# Comparison
## より
With the following pattern, it means that A is "more" Adj "than" B.
> [!info] Example
> 電車は車==より=={速|はや}いです。
> Trains are faster than cars.
## より(も)
With this pattern, it just means "more".
> [!info] Example
> このビルは私のマンション==よりも=={高|たか}い。
> This building is taller than my apartment.
## というより
This form is similar to より(も), but with a sense closer to "rather than".
"It is rather B than A".
Used with verbs, adjectives and nouns.
> [!info] Example
> 彼女は{恥|は}ずかしがり==というより=={静|しず}かです。
> She is quiet rather than shy.
## ほうがいい
Means "should", or "it would be better", as an advice. It's better than not doing it.
Used with a verb.
> [!info] Example
> 毎日{練習|れんしゅう}する==ほうがいい==。
> It's better to train everyday.
## より~ほうが
With the following pattern, it means that B is more than A:
より indicates the lesser thing, and {方|ほう}が the greater thing.
> [!info] Example
> 昨日==より==今日の==ほうが==寒いです。
> Today is colder than yesterday.
## に比べて
に{比|くら}べて is used for comparison.
Used with nouns.
> [!info] Example
> 昨日==に比べて==、今日は晴れるです。
> Compared to yesterday, it is sunny today.
## ほど~ない
Means that the extent has not been reached, so it is not as much.
See also [[Amount#ほど]].
> [!info] Example
> {韓国|かんこく}==ほど=={辛|から}いの食べ{物|もの}は==ない==。
> There's no food as spicy as Korean food.
> {中国|ちゅうごく}{料理|りょうり}は{韓国|かんこく}{料理|りょうり}==ほど=={辛|から}く==ない==です。
> Korean food is spicier than Chinese food.