// drill.js var vowelPart = { "あ": "あ", "い": "い", "う": "う", "え": "え", "お": "お", "か": "あ", "き": "い", "く": "う", "け": "え", "こ": "お", "さ": "あ", "し": "い", "す": "う", "せ": "え", "そ": "お", "た": "あ", "ち": "い", "つ": "う", "て": "え", "と": "お", "な": "あ", "に": "い", "ぬ": "う", "ね": "え", "の": "お", "は": "あ", "ひ": "い", "ふ": "う", "へ": "え", "ほ": "お", "ま": "あ", "み": "い", "む": "う", "め": "え", "も": "お", "や": "あ", "ゆ": "う", "よ": "お", "ら": "あ", "り": "い", "る": "う", "れ": "え", "ろ": "お", "わ": "あ", "を": "お", "が": "あ", "ぎ": "い", "ぐ": "う", "げ": "え", "ご": "お", "ざ": "あ", "じ": "い", "ず": "う", "ぜ": "え", "ぞ": "お", "だ": "あ", "ぢ": "い", "づ": "う", "で": "え", "ど": "お", "ば": "あ", "び": "い", "ぶ": "う", "べ": "え", "ぼ": "お", "ぱ": "あ", "ぴ": "い", "ぷ": "う", "ぺ": "え", "ぽ": "お" }; var consonantPart = { "あ": "あ", "い": "あ", "う": "あ", "え": "あ", "お": "あ", "か": "か", "き": "か", "く": "か", "け": "か", "こ": "か", "さ": "さ", "し": "さ", "す": "さ", "せ": "さ", "そ": "さ", "た": "た", "ち": "た", "つ": "た", "て": "た", "と": "た", "な": "な", "に": "な", "ぬ": "な", "ね": "な", "の": "な", "は": "は", "ひ": "は", "ふ": "は", "へ": "は", "ほ": "は", "ま": "ま", "み": "ま", "む": "ま", "め": "ま", "も": "ま", "や": "や", "ゆ": "や", "よ": "や", "ら": "ら", "り": "ら", "る": "ら", "れ": "ら", "ろ": "ら", "わ": "わ", "を": "わ", "ん": "ん", "が": "が", "ぎ": "が", "ぐ": "が", "げ": "が", "ご": "が", "ざ": "ざ", "じ": "ざ", "ず": "ざ", "ぜ": "ざ", "ぞ": "ざ", "だ": "だ", "ぢ": "だ", "づ": "だ", "で": "だ", "ど": "だ", "ば": "ば", "び": "ば", "ぶ": "ば", "べ": "ば", "ぼ": "ば", "ぱ": "ぱ", "ぴ": "ぱ", "ぷ": "ぱ", "ぺ": "ぱ", "ぽ": "ぱ" }; var combineParts = { "ああ": "あ", "あい": "い", "あう": "う", "あえ": "え", "あお": "お", "かあ": "か", "かい": "き", "かう": "く", "かえ": "け", "かお": "こ", "さあ": "さ", "さい": "し", "さう": "す", "さえ": "せ", "さお": "そ", "たあ": "た", "たい": "ち", "たう": "つ", "たえ": "て", "たお": "と", "なあ": "な", "ない": "に", "なう": "ぬ", "なえ": "ね", "なお": "の", "はあ": "は", "はい": "ひ", "はう": "ふ", "はえ": "へ", "はお": "ほ", "まあ": "ま", "まい": "み", "まう": "む", "まえ": "め", "まお": "も", "やあ": "や", "やう": "ゆ", "やお": "よ", "らあ": "ら", "らい": "り", "らう": "る", "らえ": "れ", "らお": "ろ", "わあ": "わ", "わお": "を", "があ": "が", "がい": "ぎ", "がう": "ぐ", "がえ": "げ", "がお": "ご", "ざあ": "ざ", "ざい": "じ", "ざう": "ず", "ざえ": "ぜ", "ざお": "ぞ", "だあ": "だ", "だい": "ぢ", "だう": "づ", "だえ": "で", "だお": "ど", "ばあ": "ば", "ばい": "び", "ばう": "ぶ", "ばえ": "べ", "ばお": "ぼ", "ぱあ": "ぱ", "ぱい": "ぴ", "ぱう": "ぷ", "ぱえ": "ぺ", "ぱお": "ぽ" }; var words = [ { "pos" : "verb", "english": "to eat", "word": "食べる", "kana": "たべる" }, { "pos": "verb", "english": "to drink", "word": "飲む", "kana": "のむ" }, { "pos": "verb", "english": "to make", "word": "作る", "kana": "つくる" }, { "pos": "verb", "english": "to add", "word": "足す", "kana": "たす" }, { "pos": "verb", "english": "to see", "word": "見る", "kana": "みる" }, { "pos": "verb", "english": "to rest", "word": "休む", "kana": "やすむ" }, { "pos": "verb", "english": "to sing", "word": "歌う", "kana": "うたう" }, { "pos": "verb", "english": "to sit", "word": "座る", "kana": "すわる" }, { "pos": "verb", "english": "to buy as a gift", "word": "買い与える", "kana": "かいあたえる" }, { "pos": "verb", "english": "to buy as a replacement", "word": "買い換える", "kana": "かいかえる" } ] var log = { "history": [] }; Array.prototype.randomElement = function () { return this[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length)] } function getVerbForms(dictionary_form) { var forms = new Object(); forms["dictionary"] = dictionary_form; // Special case for くる and する if (dictionary_form == "くる") { forms["negative"] = "こない"; forms["past"] = "きた"; forms["past negative"] = "こなかった"; forms["formal"] = "きます"; forms["te-form"] = "きて"; return forms; } else if (dictionary_form == "する") { forms["negative"] = "しない"; forms["past"] = "した"; forms["past negative"] = "しなかった"; forms["formal"] = "します"; forms["te-form"] = "して"; return forms; } var group; if ((dictionary_form.slice(-1) == "る") && ( (vowelPart[dictionary_form.slice(-2)[0]] == "い") || (vowelPart[dictionary_form.slice(-2)[0]] == "え"))) { group = "ichidan"; } else { group = "godan"; } // masu form (verbs) if (dictionary_form.slice(-1) == "る") { forms["formal"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "ます"; } else { forms["formal"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + combineParts[consonantPart[dictionary_form.slice(-1)] + "い"] + "ます"; } // te form if (dictionary_form == "いく") { forms["te-form"] = "いって"; } else if (group == "godan") { switch (dictionary_form.slice(-1)) { case "う": case "つ": case "る": forms["te-form"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "って"; break; case "す": forms["te-form"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "して"; break; case "く": forms["te-form"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "いて"; break; case "ぐ": forms["te-form"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "いで"; break; case "ぶ": case "む": case "ぬ": forms["te-form"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "んで"; break; } } else { forms["te-form"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "て"; } // present negative if (group == "godan") { if (dictionary_form.slice(-1) == "う") { forms["negative"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "わない"; } else { forms["negative"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + combineParts[consonantPart[dictionary_form.slice(-1)] + "あ"] + "ない"; } } else { // ichidan verb forms["negative"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "ない"; } // past informal if (dictionary_form == "いく") { forms["past"] = "いった"; } else if (group == "godan") { switch (dictionary_form.slice(-1)) { case "う": case "つ": case "る": forms["past"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "った"; break; case "す": forms["past"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "した"; break; case "く": forms["past"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "いた"; break; case "ぐ": forms["past"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "いだ"; break; case "ぶ": case "む": case "ぬ": forms["past"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "んだ"; break; } } else { forms["past"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "た"; } // informal past negative if (group == "godan") { if (dictionary_form.slice(-1) == "う") { forms["past negative"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "わなかった"; } else { forms["past negative"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + combineParts[consonantPart[dictionary_form.slice(-1)] + "あ"] + "なかった"; } } else { forms["past negative"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "なかった"; } return forms; } function getAdjectiveForms(dictionary_form) { var result = new Object(); // past affirmative form (adjectives) if (dictionary_form == "いい") { result["past affirmative adj"] = "よかったです"; } else if (dictionary_form.slice(-1) == "い") { result["past affirmative adj"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "かったです"; } else if (dictionary_form.slice(-1) == "な") { result["past affirmative adj"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "でした"; } // present negative form (adjectives) if (dictionary_form == "いい") { result["present negative adj"] = "よくないです"; } else if (dictionary_form.slice(-1) == "い") { result["present negative adj"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "くないです"; } else if (dictionary_form.slice(-1) == "な") { result["present negative adj"] = dictionary_form.slice(0, -1) + "じゃないです"; } } function showForms(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { var input = $("input").val(); var result = new