# Time - recently ## さっき Means that something happened recently, either just now, or a little while ago. > [!info] Example > ==さっき==家に出てきた。 > I just left home. ## たところ Combined with a verb in the past tense, it express that something just occurred (something just ended, just started, etc). > [!info] Example > 今食べた==ところ==だ。 > I just finished to eat right now. ## たばかり Combined with a verb in the past tense, it express that something just occurred (something just ended, just started, etc). It is more subjective than ところ. It doesn't have to be something that literally just happened, but something that feels like it just happened. > [!info] Example > 今食べた==ばかり==だ。 > I just finished to eat right now. When comparing the two examples, the meaning is different depending on the context. Imagine a friend asking you to go eat with him. When using ところ, it means you just finished your meal this instant. When using ばかり, it means that it feels too soon to eat again just yet from your point of view, independently of how much time has really passed. ## たて

V ます

+ たて

V ます

+ たて +

の + N

Means that something has just been finished. It cannot be used with all verbs. It has a meaning of something fresh, that changes after completion (fresh food that degrades, etc). > [!info] Example > {炊|たき}き==たて==のお{好|この}み{焼|やき}きを食べるべきです。 > You should eat freshly cooked okonomiyaki.