Compare commits
No commits in common. "ecd46140386747c1e59fbde26fb12a4ac6608112" and "6f86fb45f9558cbf3089c1007252100af3339570" have entirely different histories.
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"theme": "moonstone",
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"cssTheme": "AnuPpuccin",
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# 2- Te-Form - basics
## Rule
### Verbs
The easiest way to identify whether to use て or で is by looking at the preceding kana.
If the plain (dictionary) form of the verb finishes in ぐ, ぬ, ぶ, or む, then で will be used.
る-Verbs never use で.
| Ending | Ending Te-Form | Verb | Te-Form | Hiragana |
| ------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------- |
| **る verbs** | | | | |
| (い・え)る | て | 食べる | 食べ==て== | たべて |
| **う verbs** | | | | |
| う<br>つ<br>る | <br>って<br> | 歌う<br>打つ<br>座る | 歌==って==<br>打==って==<br>座==って== | うたって<br>うって<br>すわって |
| む<br>ぶ<br>ぬ | <br>んで | 休む<br>飛ぶ<br>死ぬ | 休==んで==<br>飛==んで==<br>死==んで== | やすんで<br>とんで<br>しんで |
| く | いて | 歩く | 歩==いて== | あるいて |
| ぐ | いで | 泳ぐ | 泳==いで== | およいで |
| す | して | 話す | 話==して== | はなして |
| **Irregular Verbs** | | | | |
| | | する | し==て== | |
| | | 行く | 行==って== | いって |
| | | 来る | 来==て== | きて |
### Adjectives and nouns
| Form | Word | Word Te-Form |
| -------------------- | ----- | ------------ |
| **いA** + ~~い~~ く + て | おもしろい | おもしろ==くて== |
| **なA** + で | しずか | しずか==で== |
| **N** + で | 猫 | 猫==で== |
### Song
A common way to remember this form is by a song. Here is one sung by Hatsune Miku.
![Te Song](
| Ending | Te-Form |
| ------ | ------- |
| う・つ・る | って |
| む・ぶ・ぬ | んで |
| く | いて |
| ぐ | いで |
| いく | いって |
| くる | きて |
| する | して |
| す | して |
## Basic functions
### Connection
The most basic function of the Te-Form: form connection between **verbs**.
> [!info] Example
> 食べ==て=={寝|ね}る。
> To eat, then sleep.
This also works with **いA**, **なA**, and **nouns**.
> [!info] Example
> あの{自転車|じてんしゃ}は{便利|べんり}==で=={軽|かる}い。
> That bicycle is useful and light.
### Reasons
Used primarily for reasons beyond control of the speaker.
> [!info] Example
> 大雨==で==バスが止まりました。
> The bus stopped with rain. (the reason is the rain)
### Manners
Highlights something being used, whether a tool, a circumstance, a situation, etc.
> [!info] Examples
> 私はご{飯|はん}を{急|いそ}い==で==食べる。
> I eat food in a hurry.
> ハサミ==で=={野菜|やさい}を{切|き}ります。
> I cut my vegetables using scissors.
## Sequence and non-sequence
Only for **verbs**.
### て sequence
Used to list a sequence of events that happen one after another. Must be used for ordered sequence of what is being said!
> [!info] Example
> パンを買==って==、食べた。
> I bought some bread, then ate it.
### て non-sequence
The particle can also contrast things that have some sort of relationship. It can mean something like "and" or "while", but is not really similar to "but": it always has the same weight in the sentence, as opposed to expressions like けど・のに, etc.
> [!info] Examples
> 朝は雨が{降|ふ}==って=={夕方|ゆう|がた}は{晴|は}れた。
> It rained this morning, **and** then it cleared up in the afternoon. (there is no particular emphasis on either event).
> 朝は雨が降った==けど==夕方は晴れた。
> It rained this morning, **but then** it cleared up in the afternoon. (there is emphasis on the fact that it stopped raining).
### てから
Used to say that something will happen after something else : "after doing (A), (B)".
Only for **verbs**.
> [!info] Example
> {洗濯|せん|たく}をし==てから==、出かける。
> After doing the laundry, I will go out.
