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No commits in common. "192801675fb06d64774242cea25ebb1b699cc165" and "47d6127ccd6167326c7ad0cce9bcb317a611dfb6" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
# Opposition: even if, even though
## て-form: even if
See [[TeF (4) - even if]].
# Connectors: even if, even though
## のに
@ -35,6 +31,52 @@ Means "despite", "even tough". Has a negative connotation.
> {掃除|そうじ}すると言った==くせに==、まだ{汚|きたな}いよ。
> You said you would clean it up, but it's still dirty.
## として
as; in the role of ~
## にしては
Means "considering". The nuance is that
Used with verbs and nouns.
> [!info] Example
for; considering it’s (something or someone)
## にしても
Means "even if", "even though".
🛠 nuance?
> [!info] Example
> それ==にしても==、{気|き}を{付|つ}けてくください。
> Still, please be careful.
## さえ (nouns)
Means "even".
Can be emphasized by used でさえ, and reemphasized with でさえも.
Used with a noun.
> [!info] Example
## さえ (verbs)
even; so much as; not even
## たとえ~ても
<div class="usage">
@ -66,6 +108,7 @@ Means "even if X is the case". Used to present possibilities.
Means "even if", "even though".
🛠 nuance?
> [!info] Example
> {今|いま}で行==ったって==、{間|ま}に{合|あ}わない。
@ -99,46 +142,7 @@ It is used to talk about an unexpected result, that is contradictory to the prec
> {自転車|じてんしゃ}の{乗|の}り{方|かた}を{忘|わす}れるはありえないと{思|おも}っていた。==ところが==すっかり{忘|わす}れた。
> I thought it was impossible to forget how to ride a bike. However, I completely forgot.
## ながらも
Means "even while", "despite". It is used to express that while something is one state, something else.
See also [[Time#ながら]].
> [!info] Example
> {病気|びょうき}==ながらも==、パーティーに行くつもりです。
> Although I am sick, I'm planning to go to party.
## Summing up
🛠 To do.
## さえ (nouns)
Means "even".
Can be emphasized by used でさえ, and reemphasized with でさえも.
Used with a noun.
> [!info] Example
## さえ (verbs)
Means "".
> [!info] Example
even; so much as; not even
See also [[TeF (4) - even if]].
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
# Considering - for - as
## としては
Means "as", "in the role of". The と particle implies a result.
Used with nouns.
> [!info] Example
> 田中さんは{父|ちち}==として==は{最低|さいてい}です。
> As a father, Tanaka-san is the worst.
## にしては
Means "considering", "for". The に particle implies a simultaneous existence.
Used with verbs and nouns.
> [!info] Example
## としても
## にしても
Means "even if", "even though".
> [!info] Example
> それ==にしても==、{気|き}を{付|つ}けてくください。
> Still, please be careful.
## にしたがって
<div class="usage">
<div class="left">
<p><span class="box">V (る)</span></p>
<p><span class="box">N</span></p>
<p class="right">+ にしたがって・にしたがい</p>
### In accordance
Another difference is,
**(A)** にしたがい ( = ni shitagai) **(B)** also means “following”/ “ in accordance with” which has nothing to do with change.
In this usage, you can express your will / intention with the following verb.
noun + にしたがって ( = ni shitagatte) / にしたがい ( = ni shitagai) + what is going to happen/ what you are going to do
Ex. ルールに従ってください。
= Ruuru ni shitagatte kudasai.
= Please follow the rules.
### Gradual change
(A) (noun / verb) + につれて/つれ ( = ni tsurete /tsure) / にしたがって/したがい ( = ni shitagatte / shitagai) /にともなって/ともない ( = ni tomonatte / tomonai) / とともに ( = to tomoni) + (B)
→As (A) changes, (B) changes gradually as well.
Ex. 夏が近づくにつれて / したがって日が長くなってきた。
= Natsu ga chikazuku ni tsurete/shitagatte hi ga nagaku nattekita.
