using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; namespace MPDCtrl.Models { /// /// MPD client class. /// public class MPC { #region == Consts, Properties, etc == private string _host; public string MpdHost { get { return _host; } } private int _port; public int MpdPort { get { return _port; } } private string _password; public string MpdPassword { get { return _password; } } private string _mpdVerText; public string MpdVerText { get { return _mpdVerText; } set { if (value == _mpdVerText) return; _mpdVerText = value; } } private readonly Status _status = new(); public Status MpdStatus { get { return _status; } } public bool MpdStop { get; set; } private SongInfoEx _currentSong; public SongInfoEx MpdCurrentSong { // You need to either get "status" and "queue" before hand, or "currentsong". get { return _currentSong; } } private ObservableCollection _queue = new(); public ObservableCollection CurrentQueue { get { return _queue; } } private ObservableCollection _playlists = new(); public ObservableCollection Playlists { get { return _playlists; } } private readonly ObservableCollection _localFiles = new(); public ObservableCollection LocalFiles { get { return _localFiles; } } private readonly ObservableCollection _localDirectories = new(); public ObservableCollection LocalDirectories { get { return _localDirectories; } } private readonly ObservableCollection _searchResult = new(); public ObservableCollection SearchResult { get { return _searchResult; } } // TODO: private AlbumImage _albumCover = new(); public AlbumImage AlbumCover { get { return _albumCover; } } #endregion #region == Connections == private static TcpClient _commandConnection = new(); private StreamReader _commandReader; private StreamWriter _commandWriter; private static TcpClient _idleConnection = new(); private static StreamReader _idleReader; private static StreamWriter _idleWriter; public enum ConnectionStatus { NeverConnected, Connecting, Connected, DisconnectedByUser, DisconnectedByHost, ConnectFail_Timeout, ReceiveFail_Timeout, SendFail_Timeout, SendFail_NotConnected, Disconnecting, Disconnected, SeeConnectionErrorEvent } private ConnectionStatus _connectionState = ConnectionStatus.NeverConnected; public ConnectionStatus ConnectionState { get { return _connectionState; } private set { if (value == _connectionState) return; _connectionState = value; ConnectionStatusChanged?.Invoke(this, _connectionState); } } // TODO:ちゃんと使っていないので利用するか削除すべきか。 public bool IsMpdCommandConnected { get; set; } public bool IsMpdIdleConnected { get; set; } #endregion #region == Events == public delegate void IsBusyEvent(MPC sender, bool on); public event IsBusyEvent IsBusy; public delegate void DebugCommandOutputEvent(MPC sender, string data); public event DebugCommandOutputEvent DebugCommandOutput; public delegate void DebugIdleOutputEvent(MPC sender, string data); public event DebugIdleOutputEvent DebugIdleOutput; public delegate void ConnectionStatusChangedEvent(MPC sender, ConnectionStatus status); public event ConnectionStatusChangedEvent ConnectionStatusChanged; public delegate void ConnectionErrorEvent(MPC sender, string data); public event ConnectionErrorEvent ConnectionError; public delegate void IsMpdIdleConnectedEvent(MPC sender); public event IsMpdIdleConnectedEvent MpdIdleConnected; public delegate void MpdAckErrorEvent(MPC sender, string data); public event MpdAckErrorEvent MpdAckError; public delegate void MpdPlayerStatusChangedEvent(MPC sender); public event MpdPlayerStatusChangedEvent MpdPlayerStatusChanged; public delegate void MpdCurrentQueueChangedEvent(MPC sender); public event MpdCurrentQueueChangedEvent MpdCurrentQueueChanged; public delegate void MpdPlaylistsChangedEvent(MPC sender); public event MpdPlaylistsChangedEvent MpdPlaylistsChanged; public delegate void MpdAlbumArtChangedEvent(MPC sender); public event MpdAlbumArtChangedEvent MpdAlbumArtChanged; public delegate void MpcProgressEvent(MPC sender, string msg); public event MpcProgressEvent MpcProgress; #endregion public MPC() { } #region == Idle Connection == public async Task MpdIdleConnectionStart(string host, int port, string password) { // TODO: not used for now. ConnectionResult r = await MpdIdleConnect(host, port); bool ret = false; if (r.IsSuccess) { CommandResult d = await MpdIdleSendPassword(password); if (d.IsSuccess) { ret = true; } } return ret; } public async Task MpdIdleConnect(string host, int port) { ConnectionResult result = new(); IsMpdIdleConnected = false; _idleConnection = new TcpClient(); _host = host; _port = port; DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Idle Connection: Connecting." + "\n" + "\n"); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "Connecting..."); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.Connecting; try { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, true); await _idleConnection.ConnectAsync(_host, _port); // TODO: if (_idleConnection.Client == null) { Debug.WriteLine("_idleConnection.Client == null. " + host + " " + port.ToString()); result.ErrorMessage = "_idleConnection.Client == null"; DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Idle Connection: Error while connecting. Fail to connect... "+ "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "TCP connection error..."); IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return result; } if (_idleConnection.Client.Connected) { DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Idle Connection: Connection established." + "\n" + "\n"); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "Connection established...."); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.Connected; var tcpStream = _idleConnection.GetStream(); tcpStream.ReadTimeout = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite; _idleReader = new StreamReader(tcpStream); _idleWriter = new StreamWriter(tcpStream) { AutoFlush = true }; string response = await _idleReader.ReadLineAsync(); if (response.StartsWith("OK MPD ")) { MpdVerText = response.Replace("OK MPD ", string.Empty).Trim(); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, "<<<<" + response.Trim() + "\n" + "\n"); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, response.Trim()); IsMpdIdleConnected = true; result.IsSuccess = true; MpdIdleConnected?.Invoke(this); // Done for now. } else { DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Idle Connection: MPD did not respond with proper respose." + "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "TCP connection error: MPD did not respond with proper respose."); } } else { //? Debug.WriteLine("**** !client.Client.Connected"); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Idle Connection: FAIL to established... Client not connected." + "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.NeverConnected; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "TCP Idle Connection: FAIL to established... Client not connected."); } } catch (SocketException e) { // TODO: Test. //e.SocketErrorCode DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Idle Connection: Error while connecting. Fail to connect: " + e.Message + "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "TCP connection error: " + e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Test. DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Idle Connection: Error while connecting. Fail to connect: " + e.Message + "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "TCP connection error: " + e.Message); } IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return result; } public async Task MpdIdleSendPassword(string password = "") { //MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "Sending password..."); _password = password; CommandResult ret = new(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { ret.IsSuccess = true; ret.ResultText = "OK"; ret.ErrorMessage = ""; return ret; } string cmd = "password " + password + "\n"; return await MpdIdleSendCommand(cmd); } private async Task MpdIdleSendCommand(string cmd) { CommandResult ret = new(); if (_idleConnection.Client == null) { Debug.WriteLine("@MpdIdleSendCommand: " + "TcpClient.Client == null"); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = "TcpClient.Client == null"; DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "MpdIdleSendCommand", "TcpClient.Client == null", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); return ret; } if ((_idleWriter == null) || (_idleReader == null)) { Debug.WriteLine("@MpdIdleSendCommand: " + "_idleWriter or _idleReader is null"); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = "_idleWriter or _idleReader is null"; DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error :@{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "MpdIdleSendCommand", "_idleWriter or _idleReader is null", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); return ret; } if (!