First version

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Théo Marchal 2024-04-01 17:33:14 +02:00
parent 8e6b381231
commit f21e49bb9b
4 changed files with 126 additions and 2 deletions

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# convert-furigana
# convert-furigana
Convert obsidian furigana extension syntax to default Markdown syntax
## What is it?
There are a few extensions that add [furigana]( support to Markdown. I use [Obsidian](, and therefore its furigana extension: [obsidian-markdown-furigana]( It works well, but by nature is limited by being used within Obsidian.
For that purpose, this python script converts this specific syntax to common, all-platforms HTML ruby tags.
## Process
This specific extension syntax is as following:
When processed by this script, the result is:
Which leads visually from, by default markdown standards:
> {漢字|かんじ}
> {漢字|かん|じ}
to common HTML ruby syntax:
> <ruby>漢字<rt>かんじ</rt></ruby>
> <ruby><rt>かん</rt><rt></rt></ruby>
## Limitations
This has been made for my personal use, which is only kanjis with kanas as furigana. The regexp used do not recognize other inputs. But you can modify them easily for your use if needed.
## Usage
Usage: `python3 [root folder]`
Note: Please be careful, this software applies modifications recursively!

examples/ Normal file
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### によるN
* テレビによる{報道|ほうどう}
* この{地震|じ|しん}による{津波|つ|なみ}の{心配|しんぱい}はありません。

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## ふりがなテスト

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import sys
import os
from glob import glob
import re
### Patterns ###
re_brace = '{(.+?)}'
re_kanji = '([㐀-䶵一-鿋豈-頻]+)'
re_kana = '([ぁ-ゟ゠-ヿ]+)'
### Open file ###
def open_file(filename):
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as file:
filedata =
return filedata
### Replace ###
def write_ruby_simple(kanji, kana):
return f"<ruby>{kanji}<rt>{kana}</rt></ruby>"
def write_ruby_multiple(kanji, kanas):
result = f"<ruby>"
for idx, kana in enumerate(kanas):
result += f"{kanji[idx]}"
result += f"<rt>{kana}</rt>"
result += f"</ruby>"
return result
def convert_to_ruby(content):
kanji =,
kana = re.findall(re_kana,
if (len(kana) == 1):
return write_ruby_simple(, kana[0])
return write_ruby_multiple(, kana)
def convert_pattern(text):
res_text = re.sub(re_brace, convert_to_ruby, text)
return res_text
### Write to file ###
def write_file(filename, text):
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8-sig') as file:
### Execution ###
file_list = []
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
path = sys.argv[1]
for filename in glob(path + "/**/*.md", recursive=True):
if (os.path.isfile(filename)):
print(f"Usage: python3 {sys.argv[0]} [root folder]")
print(f"Note: Please be careful, this software applies modifications recursively!")
for filename in file_list:
print(f"Found file {filename}, processing...", end='')
data = open_file(filename)
text = convert_pattern(data)
write_file(filename, text)
print(f" done!")