= As summer approaches, the days are getting longer.
A: Summer is approaching. (change)
B: The days are getting longer. (gradual change)
(A) causes (B) / (A) influences (B)
As you can see ~につれて / つれ ( = ~ ni tsurete / tsure) and にしたがって / したがい ( = ~ ni shitagatte / shitagai) are interchangeable when the main verb expresses the gradual change.
They are both literal expressions so you often use them to describe natural phenomena or social situations but I would say ~につれて/つれ ( = ni tsurete/tsure) are slightly more common thus you use them for your personal stuff more.
You can use にしたがい ( = ni shitagai)・したがって ( = shitagatte) but ~につれて/~につれ ( = ~ ni tsurete/tsure) are more natural in conversation.
as; therefore; in accordance with; according to; consequently ~
## につれて
as; in proportion to; with; as… then ~
## と共に
と{共|とも}に means...
together with; at the same time as; as well as ~
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
# Opposition - although
## に反して
に{反|はん}して means "contrary to". Opposes the first noun to the rest of the sentence.
> [!info] Example
> {常識|じょうしき}==に反して==、彼は{勉強|べんきょう}しなかった。
> Contrary to common sense, he did not study.
## 割に
<div class="usage">
<div class="left">
<p><span class="box">V</span></p>
<p><span class="box">い-Adj</span></p>
<p><span class="box">な-Adj + な</span></p>
<p><span class="box">N + の</span></p>
<p class="right">+ 割に</p>
{割|わり}に means "considering A, B", "although".
> [!info] Example
> このマンションは{古|ふる}い==割に=={高|たか}いです。
> This apartment is expensive considering how old it is.
## ことは~が
<div class="usage">
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">V</span></p>
<p class="r">+ ことは + </p>
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">V</span></p>
<p class="r">+ が</p>
<div class="usage">
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">い-Adj</span></p>
<p class="r">+ ことは + </p>
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">い-Adj</span></p>
<p class="r">+ が</p>
<div class="usage">
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">な-Adj + な</span></p>
<p class="r">+ ことは + </p>
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">な-Adj</span></p>
<p class="r">+ が</p>
⚠ It must be the same verb or adjective at both end!
Means "although".
> [!info] Example
> {勉強|べんきょう}する==ことは==する==が==、まだ{下手|へた}です。
> Although I study everyday, I'm still bad at it.
## といっても
Means "although". Puts a nuance to the first statement describing that it is not as much as imagined, and adds a complimentary information.
> [!info] Example
> {彼|かれ}は{医者|いしゃ}==といっても==、あまり{頭|あたま}が{良|よ}くない。
> He may be a doctor, but he is not very smart.
## に対して
See [[Towards#In contrast to]].
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
## Opposition : but, however
## が
Between two sentences, it has the meaning of "but".
> [!info] Example
> この{建物|たてもの}は大きいです==が==、トイレは{一|ひと}つだけあります。
> This building is huge but has only one toilet.
## でも
This is the basic way to say "but".
> [!info] Example
> コンビニに行きました。==でも==、何も買わなかった。
> I went to the convenience store. But I didn't buy anything.
⚠ Do not confuse with [[TeF (4) - even if#Even if ても・でも]].
## しかし
This is similar to でも, meaning "however", but usually more formal and most commonly found in written form.
> [!info] Example
> {戦争|せん|そう}は{悪|わる}いこと。==しかし==、{人類|じん|るい}はいつも{戦|たたか}っています
> War is bad. However, humanity is always fighting.
## けど・けれども
Means "but". Contrary to でも (which is more stand-alone), this links two clauses. The second clause can also be implicit and not said.
けれども is more formal than けど.
> [!info] Example
> {外|そと}は{暑|あつ}い==けど==行きたい。
> It's hot outside but I'd still like to go.
It can also be used to soften your assertion.
> [!info] Example
> {明日|あした}に行きたい==けど==。
> I'd like to go tomorrow... (but I don't want to cause any inconvenience).
