# Comparison
## より
With the following pattern, it means that A is "more" Adj than B.
> [!info] Example
> 電車は車==より=={速|はや}いです。
> Trains are faster than cars.
## より~ほうが
With the following pattern, it means that B is more than A:
より indicates the lesser thing, and {方|ほう}が the greater thing.
> [!info] Example
> 昨日==より==今日の==ほうが==寒いです。
> Today is colder than yesterday.
## ほうがいい
Means "should", or "it would be better", as an advice. It's better than not doing it.
Used with a verb.
> [!info] Example
> 毎日{練習|れんしゅう}する==ほうがいい==。
> It's better to train everyday.