# Obligation ## が必要・必要がある Means "needed" or "necessary". が{必要|ひつよう} is used mainly with nouns (can be used with verbs by appending こと before). {必要|ひつよう}がある is used with verbs. > [!info] Example > {今時|いまどき}、{携帯電話|けいたいでんわ}==が必要です==。 > Nowadays, a cell phone is necessary. > > 今日はパン{屋|や}に行く==必要がない==。 > No need to go to the bakery today. ## わけにはいかない Used with verbs for a meaning of "cannot do" (which cannot be your inability, but an external factor). Used with verbs in negative form (ない) for a meaning of "cannot be avoided". Can be used as わけはいかない or わけにはいきません. > [!info] Example > {今日|きょう}の{弟|おとうと}の{誕生日|たんじょうび}に行か==ないわけにはいかない==だから、{飲|の}み{会|かい}に行かない。 > There's no way I don't go to my younger brother's birthday today, so I won't go to the afterwork. > > {本当|ほんとう}に飲み会に行く==わけにはいかない==よ。 > There's really no way I can go to the afterwork. ## なくてもいい Means "don't have to". Used with a verb in the negative form (ない), appending なくてもいい. Can also be used as なくていい. > [!info] Example > 今日はレストランで{手伝|て|つ}わ==なくてもいい==。 > You don't have to help out at the restaurant today (it's okay if you don't help at the restaurant today). ## てからでないと Means "must first do". The second part becomes possible after the first one. Used with a verb in て form, with からでないと or からでないければ. > [!info] Example > {払|はら}==ってからでないと=={入|はい}るができること。 > You can enter only after paying. ## こと as "should do" ### こと

V (dictionary)

V (ない)

+ こと

Means "should do". Mostly used to set rules. > [!info] Example > ここに{車|くるま}を{止|と}めない==こと==です。 > Don't park your car here. ### ことになっている This form is used to express rules or expectations. Used with dictionary (る) and negative (ない) form of verbs. > [!info] Examples > {指|ゆび}で食べない==ことになっている==。 > You're not supposed to eat with your fingers. ### ことはない This has two meanings: * it is not necessary to * it never happens Used with a verb in the dictionary form. > [!info] Example > {走|はし}る==ことはない==。まだ{時間|じかん}がある。 > There's no need to run. There's still time. ## 必ず {必|かなら}ず means certainly, definitely. Expresses an obligation. > [!info] Example > 明日の{授業|じゅ|ぎょう}==必ず==来てください。 > Please be sure to attend tomorrow's class. ## べき ### べきだ Means "should do", "must do". Compared to the [[Obligation - なければ・ないと]] forms and 必ず, it has a nuance of being less universally logical. It is defined by the speaker's own logic. Used with verbs. する can be used as するべき or すべき. > [!info] Example > {来週|らいしゅう}{試験|しけん}があるので{勉強|べんきょう}す==べきです==。 > There is an exam next week, so I should study. ### べきではない・べきじゃない The contrary of べきだ is べきではない・べきじゃない. > [!info] Example > {泥|どろ}を食べる==べきではない==。 > You should not eat mud. ## はずだ・はずがない



な-Adj + な

N + の

+ はずだ ・ はずがない

はずだ means "it must/should be", while はずがない means "it cannot be". Has a nuance of being sure that it is something possible (or impossible). > [!info] Examples > {彼|かれ}は今日来る==はずだ==。 > He should be coming today. > > そんあ==はずがありません==。 > This cannot be true.