## (ん・の)(だけど・ですけど)
Means "but", "however".
の is more formal than ん, and ですけど is more formal than だけど.
> [!info] Example
> {手伝|てつだ}いたい==んですけど=={暇|ひま}はない。
> I'd like to help but I don't have time.
## Summing up
🛠 Todo.
🔰 Grammar/
Normal file
🔰 Grammar/
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
# Opposition
## が
Between two sentences, it has the meaning of "but".
> [!info] Example
> この{建物|たてもの}は大きいです==が==、トイレは{一|ひと}つだけあります。
> This building is huge but has only one toilet.
## でも
This is the basic way to say "but".
> [!info] Example
> コンビニに行きました。==でも==、何も買わなかった。
> I went to the convenience store. But I didn't buy anything.
⚠ Do not confuse with [[TeF (4) - even if#Even if ても・でも]].
## しかし
This is similar to でも, meaning "however", but usually more formal and most commonly found in written form.
> [!info] Example
> {戦争|せん|そう}は{悪|わる}いこと。==しかし==、{人類|じん|るい}はいつも{戦|たたか}っています
> War is bad. However, humanity is always fighting.
## けど・けれども
Contrary to でも (which is more stand-alone), this links two clauses. The second clause can also be implicit and not said.
けれども is more formal than けど.
> [!info] Example
> {外|そと}は{暑|あつ}い==けど==行きたい。
> It's hot outside but I'd still like to go.
It can also be used to soften your assertion.
> [!info] Example
> {明日|あした}に行きたい==けど==。
> I'd like to go tomorrow... (but I don't want to cause any inconvenience).
## (ん・の)(だけど・ですけど)
Means "but", "however".
の is more formal than ん, and ですけど is more formal than だけど.
> [!info] Example
> {手伝|てつだ}いたい==んですけど=={暇|ひま}はない。
> I'd like to help but I don't have time.
## に反して
に{反|はん}して means "contrary to". Opposes the first noun to the rest of the sentence.
> [!info] Example
> {常識|じょうしき}==に反して==、彼は{勉強|べんきょう}しなかった。
> Contrary to common sense, he did not study.
## ながらも
Means "even while", "despite". It is used to express that while something is one state, something else.
See also [[Time#ながら]].
> [!info] Example
> {病気|びょうき}==ながらも==、パーティーに行くつもりです。
> Although I am sick, I'm planning to go to party.
## 割に
<div class="usage">
<div class="left">
<p><span class="box">V</span></p>
<p><span class="box">い-Adj</span></p>
<p><span class="box">な-Adj + な</span></p>
<p><span class="box">N + の</span></p>
<p class="right">+ 割に</p>
{割|わり}に means "considering A, B", "although".
> [!info] Example
> このマンションは{古|ふる}い==割に=={高|たか}いです。
> This apartment is expensive considering how old it is.
## ことは~が
<div class="usage">
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">V</span></p>
<p class="r">+ ことは + </p>
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">V</span></p>
<p class="r">+ が</p>
<div class="usage">
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">い-Adj</span></p>
<p class="r">+ ことは + </p>
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">い-Adj</span></p>
<p class="r">+ が</p>
<div class="usage">
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">な-Adj + な</span></p>
<p class="r">+ ことは + </p>
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">な-Adj</span></p>
<p class="r">+ が</p>
⚠ It must be the same verb or adjective at both end!
Means "although".
> [!info] Example
> {勉強|べんきょう}する==ことは==する==が==、まだ{下手|へた}です。
> Although I study everyday, I'm still bad at it.
## といっても
Means "although". Puts a nuance to the first statement describing that it is not as much as imagined, and adds a complimentary information.
> [!info] Example
> {彼|かれ}は{医者|いしゃ}==といっても==、あまり{頭|あたま}が{良|よ}くない。
> He may be a doctor, but he is not very smart.
## に対して
See [[Towards#In contrast to]].
## Summing up
🛠 Todo.
Reference in New Issue
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