# Amounts of quantification ## 以 prefix {以上|い|じょう} means "above", "exceeding". {以下|い|か} means "below", "not exceeding". {以外|い|がい} means "excepting". {以内|い|ない} means "within". Used with nouns. > [!info] Example > 1{時間|じかん}==以内=={終|お}わります。 > It will be finished within an hour. ## せいぜい Means "at the most". Used before a noun of time or a verb. > [!info] Example > ==せいぜい=={頑張|がんば}ります。 > I'll do my best. > > この木は==せいぜい==3{年|ねん}です。 > This tree is at most 3 years old. ## さらに {更|さら}に means "even more", "more and more", "in addition to". Used with time, quantity, etc. > [!info] Example > {新|あたら}しい{仕事|しごと}を{始|はじめ}めて==さらに==うれしいになりました。 > I've become even happier with my new job. ## 別に~ない {別|べつ}に means "not really", "not particularly". Used with words in negative form. > [!info] Example > どうしてエアコンを{付|つ}きましたか。{今|いま}は==別に=={暑|あつ}==くない==よ。 > Why did you turn on the AC? It's not that hot right now. ## No matter how ### どんなに~ても

どんなに +

V (て)

い-Adj くても

な-Adj + でも

N + でも

Means "no matter how much". Also used as いくら~ても. > [!info] Example > ==どんなに=={練習|れんしゅう}し==ても==、マラソンを{走|はし}れない。 > No matter how much I train, I cannot run a marathon. ### どうしても Means "no matter what". > [!info] Example > ==どうしても=={花火|はなび}に行きたい。 > No matter what, I want to go see the fireworks. ## Very ### てしょうがない・てしかたがない

V (て)

い-Adj くて

な-Adj +

+ しょうがない・しかたがない

Means both "extremely" and "can't be helped". > [!info] Example > {今日|きょう}は{暑|あつ}く==てしょうがない==。 > Today is extremely hot. > > {隣|となり}の{会話|かいわ}は{聞|き}き==ってしょうがない==。 > I can't help but to listen to the conversion next door. ### なかなか

なかなか +


の + N

Means "very", "quite". See also [[Adverbs#なかなか~ない]]. > [!info] Example > {今日|きょう}は==なかなか=={寒|さむ}いね。 > It's quite cold today. ### だけ

V (dictionary)


な-Adj + な


+ だけ

Means "as much". See also [[Only - just#だけ]]. > [!info] Example > 私は{払|はら}うんでだ、{飲|の}む==だけ==飲んで! > I'll be paying, so drink as much as you can! ### なるべく・できるだけ Means "as much as possible". なるべく is a bit softer than できるだけ. > [!info] Example > ==なるべく=={静|しず}かにしてください。 > Please be as quiet as possible. ### あまり 🛠🛠🛠🛠 so much… that https://jlptsensei.com/learn-japanese-grammar/%e3%81%82%e3%81%be%e3%82%8a-amari-meaning/ https://bunpro.jp/grammar_points/%E3%81%82%E3%81%BE%E3%82%8A ### あまりにも 🛠🛠🛠🛠 too much; so much… that; excessively ~ https://jlptsensei.com/learn-japanese-grammar/%e3%81%82%e3%81%be%e3%82%8a%e3%81%ab%e3%82%82-amari-ni-mo-meaning/ https://bunpro.jp/grammar_points/%E3%81%82%E3%81%BE%E3%82%8A%E3%81%AB