⚠ Simple present (るから) and past (たから) have a meaning closer to "because" or "since".
## States
### ている form
| Plain | Polite |
| ----- | ------ |
| ている | ています |
| てる | てます |
ている is often shortened to てる. This applies to all tenses, including てる, てて, てた, and even てます.
Only for **verbs**.
Sometimes ている can become しとる (like in manga).
#### 1/ State of existence: is being done
Used to convey a constant state of the verb being done, executed, etc. It is continuing to exist in a specific state.
> [!info] Example
>I am eating ramen now.
#### 2/ State of existence: has been done
Expresses "existing in a of state of having been done".
In English, a different tense would have been used, but in Japanese it is also Te-form.
> [!info] Examples
> お前はもう死==んでいる==。
> You are already dead.
> クラスは始ま==っている==。
> The class has already started. (existing in the state of having started)
> お母さんは今買い物に行==っています==。
> My mom went out to go shopping. (existing in the state of having gone)
> 先生がめちゃ{怒|おこ}==っている==。
> My teacher is very angry. (existing in the state of having gotten angry)
Then, how to differentiate from the past form? Think about if the action can happen twice. For example, something cannot start twice, so it will use ている. The same applies for dying. This will not work for all verbs, but for the majority.
> [!info] Example
> ピアノが{落|お}ち==ている==。
> The piano has fallen. (existing in the state of having fallen)
> Something has fallen and is already on the ground, so it cannot fall again. ている will be used.
#### 3/ State of existence: frequent and repeated action
Used for the repetition of common activities. They are not continuing per se, but are occurring at such a frequency that they are considered to be continuous.
For example: going to work, having a hobby, doing sports, etc.
You can see it as "continuing to exist in a specific state".
Expression of time are often used with this meaning.
> [!info] Examples
> 私は毎日ギターを{弾|ひ}い==ている==。
> I play my guitar everyday (hobby).
> {毎晩|まい|ばん}9時に{寝|ね}==ている==。
> I sleep at 9 every night (habit).
> {彼|かれ}は学校で{働|はたら}い==ている==。
> He works at a school (regular activity).
### ていた・ていました
Means that something was happening, someone was doing something. If an object has changed state and is still in the state, it can also be used, for example a broken window.
Only for **verbs**.
ていた can be shortened to てた, and ていました to てました.
> [!info] Example
I was studying but am taking a break right now.
### てある
Shares with ている the meaning of being in an ongoing state, meaning that something has been done. It is also similar to a simple past form. However, the nuance is that this form is only used with transitive verbs on inanimate objects, meaning either:
* the action has been done intentionally (focuses on a person's intention),
* the focus is the resulting state of the action.
> [!info] Examples
> 明日の{弁当|べん|とう}はもう作==ってある==。
> Tomorrow's lunch has already been prepared.
> ドアが{開|あ}け==てある==。
> The door has been left open (intentionally).
Only for **transitive verbs**.
### ておく
Means to do something in advance, to complete something in preparation for something.
If used in past form ておいた, means that the completed action was in preparation for the current situation.
Only for **verbs**.
Can be shortened as とく.
> [!info] Example
> メロンパンを買==っておく==。
> I'll buy a melon pan (in preparation for a something, for example a picnic).
### まだ~ていません
This means "still have not done something".
Only for **verbs**.
> [!info] Example
> このゲームは==まだ==し==ていない==。
> I haven't played this game yet.
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# 3- Te-Form - manner of doing - give and receive
## Manner of doing
### てしまう
<div class="usage">
<p><span class="box">Vて</span> + しまう</p>
<p><span class="box">V<strike>て</strike></span> + ちゃう</p>
<p><span class="box">V<strike>で</strike></span> + じゃう</p>
This means "by accident, unfortunately" or "completely".
Only for **verbs**.
> [!info] Examples
> {宿題|しゅく|だい}もうや==ってしまいました==。
> I've already finished my homework.
> もう{全部|ぜん|ぶ}食べ==ちゃった==。。。
> I've already eaten everything...
### てみる
Used to express the meaning of trying something, usually something new.
Can also be used to suggest to someone to try something.
Used in past tense, it implies a successful attempt.
Only for **verbs**.
