# unison ![Main window](Screenshots/screen1.png) **unison** is a very simple [Music Player Daemon (MPD)](https://www.musicpd.org/) daemon client with the following goals: * lightweight window that can be toggled with shortcuts * music control through rebindable shortcuts * [Snapcast](https://github.com/badaix/snapcast) integration * Radio stations ## Features ### Window By default, unison works as a daemon in the taskbar system tray. You can display the main window when needed at any time with a shortcut. ![Systray](Screenshots/screen2.png) ### Shortcuts You can control your music at anytime with the shortcuts. They are usable system-wide, even if the window is not visible. They are of course fully rebindable. ![Settings => shortcuts](Screenshots/screen3.png) ### Snapcast Embedding a Snapcast client allows to listen to music on multiple devices. For example, if you music is on a distant server connected to speakers in your living room, you can still listen to it on your computer running unison with this integrated client. ### Radio stations Through [Radio-Browser](https://www.radio-browser.info), a community database, you can play radio streams directly from unison. There are more than 28,000 stations recorded on this service, so it is a nice way to discover new music and cultures. ![Radio stations](Screenshots/screen4.png) ## Planned features * A complete shuffle system based on set criteria, aka a smart playlist. * Playlist, queue and library management. I use other software to do it, but I will implement them at some point. ## Translations unison is translated in English, French and Spanish. You can contribute if you want!