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2024-05-29 22:52:10 +00:00
# Amounts of frequency
## Never
### 決して~ない
<div class="usage">
<p class="iright">消して + </p>
<div class="ileft">
<p><span class="box">V (ない)</span></p>
<p><span class="box">い-Adj <strike></strike> くない</span></p>
<p><span class="box">な-Adj + ではない</span></p>
<p><span class="box">N + ではない</span></p>
2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
{決|け}して~ない means "never". Used with negative verbs.
2024-05-29 22:52:10 +00:00
> [!info] Examples
> 私は==決して=={夢|ゆめ}を{覚|おぼ}えません。
> I never remember my dreams.
## Rarely
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### めったに~ない
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<div class="usage">
<p class="r">めったに + </p>
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">V (ない)</span></p>
<div class="usage">
<div class="">
<p><span class="box">N + は</span></p>
<p class="r">+ めったに</p>
2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
Means "hardly", "rarely". Used with negative verbs.
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> [!info] Examples
> {車|くるま}は==めったに=={運転|うんてん}し==ません==。
> I rarely drive a car.
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### あまり
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2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
Means "rarely".
Used with negative verbs.
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> [!info] Examples
2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
> {最近|さいきん}{絵|え}を==あまり=={書|か}けない。
> I haven't been able to draw much lately.
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2024-06-07 22:31:48 +00:00
## Unlikely
### そうもない・そうにない
Means that an action is very unlikely.
Made by removing ます from a verb and adding そうもない・そうにない.
> [!info] Examples
> コロナので{今年|ことし}も{旅行|りょこう}し==そうもない==。
> Because of COVID19, it's unlikely I'll travel again this year.
2024-05-29 22:52:10 +00:00
## Sometimes
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### たまに
Means "occasionally", "once in a while".
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2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
> [!info] Examples
> {彼女|かのじょ}は{抹茶|まっちゃ}を==たまに=={飲|の}む。
> She occasionally drinks matcha.
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2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
### 時々
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2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
{時々|ときどき} means "sometimes".
> [!info] Examples
> ==時々=={遊園地|ゆうえんち}に{行|い}く。
> I sometimes go to amusement parks.
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## Often
2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
### 度々
{度々|たびたび} means "often", "frequently".
> [!info] Examples
> {私|わたし}の{彼女|かのじょ}は==度々=={遅|おく}れてきます。
> My girlfriend is often late.
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2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
### よく
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2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
Means "often".
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> [!info] Examples
2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
> {最近|さいきん}、{数学|すうがく}の{練習|れんしゅう}{問題|もんだい}を==よく==やっています。
> I have been doing a lot of math exercises lately.
2024-05-29 22:52:10 +00:00
## Always
2024-06-07 21:48:02 +00:00
### いつも
Means "always", "every time".
> [!info] Examples
> {夏|なつ}の{時|とき}==いつも==アイスクリームを食べます。
> I always eat ice cream in the summer.
### ずっと
Means "always", "continuously".
> [!info] Examples
> {蛇|へび}が==ずっと=={好|す}きだった。
> I've always loved snakes.
2024-06-07 22:31:48 +00:00
### たものだ
Used to talk about a past situation where something used to frequently occur.
Used with a verb in the past tense (た) by adding ものだ.
> [!info] Examples
> {子供|こども}のころはいつも{森|もり}で{遊|あそ}==んだものだ==。
> I always played in the woods when I was a kid.