$(document).ready(function() {
/****** CONFIGURATION ***********/
var max_questions = 15;
var max_chrono = 5;
var max_wait = 2;
var max_infinite_errors = 5;
/****** General variables ******/
var score = 0;
var questions = 0;
var good_answers = 0;
var bad_answers = 0;
var chrono = max_chrono;
var infinite = false; // type of game
var whole_set = false; // type of game
var image_name; // preload
var image_memory; // preload
var gen_list = new Array();
var previous_pokemon = new Array();
/****** Generations ******/
var G1 = [1, 151];
var G2 = [152, 251];
var G3 = [252, 386];
var G4 = [387, 493];
var G5 = [494, 649];
var G6 = [650, 721];
var G7 = [722, 809];
var G8 = [810, 905];
var MEGA = [906, 955];
var GIGA = [956, 987];
var REG = [988, 1040];
/************ UTIL *************/
function random(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);
function shuffleArray(array) {
for (var i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
var temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
return array;
function findInArray(array, elem, size) {
for (var j = 0; j < array.length; j++) {
if (array[j] === elem)
return true;
return false;
/************ GAME *************/
// loading json file
var json = $.getJSON('pokemon.json', function(pk) {
var pklist = pk;
var pokemon_generation_list = new Array();
// starting the game for the first time and creating the layout
function firstGame() {
$('article #game').fadeToggle('quick', function() {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', funcListener);
$('article #container').append('
$('article #container #score').append('');
max_chrono = $('article select.time option:selected').attr('id');
max_questions = $('article select.questions option:selected').attr('id');
if (max_questions == "infinite") infinite = true;
if (max_questions == "set") {
whole_set = true;
// set max_questions depending on generation
// if it's not all generation, we check list of available pokemons
if (pokemon_generation_list.length > 0)
max_questions = pokemon_generation_list.length;
else // else, it's all the generation, from the first one to the gigantamax forms
max_questions = GIGA[1] - 1;
// allows to start the game when pressing enter
document.addEventListener('keydown', funcListener = function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 13) // press enter
// start the game when clicking on start game
$('article #container .button input.start').click(function() {
function generations() {
// create the list of the different generations
function createGenerationList(name) {
if ( $('article input[name="'+name+'"]').is(':checked') )
gen_list[gen_list.length] = name;
// create the list of all possible pokemons for selected options
function generatePokemonList() {
function evaluateByGeneration(index, name, variable) {
if (gen_list[index] == name) {
for (j = (variable[0] - 1); j <= (variable[1] - 1); j++)
pokemon_generation_list[pokemon_generation_list.length] = j;
if (gen_list.length > 0) {
for (i in gen_list) {
evaluateByGeneration(i, "1g", G1); evaluateByGeneration(i, "2g", G2); evaluateByGeneration(i, "3g", G3);
evaluateByGeneration(i, "4g", G4); evaluateByGeneration(i, "5g", G5); evaluateByGeneration(i, "6g", G6);
evaluateByGeneration(i, "7g", G7); evaluateByGeneration(i, "8g", G8);
evaluateByGeneration(i, "mega", MEGA); evaluateByGeneration(i, "regional", REG); evaluateByGeneration(i, "gigantamax", GIGA);
// we parse the list of generation, then check if there are other forms
if ( $('article input[name="gen"]:checked').attr('id') === "all" )
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
createGenerationList((i + "g"));
// multiple artworks
function imageType(result) {
var four_types = [351, 386, 585, 586, 676, 741, 800];
var three_types = [249, 250, 384, 412, 413, 718, 745, 898];
var two_types = [251, 252, 255, 258, 374, 387, 390, 393, 421, 422, 423, 487, 492, 495, 498, 501, 521, 550, 555,
592, 593, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 647, 648, 668, 678, 681, 720, 746, 774, 791, 792, 802, 849,
876, 877, 888, 889, 892, 905, "G892"];
function randomizer() {
if (result >= MEGA[0]) return (pklist.mn[result-1]["num"])
if (result === 25) return (result+'-'+random(0, 16));
if (result === 666) return (result+'-'+random(0, 20));
if (result === 646) return (result+'-'+random(0, 6));