_idleConnection.Client.Connected) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception@MpdIdleSendCommand: " + "NOT IsMpdIdleConnected"); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = "NOT IsMpdIdleConnected"; DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "MpdIdleSendCommand", "!CommandConnection.Client.Connected", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); return ret; } string cmdDummy = cmd; if (cmd.StartsWith("password ")) cmdDummy = "password ****"; //DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, ">>>>" + cmdDummy.Trim() + "\n" + "\n"); Task nowait = Task.Run(() => DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, ">>>>" + cmdDummy.Trim() + "\n" + "\n")); try { if (cmd.Trim().StartsWith("idle")) { await _idleWriter.WriteAsync(cmd.Trim() + "\n"); return ret; } else { //await _idleWriter.WriteAsync("noidle\n" + cmd.Trim() + "\n"); await _idleWriter.WriteAsync(cmd.Trim() + "\n"); } } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { Debug.WriteLine("IOException@MpdIdleSendCommand: " + cmd.Trim() + " WriteAsync :" + e.Message); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = e.Message; // Could be application shutdopwn. if ((ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser)) { } else { DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error@{0}, Reason:{1}, Data:{2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "WriteAsync@MpdIdleSendCommand", "IOException", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (idle) has been terminated (IOException): " + e.Message); } return ret; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception@MpdIdleSendCommand: " + cmd.Trim() + " WriteAsync " + e.Message); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = e.Message; if ((ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser)) { } else { DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "WriteAsync@MpdIdleSendCommand", "Exception", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (idle) has been terminated (Exception): " + e.Message); } return ret; } try { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new(); bool isAck = false; string ackText = ""; while (true) { string line = await _idleReader.ReadLineAsync(); if (line != null) { if (line.StartsWith("ACK")) { Debug.WriteLine("ACK line @MpdIdleSendCommand: " + cmd.Trim() + " and " + line); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); isAck = true; ackText = line; ret.ErrorMessage = line; break; } else if (line.StartsWith("OK")) { ret.IsSuccess = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); break; } else if (line.StartsWith("changed: ")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); // << has to be \n } else { Debug.WriteLine("line == IsNullOrEmpty"); break; } } } else { Debug.WriteLine("@MpdIdleSendCommand ReadLineAsync line != null"); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ReadLineAsync@MpdIdleSendCommand", "ReadLineAsync received null data", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (idle) has been terminated. "); ret.ResultText = stringBuilder.ToString(); ret.ErrorMessage = "ReadLineAsync@MpdIdleSendCommand received null data"; break; } } nowait = Task.Run(() => DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, "<<<<" + stringBuilder.ToString().Trim().Replace("\n", "\n" + "<<<<") + "\n" + "\n")); if (isAck) nowait = Task.Run(() => MpdAckError?.Invoke(this, ackText + " (@MISC)")); ret.ResultText = stringBuilder.ToString(); return ret; } catch (System.InvalidOperationException e) { // The stream is currently in use by a previous operation on the stream. Debug.WriteLine("InvalidOperationException@MpdIdleSendCommand: " + cmd.Trim() + " ReadLineAsync ---- " + e.Message); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ReadLineAsync@MpdIdleSendCommand", "InvalidOperationException", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); //ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; //ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (idle) has been terminated. Most likely the connection has been overloaded."); //await _idleWriter.WriteAsync("noidle\n"); //await _idleWriter.WriteAsync("idle player\n"); //await Task.Delay(1000); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = e.Message; return ret; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception@MpdIdleSendCommand: " + cmd.Trim() + " ReadLineAsync ---- " + e.Message); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = e.Message; DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ReadLineAsync@MpdIdleSendCommand", "Exception", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); return ret; } } public async Task MpdIdleQueryStatus() { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Querying status..."); CommandResult result = await MpdIdleSendCommand("status"); if (result.IsSuccess) { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Parsing status..."); result.IsSuccess = await ParseStatus(result.ResultText); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Status updated."); } return result; } public async Task MpdIdleQueryCurrentSong() { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Querying current song info..."); CommandResult result = await MpdIdleSendCommand("currentsong"); if (result.IsSuccess) { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Parsing current song info..."); result.IsSuccess = await ParseCurrentSong(result.ResultText); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Current song info updated."); } return result; } public async Task MpdIdleQueryCurrentQueue() { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Querying queue..."); CommandResult result = await MpdIdleSendCommand("playlistinfo"); if (result.IsSuccess) { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Parsing queue..."); result.IsSuccess = await ParsePlaylistInfo(result.ResultText); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Queue updated."); } return result; } public async Task MpdIdleQueryPlaylists() { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Querying playlists..."); CommandResult result = await MpdIdleSendCommand("listplaylists"); if (result.IsSuccess) { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Parsing playlists..."); result.IsSuccess = await ParsePlaylists(result.ResultText); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Playlists updated."); } return result; } public async Task MpdIdleQueryListAll() { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Querying files and directories..."); CommandResult result = await MpdIdleSendCommand("listall"); if (result.IsSuccess) { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Parsing files and directories..."); result.IsSuccess = await ParseListAll(result.ResultText); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Files and directories updated."); } return result; } public void MpdIdleStart() { //MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, ""); MpdIdle(); } private async void MpdIdle() { if (MpdStop) return; if (_idleConnection.Client == null) { Debug.WriteLine("@MpdIdle: " + "TcpClient.Client == null"); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "MpdIdle", "TcpClient.Client == null", "", Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); return; } if ((_commandWriter == null) || (_commandReader == null)) { Debug.WriteLine("@MpdIdle: " + "_idleWriter or _idleReader is null"); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error :@{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "MpdIdle", "_idleWriter or _idleReader is null", "", Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); return; } if (!_idleConnection.Client.Connected) { Debug.WriteLine("@MpdIdle: " + "!_idleConnection.Client.Connected"); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "MpdIdle", "!_idleConnection.Client.Connected", "", Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); return; } string cmd = "idle player mixer options playlist stored_playlist\n"; DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, ">>>>" + cmd.Trim() + "\n" + "\n"); try { await _idleWriter.WriteAsync(cmd); } catch (IOException e) { // connection terminated by ... something. Debug.WriteLine("[IOException@MpdIdle] ({0} ):\n{1}", "WriteAsync", e.Message); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "WriteAsync@MpdIdle", "IOException", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (idle) has been terminated. IOException: " + e.Message); return; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("[Exception@MpdIdle] ({0} ):\n{1}", "WriteAsync", e.Message); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "WriteAsync@MpdIdle", "Exception", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (idle) has been terminated. Exception: " + e.Message); return; } try { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new(); bool isAck = false; string ackText = ""; while (true) { if (MpdStop) break; string line = await _idleReader.ReadLineAsync(); if (line != null) { if (line.StartsWith("ACK")) { Debug.WriteLine("ACK: " + line); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); isAck = true; ackText = line; break; } else if (line.StartsWith("OK")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); break; } else if (line.StartsWith("changed: ")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); } } } else { if ((ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Connecting)) { // nothing wrong. } else { Debug.WriteLine("TCP Idle Connection: ReadLineAsync @MpdIdle received null data."); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ReadLineAsync@MpdIdle", "ReadLineAsync@MpdIdle received null data", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection has been terminated."); break; } return; } } string result = stringBuilder.ToString(); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, "<<<<" + result.Trim().Replace("\n", "\n" + "<<<<") + "\n" + "\n"); if (isAck) { MpdAckError?.Invoke(this, ackText + " (@idle)"); } else { await ParseSubSystemsAndRaiseChangedEvent(result); } } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { // Could be application shutdopwn. if ((ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Connecting)) { // no problem } else { Debug.WriteLine("[IOException@MpdIdle] ({0}):\n{1}", "ReadLineAsync: " + ConnectionState.ToString(), e.Message); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ReadLineAsync@MpdIdle", "IOException", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (idle) has been terminated. Exception: " + e.Message); } } catch (System.InvalidOperationException e) { // The