# Question ## か At the end of a sentence, this particle asks a question, like a question mark. > [!info] Example > {猫|ねこ}が好きです==か==。 > Do you like cats? It can also be used when there is uncertainty between two or more choices. It can be used once or multiple times. > [!info] Example > 犬==か==猫==か==、どちら{選|えら}んでますかな。 > Which should I chose, a dog or a cat? > > 雨==か=={分|わ}かりません。 > I don't know if it will rain. ## かな・かしら Means "I wonder", "should I?". かな is a neutral form, while かしら sounds feminine. > [!info] Example > この{帽子|ぼうし}を{被|かぶ}ろう==かな==。 > Should I wear this hat? ## かい Using this particle, the sentences becomes a yes/no question. Very casual, masculine connotation. > [!info] Example > 来るの==かい==。 > Are you coming? ## どうやって Means "how", "in what way". > [!info] Example > これを==どうやって==作れましたか。 > How did you make this? ## Probably - right - isn't it? ### でしょう Means "probably", "right?". The polite version of だろう. > [!info] Example > この{服|}はきれい==でしょう==。 > These clothes are beautiful, aren't they? (It's probably what you also think?) ### だろう Means "probably", "right?". The casual version of でしょう. > [!info] Example > 今日また雨==だろう==。 > It will probably rain again. ### ではないか Means "isn't it?". The polite version of じゃないか. > [!info] Example > 今の{揺|ゆ}れは{地震|じ|しん}==ではないか==。 > That shaking is an earthquake, isn't it? ### じゃないか Means "isn't it?". The casual version of ではないか. > [!info] Example > アイスクリームを食べよう==じゃないか==。 > Let's have some ice cream, shall we? ### ね This particle when added to the end of a sentence meaning "right?". > [!info] Example > 今日は{寒|さむ}いです==ね==。 > It's cold today, right? ### Summing up * ==でしょう==・==だろう== expresses a probability or an assumption. * ==ではないか==・==じゃないか== invites or suggests an action. * ==ね== asks an agreement or a confirmation.