<p>Hi! My name is <ahref="https://theo.marchal.dev/">Théo</a> and I'm a game developer. I love Pokémon, but it has been getting hard to remember all those names, even though I always complete the Pokédex in my games!</p>
This website has been developed in <strong>JavaScript</strong> using the <strong>jQuery</strong> library.<br/>
It uses the <ahref="https://srobbin.com/jquery-plugins/backstretch/">Backstretch plugin</a> to have a neat background image, and the <ahref="https://github.com/alexanderdickson/waitForImages">waitForImages plugin</a>.<br/>
All of those components are licensed under the MIT license, as is the website source code, which is <ahref="https://git.n700.ovh/keb/poketest">available here</a>.<br/>
This website is <strong>HTML5</strong> and <strong>CSS3</strong> compliant.
<p>The game currently supports all of the languages available in the main games. If your language is not on the list, it probably uses the English names! I will not support other languages by myself, but you can always contribute by making a pull request!</p>
<p>The Pokémon names, the associated artworks and the Pokémon licence is trademarked by <strong>Nintendo</strong> and <strong>The Pokémon Company</strong>, 1996 - 2022.<br/>
All the Pokémon artworks were taken from <ahref="https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Main_Page">Bulbapedia</a>, that I'd like to thank for their huge work for the Pokémon community.</p>