# Observation - Tendency & feelings ## がる・がっている



+ がる ・ がっている

This transforms adjective into verbs, and means "to show signs of", "to appear like". Can be conjugated: がっている means to currently show signs, がていた means to have shown signs. > [!info] Example > {彼女|かのじょ}は虫を{怖|ごわ}==がる==。 > She seems afraid of insects. ## がり



+ がり

Expresses a personality trait (tendency to, sensitivity towards). > [!info] Example > {彼|かれ}はを{怖|ごわ}==がり==。 > He has a tendency of being scared. ## がち

V ます


+ がち

Used to describe a tendency, something that happens often. Usually used for something negative. > [!info] Example > ドイツの{電車|でんしゃ}は{遅|おく}れ==がち==。 > Trains in Germany tend to be late. ## とみえる・とみえて



な-Adj + だ

N + だ

+ と見える・とみえて

Means "it seems that". Used for something that the speaker concludes, being reasonably confident. > [!info] Example > {通|とお}りにはゴミがない。{清掃車|せいそうしゃ}が{通|とお}り{過|す}ぎた==と見える==。 > There's no garbage in the streets. It seems the garbage truck has passed by. ## ような気がする

V + ような

い-Adj + ような

な-Adj + な

N + のような

+ 気がする

ような{気|き}がする means "have a feeling". Has a degree of uncertainty. See also [[Description#がする]]. > [!info] Example > {今年|ことし}は{恋人|こいびと}を{見|み}つかる==ような気がする==。 > I have a feeling I will find a lover this year.