stream is currently in use by a previous operation on the stream. DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ReadLineAsync@MpdIdle", "InvalidOperationException", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (idle) has been terminated. Most likely the connection is overloaded."); } catch (Exception e) { // Could be application shutdopwn. if ((ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser)) { // no problem...probably. } else { Debug.WriteLine("[Exception@MpdIdle] ({0} ):\n{1}", "ReadLineAsync", e.Message); DebugIdleOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ReadLineAsync@MpdIdle", "Exception", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (idle) has been terminated. Exception: " + e.Message); } } } private async Task ParseSubSystemsAndRaiseChangedEvent(string result) { /* public enum MpdSubSystems { //player mixer options playlist stored_playlist //database: the song database has been modified after update. //update: a database update has started or finished. If the database was modified during the update, the database event is also emitted. //stored_playlist: a stored playlist has been modified, renamed, created or deleted //playlist: the queue (i.e.the current playlist) has been modified //player: the player has been started, stopped or seeked //mixer: the volume has been changed //output: an audio output has been added, removed or modified(e.g.renamed, enabled or disabled) //options: options like repeat, random, crossfade, replay gain //partition: a partition was added, removed or changed //sticker: the sticker database has been modified. //subscription: a client has subscribed or unsubscribed to a channel //message: a message was received on a channel this client is subscribed to; this event is only emitted when the queue is empty //neighbor: a neighbor was found or lost //mount: the mount list has changed player, mixer, options, playlist, stored_playlist } */ List SubSystems = result.Split('\n').ToList(); try { bool isPlayer = false; bool isCurrentQueue = false; bool isStoredPlaylist = false; foreach (string line in SubSystems) { if (line.ToLower() == "changed: playlist") { // playlist: the queue (i.e.the current playlist) has been modified isCurrentQueue = true; } if (line.ToLower() == "changed: player") { // player: the player has been started, stopped or seeked isPlayer = true; } if (line.ToLower() == "changed: options") { // options: options like repeat, random, crossfade, replay gain isPlayer = true; } if (line.ToLower() == "changed: mixer") { // mixer: the volume has been changed isPlayer = true; } if (line.ToLower() == "changed: stored_playlist") { // stored_playlist: a stored playlist has been modified, renamed, created or deleted isStoredPlaylist = true; } } if (isPlayer) { CommandResult idleResult = await MpdIdleQueryStatus(); if (idleResult.IsSuccess) { MpdPlayerStatusChanged?.Invoke(this); } } if (isCurrentQueue) { CommandResult idleResult = await MpdIdleQueryCurrentQueue(); if (idleResult.IsSuccess) { MpdCurrentQueueChanged?.Invoke(this); } } if (isStoredPlaylist) { CommandResult idleResult = await MpdIdleQueryPlaylists(); if (idleResult.IsSuccess) { MpdPlaylistsChanged?.Invoke(this); } } //MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, ""); // start over. MpdIdle(); } catch { Debug.WriteLine("**Error@ParseSubSystemsAndRaseChangedEvent: " + result); } return true; } #endregion #region == Command Connection == public async Task MpdCommandConnectionStart(string host, int port, string password) { ConnectionResult r = await MpdCommandConnect(host, port); if (r.IsSuccess) { CommandResult d = await MpdCommandSendPassword(password); if (d.IsSuccess) { // ここでIdleにして、以降はnoidle + cmd + idleの組み合わせでやる。 // ただし、実際にはidleのあとReadしていないからタイムアウトで切断されてしまう模様。 d = await MpdSendIdle(); return d.IsSuccess; } } return false; } public async Task MpdCommandConnect(string host, int port) { ConnectionResult result = new(); IsMpdCommandConnected = false; _commandConnection = new TcpClient(); _host = host; _port = port; DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Command Connection: Connecting." + "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.Connecting; try { await _commandConnection.ConnectAsync(_host, _port); // TODO: if (_commandConnection.Client == null) { Debug.WriteLine("_commandConnection.Client == null. " + host + " " + port.ToString()); result.ErrorMessage = "_commandConnection.Client == null"; DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Command Connection: Error while connecting. Fail to connect... " + "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "TCP connection error..."); return result; } if (_commandConnection.Client.Connected) { DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Command Connection: Connection established." + "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.Connected; var tcpStream = _commandConnection.GetStream(); //tcpStream.ReadTimeout = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite; // tcpStream.ReadTimeout = 2000; _commandReader = new StreamReader(tcpStream); _commandWriter = new StreamWriter(tcpStream) { AutoFlush = true }; string response = await _commandReader.ReadLineAsync(); if (response.StartsWith("OK MPD ")) { MpdVerText = response.Replace("OK MPD ", string.Empty).Trim(); DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, "<<<<" + response.Trim() + "\n" + "\n"); IsMpdCommandConnected = true; result.IsSuccess = true; // Done for now. } else { DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Command Connection: MPD did not respond with proper respose." + "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "TCP connection error: MPD did not respond with proper respose."); } } else { //? Debug.WriteLine("**** !client.Client.Connected"); DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Command Connection: FAIL to established... Client not connected." + "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.NeverConnected; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "TCP Command Connection: FAIL to established... Client not connected."); } } catch (SocketException e) { // TODO: Test. //e.SocketErrorCode DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Command Connection: Error while connecting. Fail to connect: " + e.Message + "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "TCP connection error: " + e.Message); } catch (Exception e) { DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, "TCP Command Connection: Error while connecting. Fail to connect (Exception): " + e.Message + "\n" + "\n"); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "TCP connection error: " + e.Message); } return result; } public async Task MpdCommandSendPassword(string password = "") { _password = password; CommandResult ret = new(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { ret.IsSuccess = true; ret.ResultText = "OK"; ret.ErrorMessage = ""; return ret; } string cmd = "password " + password + "\n"; return await MpdSendCommand(cmd); } // TODO: Rename MpdSendCommand to MpdCommandSendCommand private async Task MpdSendCommand(string cmd, bool isAutoIdling = false) { CommandResult ret = new(); if (_commandConnection.Client == null) { Debug.WriteLine("@MpdSendCommand: " + "TcpClient.Client == null"); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = "TcpClient.Client == null"; DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "MpdSendCommand", "TcpClient.Client == null", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); return ret; } if ((_commandWriter == null) || (_commandReader == null)) { Debug.WriteLine("@MpdSendCommand: " + "_commandWriter or _commandReader is null"); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = "_commandWriter or _commandReader is null"; DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error :@{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "MpdSendCommand", "_commandWriter or _commandReader is null", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); return ret; } if (!_commandConnection.Client.Connected) { Debug.WriteLine("@MpdSendCommand: " + "NOT IsMpdCommandConnected"); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = "NOT IsMpdCommandConnected"; DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "MpdSendCommand", "!CommandConnection.Client.Connected", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); return ret; } // WriteAsync try { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, true); if (cmd.Trim().StartsWith("idle")) { //DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, ">>>>" + cmd.Trim() + "\n" + "\n"); Task nowait = Task.Run(() => DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, ">>>>" + cmd.Trim() + "\n" + "\n")); await _commandWriter.WriteAsync(cmd.Trim() + "\n"); if (!isAutoIdling) { ret.IsSuccess = true; IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return ret; } } else { string cmdDummy = cmd; if (cmd.StartsWith("password ")) cmdDummy = "password ****"; cmdDummy = cmdDummy.Trim().Replace("\n", "\n" + ">>>>"); Task nowait; if (isAutoIdling) //DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, ">>>>" + "noidle\n>>>>" + cmdDummy.Trim() + "\n>>>>idle player" + "\n" + "\n"); nowait = Task.Run(() => DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, ">>>>" + "noidle\n>>>>" + cmdDummy.Trim() + "\n>>>>idle player" + "\n" + "\n")); else //DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, ">>>>" + cmdDummy.Trim() + "\n" + "\n"); nowait = Task.Run(() => DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, ">>>>" + cmdDummy.Trim() + "\n" + "\n")); if (isAutoIdling) await _commandWriter.WriteAsync("noidle\n" + cmd.Trim() + "\n" + "idle player\n"); else await _commandWriter.WriteAsync(cmd.Trim() + "\n"); } } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { // IOException : Unable to write data to the transport connection: 確立された接続がホスト コンピューターのソウトウェアによって中止されました。 ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = e.Message; // Could be application shutdopwn. if ((ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser)) { } else { DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error@{0}, Reason:{1}, Data:{2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "WriteAsync@MpdSendCommand", "IOException", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); // タイムアウトしていたらここで「も」エラーになる模様。 IsMpdCommandConnected = false; DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("Reconnecting... " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); try { //_commandConnection.Client.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); _commandConnection.Close(); } catch { } ConnectionResult newCon = await MpdCommandConnect(_host,_port); if (newCon.IsSuccess) { CommandResult d = await MpdCommandSendPassword(_password); if (d.IsSuccess) { d = await MpdSendCommand("idle player"); if (d.IsSuccess) { DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("Reconnecting Success. @IOExceptionOfWriteAsync" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ret = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, isAutoIdling); } } } else { DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("Reconnecting Failed. " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (command) has been terminated (IOException): " + e.Message); } } IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception@MpdSendCommand: " + cmd.Trim() + " WriteAsync " + e.Message); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = e.Message; if ((ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser)) { } else { DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "WriteAsync@MpdSendCommand", "Exception", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); //ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; //ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (command) has been terminated (Exception): " + e.Message); } IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return ret; } if ((ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser)) { return ret; } // ReadLineAsync try { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, true); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new(); bool isDoubleOk = false; bool isAck = false; string ackText = ""; bool isNullReturn = false; while (true) { string line = await _commandReader.ReadLineAsync(); if (line != null) { if (line.StartsWith("ACK")) { Debug.WriteLine("ACK line @MpdSendCommand: " + cmd.Trim() + " and " + line); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); ret.ErrorMessage = line; ackText = line; isAck = true; break; } else if (line.StartsWith("OK")) { if (isAutoIdling) { if (isDoubleOk) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); ret.IsSuccess = true; break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); isDoubleOk = true; } else { ret.IsSuccess = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); break; } } else if (line.StartsWith("changed: ")) { // noidleでついてくるかもしれないchanged. idleConnectionで見ているからここでは無視したいが・・・。 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { stringBuilder.Append(line + "\n"); // << has to be \n } } } else { isNullReturn = true; break; } } if (isNullReturn) { Debug.WriteLine("@MpdSendCommand ReadLineAsync isNullReturn"); DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ReadLineAsync@MpdSendCommand", "ReadLineAsync received null data", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ret.ResultText = stringBuilder.ToString(); ret.ErrorMessage = "ReadLineAsync@MpdSendCommand received null data"; // タイムアウトしていたらここで「も」エラーになる模様。 if ((ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser)) { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return ret; } IsMpdCommandConnected = false; DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("Reconnecting... " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); try { //_commandConnection.Client.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); _commandConnection.Close(); } catch { } ConnectionResult newCon = await MpdCommandConnect(_host, _port); if (newCon.IsSuccess) { CommandResult d = await MpdCommandSendPassword(_password); if (d.IsSuccess) { d = await MpdSendCommand("idle player"); if (d.IsSuccess) { DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("Reconnecting Success. @isNullReturn" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ret = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, isAutoIdling); } } } else { // DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("Reconnecting Failed. " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (command) has been terminated (null return)."); } IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return ret; } else { //DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, "<<<<" + stringBuilder.ToString().Trim().Replace("\n", "\n" + "<<<<") + "\n" + "\n"); Task nowait = Task.Run(() => DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, "<<<<" + stringBuilder.ToString().Trim().Replace("\n", "\n" + "<<<<") + "\n" + "\n")); if (isAck) nowait = Task.Run(() => MpdAckError?.Invoke(this, ackText + " (@MSC)")); ret.ResultText = stringBuilder.ToString(); IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return ret; } } catch (System.InvalidOperationException e) { // The stream is currently in use by a previous operation on the stream. Debug.WriteLine("InvalidOperationException@MpdSendCommand: " + cmd.Trim() + " ReadLineAsync ---- " + e.Message); DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ReadLineAsync@MpdSendCommand", "InvalidOperationException (Most likely the connection is overloaded)", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); //ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; //ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (command) has been terminated. Most likely the connection has been overloaded."); //TODO: testing. null return? //_commandReader.DiscardBufferedData(); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = e.Message; IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return ret; } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { // IOException : Unable to write data to the transport connection: 確立された接続がホスト コンピューターのソウトウェアによって中止されました。 Debug.WriteLine("IOException@MpdSendCommand: " + cmd.Trim() + " ReadLineAsync ---- " + e.Message); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = e.Message; // Could be application shutdopwn. if ((ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting) || (ConnectionState == ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser)) { } else { DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ReadLineAsync@MpdSendCommand", "IOException", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); // タイムアウトしていたらここで「も」エラーになる模様。 IsMpdCommandConnected = false; DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("Reconnecting... " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); try { //_commandConnection.Client.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); _commandConnection.Close(); } catch { } ConnectionResult newCon = await MpdCommandConnect(_host, _port); if (newCon.IsSuccess) { CommandResult d = await MpdCommandSendPassword(_password); if (d.IsSuccess) { d = await MpdSendCommand("idle player"); if (d.IsSuccess) { DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("Reconnecting Success. @IOExceptionOfReadLineAsync" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ret = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, isAutoIdling); } } } else { // Unable to read data from the transport connection: 既に接続済みのソケットに対して接続を要求しました。. DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("Reconnecting Failed. " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.SeeConnectionErrorEvent; ConnectionError?.Invoke(this, "The connection (command) has been terminated (IOException): " + e.Message); } } IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception@MpdSendCommand: " + cmd.Trim() + " ReadLineAsync ---- " + e.Message); ret.IsSuccess = false; ret.ErrorMessage = e.Message; DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ReadLineAsync@MpdSendCommand", "Exception", cmd.Trim(), Environment.NewLine, e.Message, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return ret; } } #endregion #region == Command Connection's MPD Commands with results other than OK == public async Task MpdSendIdle() { return await MpdSendCommand("idle player"); } public async Task MpdSendNoIdle() { return await MpdSendCommand("noidle"); } public async Task MpdQueryStatus(bool autoIdling = true) { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("status", autoIdling); if (result.IsSuccess) { result.IsSuccess = await ParseStatus(result.ResultText); } return result; } public async Task MpdQueryCurrentSong(bool autoIdling = true) { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("currentsong", autoIdling); if (result.IsSuccess) { result.IsSuccess = await ParseCurrentSong(result.ResultText); } return result; } public async Task MpdQueryCurrentQueue(bool autoIdling = true) { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("playlistinfo", autoIdling); if (result.IsSuccess) { result.IsSuccess = await ParsePlaylistInfo(result.ResultText); } return result; } public async Task MpdQueryPlaylists(bool autoIdling = true) { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("listplaylists", autoIdling); if (result.IsSuccess) { result.IsSuccess = await ParsePlaylists(result.ResultText); } return result; } public async Task