// drill.js var transformations = [ { from: "causative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "causative negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "causative passive", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "causative passive negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "imperative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "imperative negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "passive", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "passive negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "past", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "past negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "polite", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "polite negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "polite past", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "polite past negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "polite progressive", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "polite progressive negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "polite progressive past", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "polite progressive past negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "potential", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "potential negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "progressive", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "progressive negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "progressive past", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "progressive past negative", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "te-form", to: "dictionary" }, { from: "te-form negative", to: "dictionary" }, ]; var log; Array.prototype.randomElement = function () { return this[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length)] } // From: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2897510 new function ($) { $.fn.getCursorPosition = function () { var input = this.get(0); if (!input) return; // No (input) element found if ('selectionStart' in input) { // Standard-compliant browsers return input.selectionStart; } else if (document.selection) { // IE input.fmcus(); var sel = document.selection.createRange(); var selLen = document.selection.createRange().text.length; sel.moveStart('character', -input.value.length); return sel.text.length - selLen; } } }(jQuery); // From: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/499126/jquery-set-cursor-position-in-text-area new function ($) { $.fn.setCursorPosition = function (pos) { if (this.setSelectionRange) { this.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); } else if (this.createTextRange) { var range = this.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); if (pos < 0) { pos = $(this).val().length + pos; } range.moveEnd('character', pos); range.moveStart('character', pos); range.select(); } } }(jQuery); function commaList(items, conjunction) { if (conjunction == undefined) { conjunction = "and"; } var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { result = result + items[i]; if (i < (items.length - 2)) { result += ", "; } if (i == (items.length - 2)) { result += " " + conjunction + " "; } } return result; } function resetLog() { log = { "history": [] }; } function getVerbForms(entry) { function kanaForm(words) { if (words.constructor !== Array) { words = [words]; } return words.map(function (word) { return word.split(/.\[([^\]]*)\]/).join(""); } ); } function kanjiForm(words) { if (words.constructor !== Array) { words = [words]; } return words.map(function (word) { return word.split(/(.)\[[^\]]*\]/).join(""); } ); } var result = { "kanji": {}, "hiragana": {}, "furigana": {} }; Object.keys(words[entry].conjugations).forEach(function (key) { result["kanji"][key] = kanjiForm(words[entry].conjugations[key]); result["hiragana"][key] = kanaForm(words[entry].conjugations[key]); result["furigana"][key] = words[entry].conjugations[key]; }); return result; } function wordWithFurigana(words) { if (words.constructor !== Array) { words = [words]; } return words.map(function (word) { var bits = word.split(/(.)