# Planning ## ようと思う ようと{思|おも}う means "thinking of doing". Used with a verb in the volitional form (よう). > [!info] Example > レストランへ行こ==うと思います==。 > I'm thinking of going to the restaurant. ## つもり Means "intend to". > [!info] Example > 明日ゲームセンターに行く==つもり==はない。 > I don't plan to go to the arcade tomorrow. ### つもりだった・つもりなのに Used to express that someone thought they did something. > [!info] Example > リンゴを買った==つもりだった==けど。 > I'm sure I bought apples... (that was my intention, but apparently I did not) > > リンゴを買う==つもりだった==けど。 > I was planning to buy apples... (it was my intention, but I changed my mind) ### つもりで
V (た)
N + の
+ つもりで
V (dictionary)
N + の
+ 予定だ