MpdQueryListAll(bool autoIdling = true) { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Querying files and directories..."); CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("listall", autoIdling); if (result.IsSuccess) { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Parsing files and directories..."); result.IsSuccess = await ParseListAll(result.ResultText); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Files and directories updated."); } return result; } public async Task MpdSearch(string queryTag, string queryShiki, string queryValue, bool autoIdling = true) { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Searching..."); CommandSearchResult result = new(); if (Application.Current == null) { return result; } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { SearchResult.Clear(); }); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryTag) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryShiki)) { result.IsSuccess = false; return result; } var expression = queryTag + " " + queryShiki + " \'" + Regex.Escape(queryValue) + "\'"; string cmd = "search \"(" + expression + ")\"\n"; CommandResult cm = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, autoIdling); if (cm.IsSuccess) { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Parsing search result..."); if (await ParseSearchResult(cm.ResultText)) { result.IsSuccess = true; result.SearchResult = this.SearchResult; MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Search result updated."); } } return result; } public async Task MpdQueryPlaylistSongs(string playlistName, bool autoIdling = true) { CommandPlaylistResult result = new(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistName)) { result.IsSuccess = false; return result; } MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Querying playlist info..."); playlistName = Regex.Escape(playlistName); CommandResult cm = await MpdSendCommand("listplaylistinfo \"" + playlistName + "\"", autoIdling); if (cm.IsSuccess) { MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Parsing playlist info..."); result.IsSuccess = cm.IsSuccess; result.PlaylistSongs = ParsePlaylistSongsResult(cm.ResultText); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Playlist info is updated."); } return result; } public async Task MpdQueryAlbumArt(string uri, bool isUsingReadpicture) { CommandResult f = new(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri)) { f.IsSuccess = false; return f; } BinaryDownloader hoge = new(); bool asdf = await hoge.MpdBinaryConnectionStart(MpdHost,MpdPort,MpdPassword); CommandResult b = new(); if (asdf) { b = await hoge.MpdQueryAlbumArt(uri, isUsingReadpicture); if (b.IsSuccess) { if (Application.Current == null) { return f; } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { _albumCover = hoge.AlbumCover; }); await Task.Delay(1300); //Debug.WriteLine("AlbumArt Donwloaded... "); MpdAlbumArtChanged?.Invoke(this); } else { //Debug.WriteLine("why... " + b.ErrorMessage); } } else { Debug.WriteLine("damn... "); } hoge.MpdBinaryConnectionDisconnect(); return b; } #endregion #region == Command Connection's MPD Commands with boolean result == public async Task MpdSendUpdate() { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("update", true); return result; } public async Task MpdPlaybackPlay(int volume, string songId = "") { string cmd = "play"; if (songId != "") { cmd = "playid " + songId; } if (MpdStatus.MpdVolumeIsSet) { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } else { string cmdList = "command_list_begin" + "\n"; cmdList = cmdList + cmd + "\n"; cmdList = cmdList + "setvol " + volume.ToString() + "\n"; cmdList = cmdList + "command_list_end" + "\n"; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmdList, true); return result; } } public async Task MpdPlaybackPause() { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("pause 1", true); return result; } public async Task MpdPlaybackResume(int volume) { if (MpdStatus.MpdVolumeIsSet) { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("pause 0", true); return result; } else { string cmd = "command_list_begin" + "\n"; cmd += "pause 0\n"; cmd = cmd + "setvol " + volume.ToString() + "\n"; cmd = cmd + "command_list_end" + "\n"; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } } public async Task MpdPlaybackStop() { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("stop", true); return result; } public async Task MpdPlaybackNext(int volume) { if (MpdStatus.MpdVolumeIsSet) { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("next", true); return result; } else { string cmd = "command_list_begin" + "\n"; cmd += "next\n"; cmd = cmd + "setvol " + volume.ToString() + "\n"; cmd = cmd + "command_list_end" + "\n"; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } } public async Task MpdPlaybackPrev(int volume) { if (MpdStatus.MpdVolumeIsSet) { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("previous", true); return result; } else { string cmd = "command_list_begin" + "\n"; cmd += "previous\n"; cmd = cmd + "setvol " + volume.ToString() + "\n"; cmd = cmd + "command_list_end" + "\n"; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } } public async Task MpdSetVolume(int v) { if (v == _status.MpdVolume) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = true }; return f; } CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("setvol " + v.ToString(), true); return result; } public async Task MpdPlaybackSeek(string songId, int seekTime) { if ((songId == "") || (seekTime == 0)) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = true }; return f; } CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("seekid " + songId + " " + seekTime.ToString(), true); return result; } public async Task MpdSetRepeat(bool on) { if (_status.MpdRepeat == on) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = true }; return f; } string cmd; if (on) { cmd = "repeat 1"; } else { cmd = "repeat 0"; } CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } public async Task MpdSetRandom(bool on) { if (_status.MpdRandom == on) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = true }; return f; } string cmd; if (on) { cmd = "random 1"; } else { cmd = "random 0"; } CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } public async Task MpdSetConsume(bool on) { if (_status.MpdConsume == on) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = true }; return f; } string cmd; if (on) { cmd = "consume 1"; } else { cmd = "consume 0"; } CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } public async Task MpdSetSingle(bool on) { if (_status.MpdSingle == on) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = true }; return f; } string cmd; if (on) { cmd = "single 1"; } else { cmd = "single 0"; } CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } public async Task MpdClear() { CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("clear", true); return result; } public async Task MpdSave(string playlistName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistName)) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } playlistName = Regex.Escape(playlistName); CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("save \"" + playlistName + "\"", true); return result; } public async Task MpdAdd(string uri) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri)) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } uri = Regex.Escape(uri); CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand("add \"" + uri + "\"", true); return result; } public async Task MpdAdd(List uris) { if (uris.Count < 1) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } string cmd = "command_list_begin" + "\n"; foreach (var uri in uris) { var urie = Regex.Escape(uri); cmd = cmd + "add \"" + urie + "\"\n"; } cmd = cmd + "command_list_end" + "\n"; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } public async Task MpdDeleteId(List ids) { if (ids.Count < 1) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } string cmd = "command_list_begin" + "\n"; foreach (var id in ids) { cmd = cmd + "deleteid " + id + "\n"; } cmd = cmd + "command_list_end" + "\n"; return await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); } public async Task MpdDeleteId(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } string cmd = "deleteid " + id + "\n"; return await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); } public async Task MpdMoveId(Dictionary IdToNewPosPair) { if (IdToNewPosPair == null) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } if (IdToNewPosPair.Count < 1) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } string cmd = "command_list_begin" + "\n"; foreach (KeyValuePair pair in IdToNewPosPair) { cmd = cmd + "moveid " + pair.Key + " " + pair.Value + "\n"; } cmd = cmd + "command_list_end" + "\n"; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } public async Task MpdChangePlaylist(string playlistName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistName)) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } playlistName = Regex.Escape(playlistName); string cmd = "command_list_begin" + "\n"; cmd = cmd + "clear" + "\n"; cmd = cmd + "load \"" + playlistName + "\"\n"; cmd = cmd + "command_list_end" + "\n"; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } public async Task MpdLoadPlaylist(string playlistName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistName)) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } playlistName = Regex.Escape(playlistName); string cmd = "load \"" + playlistName + "\""; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } public async Task MpdRenamePlaylist(string playlistName, string newPlaylistName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(newPlaylistName)) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } playlistName = Regex.Escape(playlistName); newPlaylistName = Regex.Escape(newPlaylistName); string cmd = "rename \"" + playlistName + "\" \"" + newPlaylistName + "\""; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } public async Task MpdRemovePlaylist(string playlistName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistName)) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } playlistName = Regex.Escape(playlistName); string cmd = "rm \"" + playlistName + "\""; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } public async Task MpdPlaylistAdd(string playlistName, List uris) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistName)) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } if (uris == null) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } if (uris.Count < 1) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } playlistName = Regex.Escape(playlistName); string cmd = "command_list_begin" + "\n"; foreach (var uri in uris) { var urie = Regex.Escape(uri); cmd = cmd + "playlistadd " + "\"" + playlistName + "\"" + " " + "\"" + urie + "\"\n"; } cmd = cmd + "command_list_end" + "\n"; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } public async Task MpdPlaylistDelete(string playlistName, int pos) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistName)) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } playlistName = Regex.Escape(playlistName); //playlistdelete {NAME} {SONGPOS} string cmd = "playlistdelete \"" + playlistName + "\"" + " " + pos.ToString(); CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } /* NOT GOOD. Multiple deletion with SONGPO causes pos to shift. public async Task MpdPlaylistDelete(string playlistName, List posList) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistName)) { CommandResult f = new CommandResult(); f.IsSuccess = false; return f; } if (posList == null) { CommandResult f = new CommandResult(); f.IsSuccess = false; return f; } if (posList.Count < 1) { CommandResult f = new CommandResult(); f.IsSuccess = false; return f; } playlistName = Regex.Escape(playlistName); string cmd = "command_list_begin" + "\n"; foreach (var pos in posList) { cmd = cmd + "playlistdelete " + "\"" + playlistName + "\"" + " " + pos.ToString() + "\n"; } cmd = cmd + "command_list_end" + "\n"; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } */ public async Task MpdPlaylistClear(string playlistName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playlistName)) { CommandResult f = new() { IsSuccess = false }; return f; } playlistName = Regex.Escape(playlistName); //playlistclear {NAME} string cmd = "playlistclear \"" + playlistName + "\""; CommandResult result = await MpdSendCommand(cmd, true); return result; } #endregion #region == Response parser methods == private Task ParseStatus(string result) { if (MpdStop) { return Task.FromResult(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) return Task.FromResult(false); if (result.Trim() == "OK") { DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, "################(Error) " + "An empty result (OK) returened for a status command." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); DebugCommandOutput?.Invoke(this, string.Format("################ Error: @{0}, Reason: {1}, Data: {2}, {3} Exception: {4} {5}", "ParseStatus", "An empty result (OK) returened for a status command.", "", Environment.NewLine, "", Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine)); Debug.WriteLine("@ParseStatus: An empty result (OK) returened for a status command."); return Task.FromResult(false); } List resultLines = result.Split('\n').ToList(); if (resultLines.Count == 0) return Task.FromResult(false); var comparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase; Dictionary MpdStatusValues = new(comparer); try { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, true); Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { _status.Reset(); foreach (string line in resultLines) { string[] StatusValuePair = line.Split(':'); if (StatusValuePair.Length > 1) { if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey(StatusValuePair[0].Trim())) { // new MpdStatusValues[StatusValuePair[0].Trim()] = line.Replace(StatusValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", ""); } else { MpdStatusValues.Add(StatusValuePair[0].Trim(), line.Replace(StatusValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", "")); } } } // Play state if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("state")) { switch (MpdStatusValues["state"]) { case "play": { _status.MpdState = Status.MpdPlayState.Play; break; } case "pause": { _status.MpdState = Status.MpdPlayState.Pause; break; } case "stop": { _status.MpdState = Status.MpdPlayState.Stop; break; } } } // Volume if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("volume")) { try { _status.MpdVolume = Int32.Parse(MpdStatusValues["volume"]); _status.MpdVolumeIsSet = true; } catch (FormatException e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } } if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("bitrate")) { try { _status.MpdBitrate = MpdStatusValues["bitrate"]; } catch (FormatException e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } } // songID _status.MpdSongID = ""; if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("songid")) { _status.MpdSongID = MpdStatusValues["songid"]; } // Repeat opt bool. if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("repeat")) { try { if (MpdStatusValues["repeat"] == "1") { _status.MpdRepeat = true; } else { _status.MpdRepeat = false; } } catch (FormatException e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } } // Random opt bool. if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("random")) { try { if (Int32.Parse(MpdStatusValues["random"]) > 0) { _status.MpdRandom = true; } else { _status.MpdRandom = false; } } catch (FormatException e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } } // Consume opt bool. if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("consume")) { try { if (Int32.Parse(MpdStatusValues["consume"]) > 0) { _status.MpdConsume = true; } else { _status.MpdConsume = false; } } catch (FormatException e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } } // Single opt bool. if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("single")) { try { if (Int32.Parse(MpdStatusValues["single"]) > 0) { _status.MpdSingle = true; } else { _status.MpdSingle = false; } } catch (FormatException e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } } // Song time. deprecated. if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("time")) { try { if (MpdStatusValues["time"].Split(':').Length > 1) { _status.MpdSongTime = Double.Parse(MpdStatusValues["time"].Split(':')[1].Trim()); _status.MpdSongElapsed = Double.Parse(MpdStatusValues["time"].Split(':')[0].Trim()); } } catch (FormatException e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } } // Song time elapsed. if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("elapsed")) { try { _status.MpdSongElapsed = Double.Parse(MpdStatusValues["elapsed"]); } catch { } } // Song duration. if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("duration")) { try { _status.MpdSongTime = Double.Parse(MpdStatusValues["duration"]); } catch { } } // Error if (MpdStatusValues.ContainsKey("error")) { _status.MpdError = MpdStatusValues["error"]; } else { _status.MpdError = ""; } // TODO: more? }); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception@ParseStatus:" + ex.Message); if (Application.Current != null) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { /*App app = App.Current as App; app.AppendErrorLog("Exception@MPC@ParseStatus", ex.Message);*/ }); } IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return Task.FromResult(false); } finally { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); } return Task.FromResult(true); } private Task ParseCurrentSong(string result) { if (MpdStop) return Task.FromResult(false); bool isEmptyResult = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) isEmptyResult = true; if (result.Trim() == "OK") isEmptyResult = true; List resultLines = result.Split('\n').ToList(); if (resultLines == null) isEmptyResult = true; if (resultLines.Count == 0) isEmptyResult = true; if (isEmptyResult) { return Task.FromResult(true); } IsBusy?.Invoke(this, true); try { var comparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase; Dictionary SongValues = new(comparer); foreach (string value in resultLines) { string[] StatusValuePair = value.Trim().Split(':'); if (StatusValuePair.Length > 1) { if (SongValues.ContainsKey(StatusValuePair[0].Trim())) { // Shouldn't be happening here except "Genre" if (StatusValuePair[0].Trim() == "Genre") { SongValues["Genre"] = SongValues["Genre"] + "/" + value.Replace(StatusValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", ""); } } else { SongValues.Add(StatusValuePair[0].Trim(), value.Replace(StatusValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", "")); } } } if ((SongValues.Count > 0) && SongValues.ContainsKey("Id")) { SongInfoEx sng = FillSongInfoEx(SongValues, -1); if (sng != null) { if (_currentSong.Id != sng.Id) _currentSong = sng; } SongValues.Clear(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Error@ParseCurrentSong: " + ex.Message); if (Application.Current != null) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { /*App app = App.Current as App; app.AppendErrorLog("Exception@MPC@ParseCurrentSong", ex.Message);*/ }); } return Task.FromResult(false); } finally { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); } return Task.FromResult(true); } private Task ParsePlaylistInfo(string result) { if (MpdStop) return Task.FromResult(false); bool