and" or "after that". It implies a chronological order to the events. Since there's no interconnection, the order of actions could be changed.
> [!info] Examples
> スーパーに行きました。==それから=={弁当|べんとう}を食べました。
> I went to the supermarket. After that, I ate my bento.
### それに
This conjunction means "and", "besides" or "in addition". Implies a new information in relation to the precedent one. It is not used to add a negative information to a positive one, and vice-versa.
> [!info] Examples
> 昨日、{病気|びょうき}になった。==それに==パソコンも{壊|こわ}れた。
> I got sick yesterday. Beside, my computer broke.
### それで
Means "because of that", "therefore". Substitutes the first sentence happening before by それ, highlighting information from it.
Used for a list that is unexhaustive. Translates to "and", "among other things". More casual than や. Ending a sentence with とか can soften the meaning. Can also be used to quote someone.
This is used to list things that are related, in an unexhaustive way. Translates to "or", "do things such as".
Usually used to talk about things like hobbies, explaining liked things, activities done, etc. Not used for usual things like a routine. It is not an ordered or chronological list like [[#て connecting]].