if (result === 479) return (result+'-'+random(0, 5));
for (i in four_types) {
if (four_types[i] == result) return (result+'-'+random(0, 3));
for (i in three_types) {
if (three_types[i] == result) return (result+'-'+random(0, 2));
for (i in two_types) {
if (two_types[i] == result) return (result+'-'+random(0, 1));
if (result > 151) return result;
if ((tmp = random(0, 2)) == 0) return result;
else if (tmp == 1) return (result+'RB');
else return (result+'RG');
image_name = randomizer(result+1);
image_memory = new Image();
image_memory.src = 'pokemon/' + image_name + '.png';
return image_name;
function recursiveOptions(options, lang) {
// if it's not all generation, we check list of available pokemons
if (pokemon_generation_list.length > 0)
tmp = pokemon_generation_list[random(0, pokemon_generation_list.length - 1)];
else // else, it's all the generation, from the first one to the gigantamax forms
tmp = random(0, GIGA[1] - 1);
// checking if it's already there, if it is, recursion
if (!findInArray(options, pklist.mn[tmp][lang]))
return pklist.mn[tmp][lang];
return recursiveOptions(options, lang);
// choosing the four options
function chooseOptions(result, lang) {
options = new Array();
options[0] = pklist.mn[result][lang];
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++)
options[i] = recursiveOptions(options, lang);
options = shuffleArray(options);
// avoid repetition of the same pokemon in a short lapse of time
function checkPreviousPokemon(pkmn) {
if (!whole_set) { // if it's not the whole set, we have to delete some older occurrences
if (pokemon_generation_list.length > 0) {
if (previous_pokemon.length + 6 > pokemon_generation_list.length)
previous_pokemon.splice(0, 6);
else {
if (previous_pokemon.length + 6 > GIGA[1] - 1)
previous_pokemon.splice(0, 6);
return findInArray(previous_pokemon, pkmn);
function choosePokemon() {
// if it's not all generation, we check list of available pokemons
if (pokemon_generation_list.length > 0)
result = pokemon_generation_list[random(0, pokemon_generation_list.length - 1)];
else // else, it's all the generation, from the first one to the gigantamax forms
result = random(0, GIGA[1] - 1);
lang = $('article select.lang option:selected').attr('id');
silhouette = $('article input[name="silhouette"]:checked').attr('id');
answer = pklist.mn[result][lang];
if (checkPreviousPokemon(answer)) { // if it's already been selected within a short lapse of time
if (whole_set && questions == max_questions) { } // makes the last question of whole set work
else choosePokemon(); // recursive call
} else {
previous_pokemon[previous_pokemon.length] = answer;
chooseOptions(result, lang);
imageType(result + 1);
function game() {
chrono = max_chrono;
$('article #container').addClass('game_active');
$('article #container #share').empty();
$('article #container #seed').empty();
$('article #container #copyseed').empty();
$('article #container .chrono').empty().append(chrono);
$('article #container .whois').empty().append("Who's that Pokémon? " + (!infinite? " ("+questions+"/"+max_questions+")" : ""));
$('article #container .pokemon').empty().append('');
$('article #container #answers').empty().append('')
$('article #container #answers').append('')
$('article #container #answers').append('')
$('article #container #answers').append('')
// timer setting
var clock = setInterval(function() {
if (chrono === 0) {
showAnswer(false); // timer has ended, so it's a bad answer
$('article #container .chrono').empty().append(chrono);
}, 10000000);
// checking if the answer is good or not
$('article .option').click(function() {
($(this).attr('value') == answer) ? showAnswer(true) : showAnswer(false);
document.addEventListener('keydown', funcListener = function(event) {
function checkAnswer(v) {
($('#answers input.a'+v).attr('value') == answer) ? showAnswer(true) : showAnswer(false);
if (event.keyCode == 49 || event.keyCode == 72) checkAnswer(1);
else if (event.keyCode == 50 || event.keyCode == 74) checkAnswer(2);
else if (event.keyCode == 51 || event.keyCode == 75) checkAnswer(3);
else if (event.keyCode == 52 || event.keyCode == 76) checkAnswer(4);
function showAnswer(ok) {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', funcListener);
$('article .pokemon img').removeClass('silhouette');
if (ok) {
$('article #answers').empty().append("