getVerbForms(input); $("#word").html(input); $("#masu").html(result["formal"]); $("#te").html(result["te-form"]); $("#present_negative").html(result["negative"]); $("#past_informal").html(result["past"]); $("#past_negative_informal").html(result["past negative"]); var result = new getAdjectiveForms(input); $("#present_negative_adj").html(result["present negative adj"]); $("#past_affirmative_adj").html(result["past affirmative adj"]); } } var verb_relative_form = { "dictionary" : { "negative" : "affirmative", "past" : "present", // "past negative" : "present affirmative", "formal" : "informal", "te-form" : "informal", }, "negative": { "dictionary" : "negative", // "past" : "present negative", "past negative" : "present", // "formal" : "informal negative", "te-form" : "negative", }, "past" : { "dictionary" : "past", // "negative" : "past affirmative", "past negative" : "affirmative", // "formal" : "past informal", "te-form" : "past", }, "past negative" : { // "dictionary" : "past negative", "negative" : "past", "past" : "negative", // "formal" : "informal past negative", "te-form" : "past negative", }, "formal": { "dictionary" : "formal", // "negative" : "formal affirmative", // "past" : "present formal", // "past negative" : "present formal affirmative", "te-form" : "formal", }, }; function generateVerbQuestion() { var entry = words.randomElement(); var kanjiForms = getVerbForms(entry["word"]); var kanaForms = getVerbForms(entry["kana"]); var to_form = Object.keys(verb_relative_form).randomElement(); var from_form = Object.keys(verb_relative_form[to_form]).randomElement(); var question = "What is the " + verb_relative_form[to_form][from_form] + " form of " + kanjiForms[from_form] + "?"; var answer = kanjiForms[to_form]; var answer2 = kanaForms[to_form]; console.log("From form = " + from_form); console.log("To form = " + to_form); console.log("Question = " + question); console.log("Answer = " + answer); $('#question').text(question); window.question = question; window.answer = answer; window.answer2 = answer2; $('#next').prop('disabled', true); $('#response').html(""); $('#message').html(""); $('#proceed').hide(); $('#input').show(); $('#answer').focus(); if (log.start == undefined) { log.start = Date.now(); } } function processAnswer() { var response = $('#answer').val(); var correct = ((response == window.answer) || (response == window.answer2)); var klass = correct ? "correct" : "incorrect"; log.history.push({ "question" : window.question, "response" : response, "answer" : window.answer, "correct" : correct }); $('#answer').val(""); $('#response').prop('class', klass).text(response); $('#next').prop('disabled', false); if ((response == window.answer) || (response == window.answer2)) { $('#message').html(""); } else { $('#message').html("
The correct answer was " + window.answer + "
"); } $('#input').hide(); $('#proceed').show(); $('#proceed input').focus(); if (log.end == undefined) { log.end = Date.now(); } updateHistoryView(log); } function updateHistoryView(log) { var review = $(''); var total = 0; var correct = 0; log.history.forEach(function (entry) { total++; if (entry.correct) { correct++; } var tr = $(''); var td1 = $('
'); var td2 = $(''); var td3 = $(''); var td4 = $(''); td1.text(entry.question); td2.text(entry.answer); td3.text(entry.response); td4.text(entry.correct); tr.append(td1); tr.append(td2); tr.append(td3); tr.append(td4); review.append(tr); }); $('#history').empty().append(review); $('#history').append("

" + correct + " of " + total + " correct.

"); $('#history').append("

" + ((log.end - log.start) / 1000.0) + " seconds.

"); } function proceed() { if (log.history.length == 10) { console.log("Finished."); } else { generateVerbQuestion(); } } $('window').ready(function() { generateVerbQuestion(); });