using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using MpcNET; using MpcNET.Commands.Database; using MpcNET.Commands.Playback; using MpcNET.Commands.Queue; using MpcNET.Commands.Reflection; using MpcNET.Tags; using MpcNET.Types; using MpcNET.Types.Filters; namespace unison { class ShuffleHandler { private readonly MPDHandler _mpd; public int AddedSongs = 0; public List SongList { get; } public ShuffleHandler() { SongList = new(); _mpd = (MPDHandler)Application.Current.Properties["mpd"]; } public async Task GetSongsFromFilter(List filter, CancellationToken token) { if (token.IsCancellationRequested) return; SongList.Clear(); int song = _mpd.GetStats().Songs; Debug.WriteLine("before search command / song == " + song); IEnumerable response = await _mpd.SafelySendCommandAsync(new SearchCommand(filter, 0, song + 1)); Debug.WriteLine("got response => " + response.Count()); foreach (IMpdFile file in response) { SongList.Add(file.Path); } } public async Task AddToQueueRandom(int SongNumber, CancellationToken token) { Debug.WriteLine("Add To Queue Random"); if (token.IsCancellationRequested) return; int AddedSongs = 0; Debug.WriteLine("song to add => " + SongNumber); var commandList = new CommandList(); int songTotal = _mpd.GetStats().Songs; for (int i = 0; i < SongNumber; i++) { int song = new Random().Next(0, songTotal - 1); commandList.Add(new SearchAddCommand(new FilterTag(MpdTags.Title, "", FilterOperator.Contains), song, song + 1)); AddedSongs++; // play if stopped or unknown state (no queue managing at the moment, so mandatory) if (i == 0 && (_mpd.GetStatus().State != MpdState.Play && _mpd.GetStatus().State != MpdState.Pause)) commandList.Add(new PlayCommand(0)); } await _mpd.SafelySendCommandAsync(commandList); Debug.WriteLine("Add To Queue Random - finished with " + AddedSongs + " songs"); } public async Task AddToQueueFilter(int SongNumber, CancellationToken token) { Debug.WriteLine("Add To Queue Filter - start"); if (token.IsCancellationRequested) return; int AddedSongs = 0; Debug.WriteLine("song to add => " + SongNumber); // more (or equal) requested songs than available => add everything if (SongNumber >= SongList.Count) { Trace.WriteLine("more requested songs than available => add everything"); var commandList = new CommandList(); foreach (string path in SongList) { commandList.Add(new AddCommand(path)); AddedSongs++; } await _mpd.SafelySendCommandAsync(commandList); } // more available songs than requested => // we add unique indexes until we reach the requested amount else { Trace.WriteLine("more available songs than requested"); HashSet SongIndex = new(); while (SongIndex.Count < SongNumber) { int MaxIndex = new Random().Next(0, SongList.Count - 1); SongIndex.Add(MaxIndex); } var commandList = new CommandList(); foreach (int index in SongIndex) { commandList.Add(new AddCommand(SongList[index])); AddedSongs++; } await _mpd.SafelySendCommandAsync(commandList); } Debug.WriteLine("Add To Queue Filter - finished"); } } }