> [!info] Example
> これを食べ==てみる==か?
> Do you want to try this food?
### ていく・てくる
ていく combines the Te-form with the verb 行く.
てくる combines the Te-form with the verb 来る.
Both can be used when representing time or a physical place. Kanji and hiragana can be used, and they can be conjugated.
Only for **verbs**.
The first meaning is the following:
* ていく means to go and do something.
* てくる means to do and come back.
> [!info] Examples
> 家で食べ==ていく==か?
> Want to go and eat at my home?
> {晩御飯|ばんごはん}を買==ってきた==。
> I brought tonight's dinner. (bought and came with).
The second meaning is:
* ていく means to start doing something with your own agency.
* てくる on the contrary, is when something comes to the listener without agency from them.
> [!info] Examples
> 彼は駅まで歩い==ていきます==。
> He walk to the station.
> 雨が{降|ふ}==ってきた==。
> It started raining.
## Give and receive
Extends the common forms of あげる, くれる, and もらう, but what is received or given is now a verb, instead of a noun.
### てあげる
Expresses that someone is doing or did something for someone else.
The person that received the favor is followed by the に particle.
Only for **verbs**.
> [!info] Example
> 母にケーキを買==ってあげた==。
> I bought a cake for my mother.
### てくれる
Used to ask a favor from someone or to say that something was done to the speaker.
The person that received the favor (usually oneself and thus omitted) is followed by the に particle.
Only for **verbs**.
> [!info] Example
> {友達|とも|だち}がギターを{教|おし}え==てくれる==。
> My friend will teach me the guitar.
#### てくれてありがとう
This form expresses gratitude for something that benefited the speaker. It is not used for something expected.
Only for **verbs**.
> [!info] Example
> 今日来==てくれてありがとう==!
> Thank you for coming today!
### てもらう
This form expresses gratitude for a favor that the recipient generally requested for, or where gratitude is the focus.
Only for **verbs**.
> [!info] Example
My friend helped me (and I owe him / because I asked him and I am grateful)
### てくれない・てもらえない
Used as a mean to ask for a favor like "would you, could you?". Used in a similar form to じゃないか.
Only for **verbs**.
> [!info] Example
> {電気|でん|き}をつけ==てもらえない==か。
> Could you please turn on the lights?
> 電気をつけ==ないでもらえない==か。
> Could you please turn off the light?
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# 4- Te-Form - even if
For **verbs**, **adjectives** and **nouns**.
## Even if: ても・でも
Works by adding も to the Te-Form.
> [!info] Example
> 安==くても==、買いません。
> Even if it's cheap, I won't buy it.
> 好き==でも==、買えなかった。
> Even if I liked it, I didn't bought it.
### てもいい
Means that something is "alright". Frequently used for questions.
> [!info] Example
> ここに{座|すわ}==ってもいい==?
> Is it okay if I sit here?
> {冷|つめ}たい==でもいい==。
> It's okay even if it's cold.
### ても~なくても
Means "whether or not". A form a bit strange, where the verb is repeated two times in the following manner: VてもVなくても.
> [!info] Example
> 食べ==ても==食べ==なくても==、{構|かま}いません。
> It doesn't matter whether you eat it orb not.
### ても{構|かま}わない
Means that it doesn't matter or that the speaker doesn't mind.
> [!info] Example
> 雨が{降|ふ}==っても構わない==。
> I don't mind if it rains.
### ても{始|はじ}まらない
Means that even if you do it, it will never start: that it's no use.
Only for **verbs**.
> [!info] Example
> この時間に会==っても始まらない==。
> There's no point meeting at this time of the day.
### いくら~ても・どんなに~ても
Means "no matter how much".
> [!info] Example
> ==いくら==好き==でも==、買えません。
> No matter how much you like it, I won't buy it for you.
> ==どんなに==高==くても==、買います。
> No matter how expensive, I'll buy it.
### たとえ〜ても
Used to make a supposition. Would translate to something like "even if... is the case".
> [!info] Example
> ==たとえ=={新幹線|しん|かん|せん}==でも==、1時間かかる。
> Even if you take the Shinkansen, it will take one hour.
Reference in New Issue
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