# Te-Form (3) - give & receive Extends the common forms of あげる, くれる, and もらう, but what is received or given is now a verb, instead of a noun. ## てあげる Expresses that someone is doing or did something for someone else. The person that received the favor is followed by the に particle. Only for **verbs**. > [!info] Example > 母にケーキを買==ってあげた==。 > I bought a cake for my mother. > For casual language, ==てやる== can be used. ## てくれる Used to ask a favor from someone or to say that something was done to the speaker. The person that received the favor (usually oneself and thus omitted) is followed by the に particle. Only for **verbs**. > [!info] Example > {友達|とも|だち}がギターを{教|おし}え==てくれる==。 > My friend will teach me the guitar. ### てくれてありがとう This form expresses gratitude for something that benefited the speaker. It is not used for something expected. Only for **verbs**. > [!info] Example > 今日来==てくれてありがとう==! > Thank you for coming today! ## てもらう This form expresses gratitude for a favor that the recipient generally requested for, or where gratitude is the focus. Only for **verbs**. > [!info] Example > {友達|とも|だち}が手伝==ってもらった==。 > My friend helped me (and I owe him / because I asked him and I am grateful) ## てくれない・てもらえない Used as a mean to ask for a favor like "would you, could you?". Used in a similar form to じゃないか. Only for **verbs**. > [!info] Example > {電気|でん|き}をつけ==てもらえない==か。 > Could you please turn on the lights? > > 電気をつけ==ないでもらえない==か。 > Could you please turn off the light?