isEmptyResult = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) isEmptyResult = true; if (result.Trim() == "OK") isEmptyResult = true; List resultLines = result.Split('\n').ToList(); if (resultLines == null) isEmptyResult = true; if (resultLines.Count == 0) isEmptyResult = true; if (isEmptyResult) { if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { CurrentQueue.Clear(); }); return Task.FromResult(true); } // aka Queue /* file: Creedence Clearwater Revival/Chronicle, Vol. 1/11 Who'll Stop the Rain.mp3 Last-Modified: 2011-08-03T16:08:06Z Artist: Creedence Clearwater Revival AlbumArtist: Creedence Clearwater Revival Title: Who'll Stop the Rain Album: Chronicle, Vol. 1 Track: 11 Date: 1976 Genre: Rock Composer: John Fogerty Time: 149 duration: 149.149 Pos: 5 Id: 22637 */ /* try { resultLines.Clear(); resultLines.Add("file: Slamhaus/Slamwave/06 The Trial.flac"); resultLines.Add("Last-Modified: 2021-05-27T19:20:50Z"); resultLines.Add("Title: The Trial"); resultLines.Add("Artist: Slamhaus"); resultLines.Add("Date: 2021"); resultLines.Add("Comment: Visit"); resultLines.Add("Album: Slamwave"); resultLines.Add("Track: 6"); resultLines.Add("AlbumArtist: Slamhaus"); resultLines.Add("Time: 340"); resultLines.Add("duration: 339.504"); resultLines.Add("Pos: 5"); resultLines.Add("Id: 1438"); resultLines.Add("file: Harris Heller/Synthwave/Sunset/01 - Zig the Zag.flac"); resultLines.Add("Last-Modified: 2021-06-03T16:52:10Z"); resultLines.Add("Album: Sunset"); resultLines.Add("AlbumArtist: Harris Heller"); resultLines.Add("Artist: Harris Heller"); resultLines.Add("Date: 2021-03-05"); resultLines.Add("Disc: 1"); resultLines.Add("Genre: Electro"); resultLines.Add("Genre: Dance"); resultLines.Add("Title: Zig the Zag"); resultLines.Add("Track: 1"); resultLines.Add("Time: 126"); resultLines.Add("duration: 126.250"); resultLines.Add("Pos: 6"); resultLines.Add("Id: 1439"); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Error@ParsePlaylistInfo: " + ex.Message); } */ try { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, true); ObservableCollection tmpQueue = new(); /* if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { CurrentQueue.Clear(); }); */ var comparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase; Dictionary SongValues = new(comparer); int i = 0; foreach (string value in resultLines) { string[] StatusValuePair = value.Trim().Split(':'); if (StatusValuePair.Length > 1) { if (SongValues.ContainsKey(StatusValuePair[0].Trim())) { if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Id")) { SongInfoEx sng = FillSongInfoEx(SongValues, i); if (sng != null) { /* if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { CurrentQueue.Add(sng); }); */ //CurrentQueue.Add(sng); tmpQueue.Add(sng); i++; MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, string.Format("[Background] Parsing queue item... ({0})", i)); SongValues.Clear(); } } /* if (!SongValues.ContainsKey(StatusValuePair[0].Trim())) { SongValues.Add(StatusValuePair[0].Trim(), value.Replace(StatusValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", "")); } else { if (StatusValuePair[0].Trim() == "Genre") { SongValues["Genre"] = SongValues["Genre"] + "/" + value.Replace(StatusValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", ""); } } */ } if (!SongValues.ContainsKey(StatusValuePair[0].Trim())) { SongValues.Add(StatusValuePair[0].Trim(), value.Replace(StatusValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", "")); } else { if (StatusValuePair[0].Trim() == "Genre") { SongValues["Genre"] = SongValues["Genre"] + "/" + value.Replace(StatusValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", ""); } } } } if ((SongValues.Count > 0) && SongValues.ContainsKey("Id")) { SongInfoEx sng = FillSongInfoEx(SongValues, i); if (sng != null) { SongValues.Clear(); /* if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { CurrentQueue.Add(sng); }); */ //CurrentQueue.Add(sng); tmpQueue.Add(sng); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, string.Format("[Background] Parsing queue item... ({0})", i+1)); } } // test MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Updating internal queue list..."); if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { //CurrentQueue.Clear(); //_queue = tmpQueue; _queue = new ObservableCollection(tmpQueue); }); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Internal queue list is updated."); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Exception@ParsePlaylistInfo: " + ex.Message); if (Application.Current != null) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { /*App app = App.Current as App; app.AppendErrorLog("Exception@MPC@ParsePlaylistInfo", ex.Message);*/ }); } return Task.FromResult(false); } finally { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); } return Task.FromResult(true); } private SongInfoEx FillSongInfoEx(Dictionary SongValues, int i) { try { SongInfoEx sng = new(); if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Id")) { sng.Id = SongValues["Id"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Title")) { sng.Title = SongValues["Title"]; } else { sng.Title = ""; if (SongValues.ContainsKey("file")) { sng.Title = Path.GetFileName(SongValues["file"]); } } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Artist")) { sng.Artist = SongValues["Artist"]; } else { if (SongValues.ContainsKey("AlbumArtist")) { // TODO: Should I? sng.Artist = SongValues["AlbumArtist"]; } else { sng.Artist = ""; } } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Last-Modified")) { sng.LastModified = SongValues["Last-Modified"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("AlbumArtist")) { sng.AlbumArtist = SongValues["AlbumArtist"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Album")) { sng.Album = SongValues["Album"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Track")) { sng.Track = SongValues["Track"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Disc")) { sng.Disc = SongValues["Disc"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Date")) { sng.Date = SongValues["Date"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Genre")) { sng.Genre = SongValues["Genre"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Composer")) { sng.Composer = SongValues["Composer"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Time")) { sng.Time = SongValues["Time"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("duration")) { sng.Time = SongValues["duration"]; sng.Duration = SongValues["duration"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Pos")) { sng.Pos = SongValues["Pos"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("file")) { sng.File = SongValues["file"]; } // for sorting. sng.Index = i; /* if (i < 0) { // -1 means we are not parsing queue but parsing currentsong. { /*App app = App.Current as App; app.AppendErrorLog("Exception@MPC@FillSongInfoEx", e.Message);*/ }); } return null; } } private Task ParsePlaylists(string result) { bool isEmptyResult = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) isEmptyResult = true; List resultLines = result.Split('\n').ToList(); if (resultLines.Count == 0) isEmptyResult = true; if (isEmptyResult) { if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Playlists.Clear(); }); return Task.FromResult(true); } try { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, true); ObservableCollection tmpPlaylists = new(); Playlist pl = null; foreach (string value in resultLines) { if (value.StartsWith("playlist:")) { pl = new Playlist { Name = value.Replace("playlist: ", "") }; tmpPlaylists.Add(pl); } else if (value.StartsWith("Last-Modified: ")) { if (pl != null) pl.LastModified = value.Replace("Last-Modified: ", ""); } else if (value.StartsWith("OK")) { // Ignoring. } } if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { _playlists = new ObservableCollection(tmpPlaylists); }); /* if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Playlists.Clear(); // Tmp list for sorting. //List slTmp = new List(); Playlist pl = null; foreach (string value in resultLines) { if (value.StartsWith("playlist:")) { pl = new Playlist { Name = value.Replace("playlist: ", "") }; Playlists.Add(pl); } else if (value.StartsWith("Last-Modified: ")) { if (pl != null) pl.LastModified = value.Replace("Last-Modified: ", ""); } else if (value.StartsWith("OK")) { // Ignoring. } } }); */ } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Error@ParsePlaylists: " + e.ToString()); if (Application.Current != null) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { /*App app = App.Current as App; app.AppendErrorLog("Exception@MPC@ParsePlaylists", e.Message);*/ }); } IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return Task.FromResult(false); } finally { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); } return Task.FromResult(true); } private Task ParseListAll(string result) { if (MpdStop) return Task.FromResult(false); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) return Task.FromResult(false); List resultLines = result.Split('\n').ToList(); if (resultLines.Count == 0) return Task.FromResult(false); try { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, true); if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { LocalFiles.Clear(); LocalDirectories.Clear(); }); SongFile song = null; int i = 0; foreach (string value in resultLines) { if (value.StartsWith("directory:")) { if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { LocalDirectories.Add(value.Replace("directory: ", "")); }); //LocalDirectories.Add(value.Replace("directory: ", "")); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, string.Format("[Background] Parsing files and directories ({0})...", i)); } else if (value.StartsWith("file:")) { song = new SongFile { File = value.Replace("file: ", "") }; if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { LocalFiles.Add(song); }); //LocalFiles.Add(song); i++; MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, string.Format("[Background] Parsing files and directories ({0})...", i)); } else if ((value.StartsWith("OK"))) { // Ignoring. } else { //Debug.WriteLine(value); } } MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Parsing files and directories is done."); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine("Error@ParseListAll: " + e.ToString()); if (Application.Current != null) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { /*App app = App.Current as App; app.AppendErrorLog("Exception@MPC@ParseListAll", e.Message);*/ }); } IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return Task.FromResult(false); ; } finally { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); } return Task.FromResult(true); ; } private Task ParseSearchResult(string result) { if (MpdStop) return Task.FromResult(false); if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false); } Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { SearchResult.Clear(); }); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) return Task.FromResult(false); //if (result.Trim() == "OK") return true; List resultLines = result.Split('\n').ToList(); if (resultLines == null) return Task.FromResult(true); if (resultLines.Count == 0) return Task.FromResult(true); // "listplaylist" .. songs containd in a playlist. /* file: Nina Simone/Cellular Soundtrack/Sinnerman (remix).mp3 Last-Modified: 2020-09-07T22:56:19Z Artist: Nina Simone Album: Cellular Soundtrack Title: Sinnerman (remix) Genre: Soundtrack Time: 274 duration: 274.364 */ // "find" search result /* file: 2Pac/Better Dayz/17 Better Dayz (Feat. Mr. Biggs).mp3 Last-Modified: 2011-02-27T14:20:18Z Format: 44100:f:2 Time: 258 duration: 257.677 Artist: 2Pac Album: Better Dayz Title: Better Dayz (Feat. Mr. Biggs) Track: 17 Genre: Rap Date: 2002 */ try { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, true); var comparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase; Dictionary SongValues = new(comparer); int i = 0; foreach (string line in resultLines) { string[] ValuePair = line.Split(':'); if (ValuePair.Length > 1) { if (SongValues.ContainsKey(ValuePair[0].Trim())) { // Contains means new one. // save old one and clear songvalues. if (SongValues.ContainsKey("file")) { SongInfo sng = FillSongInfo(SongValues, i); i++; SongValues.Clear(); if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false);} Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { SearchResult.Add(sng); }); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, string.Format("[Background] Parsing search result item... ({0})", i)); } // start over //SongValues.Add(ValuePair[0].Trim(), line.Replace(ValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", "")); } /* else { SongValues.Add(ValuePair[0].Trim(), line.Replace(ValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", "")); } */ if (!SongValues.ContainsKey(ValuePair[0].Trim())) { SongValues.Add(ValuePair[0].Trim(), line.Replace(ValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", "")); } else { if (ValuePair[0].Trim() == "Genre") { SongValues["Genre"] = SongValues["Genre"] + "/" + line.Replace(ValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", ""); } } } } // last one if ((SongValues.Count > 0) && SongValues.ContainsKey("file")) { SongInfo sng = FillSongInfo(SongValues, i); SongValues.Clear(); if (Application.Current == null) { return Task.FromResult(false);} Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { SearchResult.Add(sng); }); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, string.Format("[Background] Parsing search result item... ({0})", i+1)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Error@ParseSearchResult: " + ex.Message); if (Application.Current != null) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { /*App app = App.Current as App; app.AppendErrorLog("Exception@MPC@ParseSearchResult", ex.Message);*/ }); } IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); return Task.FromResult(false); } finally { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, "[Background] Search result loaded."); } return Task.FromResult(true); } private ObservableCollection ParsePlaylistSongsResult(string result) { ObservableCollection songList = new(); if (MpdStop) return songList; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) return songList; if (result.Trim() == "OK") return songList; List resultLines = result.Split('\n').ToList(); if (resultLines == null) return songList; if (resultLines.Count == 0) return songList; // "listplaylist" .. songs containd in a playlist. /* file: Nina Simone/Cellular Soundtrack/Sinnerman (remix).mp3 Last-Modified: 2020-09-07T22:56:19Z Artist: Nina Simone Album: Cellular Soundtrack Title: Sinnerman (remix) Genre: Soundtrack Time: 274 duration: 274.364 */ // "find" search result /* file: 2Pac/Better Dayz/17 Better Dayz (Feat. Mr. Biggs).mp3 Last-Modified: 2011-02-27T14:20:18Z Format: 44100:f:2 Time: 258 duration: 257.677 Artist: 2Pac Album: Better Dayz Title: Better Dayz (Feat. Mr. Biggs) Track: 17 Genre: Rap Date: 2002 */ try { var comparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase; Dictionary SongValues = new(comparer); int i = 0; foreach (string line in resultLines) { string[] ValuePair = line.Split(':'); if (ValuePair.Length > 1) { if (SongValues.ContainsKey(ValuePair[0].Trim())) { // Contains means new one. // save old one and clear songvalues. if (SongValues.ContainsKey("file")) { SongInfo sng = FillSongInfo(SongValues, i); i++; SongValues.Clear(); //if (Application.Current == null) { return songList; } //Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => //{ songList.Add(sng); //}); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, string.Format("[Background] Parsing playlist item... ({0})", i)); } // start over //SongValues.Add(ValuePair[0].Trim(), line.Replace(ValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", "")); } /* else { SongValues.Add(ValuePair[0].Trim(), line.Replace(ValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", "")); } */ if (!SongValues.ContainsKey(ValuePair[0].Trim())) { SongValues.Add(ValuePair[0].Trim(), line.Replace(ValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", "")); } else { if (ValuePair[0].Trim() == "Genre") { SongValues["Genre"] = SongValues["Genre"] + "/" + line.Replace(ValuePair[0].Trim() + ": ", ""); } } } } // last one if ((SongValues.Count > 0) && SongValues.ContainsKey("file")) { SongInfo sng = FillSongInfo(SongValues, i); SongValues.Clear(); //if (Application.Current == null) { return songList; } //Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => //{ songList.Add(sng); //}); MpcProgress?.Invoke(this, string.Format("[Background] Parsing playlist item... ({0})", i+1)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Error@ParsePlaylistSongsResult: " + ex.Message); if (Application.Current != null) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { /*App app = App.Current as App; app.AppendErrorLog("Exception@MPC@ParsePlaylistSongsResult", ex.Message);*/ }); } return songList; } return songList; } private static SongInfo FillSongInfo(Dictionary SongValues, int i) { SongInfo sng = new(); if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Title")) { sng.Title = SongValues["Title"]; } else { sng.Title = ""; if (SongValues.ContainsKey("file")) { sng.Title = Path.GetFileName(SongValues["file"]); } } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Artist")) { sng.Artist = SongValues["Artist"]; } else { if (SongValues.ContainsKey("AlbumArtist")) { // TODO: Should I? sng.Artist = SongValues["AlbumArtist"]; } else { sng.Artist = ""; } } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Last-Modified")) { sng.LastModified = SongValues["Last-Modified"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("AlbumArtist")) { sng.AlbumArtist = SongValues["AlbumArtist"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Album")) { sng.Album = SongValues["Album"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Track")) { sng.Track = SongValues["Track"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Disc")) { sng.Disc = SongValues["Disc"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Date")) { sng.Date = SongValues["Date"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Genre")) { sng.Genre = SongValues["Genre"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Composer")) { sng.Composer = SongValues["Composer"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("Time")) { sng.Time = SongValues["Time"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("duration")) { sng.Time = SongValues["duration"]; sng.Duration = SongValues["duration"]; } if (SongValues.ContainsKey("file")) { sng.File = SongValues["file"]; } // for sorting. (and playlist pos) sng.Index = i; return sng; } #endregion public void MpdDisconnect() { try { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, true); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting; if (_commandConnection.Client != null) _commandConnection.Client.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); _commandConnection.Close(); } catch { } finally { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser; } try { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, true); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.Disconnecting; if (_idleConnection.Client != null) _idleConnection.Client.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); _idleConnection.Close(); } catch { } finally { IsBusy?.Invoke(this, false); ConnectionState = ConnectionStatus.DisconnectedByUser; } } } }