\[([^\]]*)\]/); while (bits.length > 1) { bits[0] = bits[0] + "" + bits[1] + "" + bits[3]; bits.splice(1, 3); } return bits[0]; }); } function processAnswerKey() { var el = $('#answer'); var pos = el.getCursorPosition(); var val = el.val(); var last1 = val.slice(pos - 1, pos); var last2 = val.slice(pos - 2, pos); var last3 = val.slice(pos - 3, pos); var replace1 = { "a": "あ", "i": "い", "u": "う", "e": "え", "o": "お" }; var replace2 = { "ka": "か", "ki": "き", "ku": "く", "ke": "け", "ko": "こ", "sa": "さ", "si": "し", "su": "す", "se": "せ", "so": "そ", "ta": "た", "ti": "ち", "tu": "つ", "te": "て", "to": "と", "na": "な", "ni": "に", "nu": "ぬ", "ne": "ね", "no": "の", "ha": "は", "hi": "ひ", "hu": "ふ", "he": "へ", "ho": "ほ", "ma": "ま", "mi": "み", "mu": "む", "me": "め", "mo": "も", "ra": "ら", "ri": "り", "ru": "る", "re": "れ", "ro": "ろ", "ga": "が", "gi": "ぎ", "gu": "ぐ", "ge": "げ", "go": "ご", "za": "ざ", "zi": "じ", "zu": "ず", "ze": "ぜ", "zo": "ぞ", "da": "だ", "di": "ぢ", "du": "づ", "de": "で", "do": "ど", "ba": "ば", "bi": "び", "bu": "ぶ", "be": "べ", "bo": "ぼ", "pa": "ぱ", "pi": "ぴ", "pu": "ぷ", "pe": "ぺ", "po": "ぽ", "qa": "くぁ", "qi": "くぃ", "qu": "く", "qe": "くぇ", "qo": "くぉ", "wa": "わ", "wi": "うぃ", "wu": "う", "we": "うぇ", "wo": "を", "ya": "や", "yi": "い", "yu": "ゆ", "ye": "いぇ", "yo": "よ", "fa": "ふぁ", "fi": "ふぃ", "fu": "ふ", "fe": "ふぇ", "fo": "ふぉ", "ja": "じゃ", "ji": "じ", "ju": "じゅ", "je": "じぇ", "jo": "じょ", "la": "ぁ", "li": "ぃ", "lu": "ぅ", "le": "ぇ", "lo": "ぉ", "za": "ざ", "zi": "じ", "zu": "ず", "ze": "ぜ", "zo": "ぞ", "xa": "ぁ", "xi": "ぃ", "xu": "ぅ", "xe": "ぇ", "xo": "ぉ", "ca": "か", "ci": "し", "cu": "く", "ce": "せ", "co": "こ", "va": "ヴぁ", "vi": "ヴぃ", "vu": "ヴ", "ve": "ヴぇ", "vo": "ヴぉ", "lu": "っ", "nn": "ん", "n'": "ん", "nb": "んb", "nc": "んc", "nd": "んd", "nf": "んf", "ng": "んg", "nh": "んh", "nj": "んj", "nk": "んk", "nl": "んl", "nm": "んm", "np": "んp", "nq": "んq", "nr": "んr", "ns": "んs", "nt": "んt", "nv": "んv", "nw": "んw", "nx": "んx", "nz": "んz", "aa": "っa", "bb": "っb", "cc": "っc", "dd": "っd", "ee": "っe", "ff": "っf", "gg": "っg", "hh": "っh", "ii": "っi", "jj": "っj", "kk": "っk", "ll": "っl", "mm": "っm", "oo": "っo", "pp": "っp", "qq": "っq", "rr": "っr", "ss": "っs", "tt": "っt", "uu": "っu", "vv": "っv", "ww": "っw", "xx": "っx", "yy": "っy", "zz": "っz", }; var replace3 = { "kya": "きゃ", "kyi": "きぃ", "kyu": "きゅ", "kye": "きぇ", "kyo": "きょ", "sha": "しゃ", "shi": "し", "shu": "しゅ", "she": "しぇ", "sho": "しょ", "cha": "ちゃ", "chi": "ち", "chu": "ちゅ", "che": "ちぇ", "cho": "ちょ", "nya": "にゃ", "nyi": "にぃ", "nyu": "にゅ", "nye": "にぇ", "nyo": "にょ", "hya": "ひゃ", "hyi": "ひぃ", "hyu": "ひゅ", "hye": "ひぇ", "hyo": "ひょ", "mya": "みゃ", "myi": "みぃ", "myu": "みゅ", "mye": "みぇ", "myo": "みょ", "rya": "りゃ", "ryi": "りぃ", "ryu": "りゅ", "rye": "りぇ", "ryo": "りょ", "gya": "ぎゃ", "gyi": "ぎぃ", "gyu": "ぎゅ", "gye": "ぎぇ", "gyo": "ぎょ", "zya": "じゃ", "zyi": "じぃ", "zyu": "じゅ", "zye": "じぇ", "zyo": "じょ", "dya": "ぢゃ", "dyi": "ぢぃ", "dyu": "ぢゅ", "dye": "ぢぇ", "dyo": "ぢょ", "bya": "びゃ", "byi": "びぃ", "byu": "びゅ", "bye": "びぇ", "byo": "びょ", "pya": "ぴゃ", "pyi": "ぴぃ", "pyu": "ぴゅ", "pye": "ぴぇ", "pyo": "ぴょ", "shi": "し", "tsu": "つ", }; if (replace3[last3]) { val = val.slice(0, pos - 3) + replace3[last3] + val.slice(pos, -1); el.val(val); el.setCursorPosition(pos - 3 + replace3[last3].length); } else if (replace2[last2]) { val = val.slice(0, pos - 2) + replace2[last2] + val.slice(pos, -1); el.val(val); el.setCursorPosition(pos - 2 + replace2[last2].length); } else if (replace1[last1]) { val = val.slice(0, pos - 1) + replace1[last1] + val.slice(pos, -1); el.val(val); el.setCursorPosition(pos - 1 + replace1[last1].length); } } function validQuestion(entry, forms, transformation, options) { var valid = true; transformation.tags.forEach(function (type) { if (options[type] == false) { valid = false; } }); if (options[words[entry].group] == false) { valid = false; } if (!forms["furigana"][transformation.from]) valid = false; if (!forms["furigana"][transformation.to]) valid = false; return valid; } function generateQuestion() { var entry; var to_form; var from_form; var forms; var count = 0; while (true) { if (count++ == 10000) { showSplash(); return; } entry = Object.keys(words).randomElement(); transformation = transformations.randomElement(); from_form = transformation.from; to_form = transformation.to; forms = getVerbForms(entry); var valid = validQuestion(entry, forms, transformation, getOptions()); if (valid) { break; } } var kanjiForms = forms["kanji"]; var kanaForms = forms["hiragana"]; var furiganaForms = forms["furigana"]; var question = "What is the " + transformation.phrase + " form of " + wordWithFurigana(furiganaForms[from_form]).randomElement() + "?"; var answer = kanjiForms[to_form]; var answer2 = kanaForms[to_form]; $('#question').html(question); window.question = question; window.answer = kanjiForms[to_form]; window.answerWithFurigana = wordWithFurigana(furiganaForms[to_form]); window.answer2 = answer2; $('#next').prop('disabled', true); $('#response').html(""); $('#message').html(""); $('#proceed').hide(); $('#input').show(); $('#answer').focus(); $('#answer').on('input', processAnswerKey); } function processAnswer() { var response = $('#answer').val().trim(); if (response == "") return; var correct = ((window.answer.indexOf(response) != -1) || (window.answer2.indexOf(response) != -1)); var klass = correct ? "correct" : "incorrect"; log.history.push({ "question": window.question, "response": response, "answer": window.answerWithFurigana, "kana": window.answer2, "correct": correct }); $('#answer').val(""); $('#response').prop('class', klass).text(response); $('#next').prop('disabled', false); if (correct) { $('#message').html(""); } else { $('#message').html("
The correct answer was " + commaList(window.answerWithFurigana, "or") + "
"); } $('#input').hide(); $('#proceed').show(); $('#proceed button').focus(); updateHistoryView(log); } function updateHistoryView(log) { var review = $(''); var total = 0; var correct = 0; var header_tr = $(''); header_tr.append($('')); header_tr.append($('')); header_tr.append($('')); review.append(header_tr); log.history.forEach(function (entry) { total++; if (entry.correct) { correct++; } var tr = $(''); var td1 = $('
'); var td2 = $(''); var td3 = $(''); td1.html(entry.question); td2.html(commaList(entry.answer, "or")); td3.text(entry.response); tr.append(td1); tr.append(td2); tr.append(td3); if (entry.correct) { td3.append(""); } else { td3.append(" ×"); } review.append(tr); }); $('#history').empty().append(review); $('#history').append("

" + correct + " of " + total + " correct.

"); } function proceed() { if (log.history.length == $('#numQuestions').val()) { endQuiz(); } else { generateQuestion(); } } function showSplash() { $('#splash').show(); $('#quizSection').hide(); $('#scoreSection').hide(); $('#go').focus(); } function startQuiz() { $('#splash').hide(); $('#quizSection').show(); $('#scoreSection').hide(); resetLog(); generateQuestion(); } function endQuiz() { $('#splash').hide(); $('#quizSection').hide(); $('#scoreSection').show(); $('#backToStart').focus(); } function arrayDifference(a, b) { // From http://stackoverflow.com/a/1723220 return a.filter(function (x) { return b.indexOf(x) < 0 }); } function arrayUnique(arr) { return arr.filter(function (value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(value) === index; }); } function calculateTransitions() { function getTags(str) { var tags = str.split(" "); if ((tags.length == 1) && (tags[0] == "plain")) { tags = []; } return tags; } function calculateTags(tags) { tags = tags.split(" "); if (tags.indexOf("polite") == -1) { tags.push("plain"); } if (tags.indexOf("dictionary") != -1) { tags.splice(tags.indexOf("dictionary"), 1); } return tags; } transformations.forEach(function (transformation) { var from = getTags(transformation.from); var to = getTags(transformation.to); var from_extra = { "negative": "affirmative", "past": "present", "polite": "plain", "te-form": "non-て", "potential": "non-potential", "imperative": "non-imperative", "causative": "non-causative", "passive": "active", "progressive": "non-progressive", }; var to_extra = { "negative": "negative", "past": "past", "polite": "polite", "te-form": "て", "potential": "potential", "imperative": "imperative", "causative": "causative", "passive": "passive", "progressive": "progressive", }; transformation.phrase = "dictionary"; transformation.tags = arrayUnique(calculateTags(transformation.from).concat(calculateTags(transformation.to))); }); } function updateOptionSummary() { // Calculate how many questions will apply var options = getOptions(); var applicable = 0; Object.keys(words).forEach(function (word) { var forms = getVerbForms(word); transformations.forEach(function (transformation) { if (validQuestion(word, forms, transformation, options)) { applicable++; } }); }); $("#questionCount").text(applicable); } function getOptions() { var options = ["plain", "polite", "negative", "past", "te-form", "progressive", "potential", "imperative", "passive", "causative", "godan", "ichidan", "iku", "kuru", "suru", "i-adjective", "na-adjective", "ii"]; var result = {}; options.forEach(function (option) { result[option] = $('#' + option).is(':checked') != false; }); return result; } $('window').ready(function () { calculateTransitions(); $('#go').click(startQuiz); $('#backToStart').click(showSplash); $('div.options input').click(updateOptionSummary); updateOptionSummary(); showSplash(); });