Théo Marchal 7d945f2bf4 First batch of data, and modification to take them into account
Also optimized fonts, after discovering (when having all photos in one page) they were too heavy.
2021-02-10 18:39:46 +01:00

450 lines
19 KiB

// get URL parameters
urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
paramYear = (urlParams.get('years') == null ? urlParams.getAll('year') : urlParams.getAll('years'));
paramMonth = (urlParams.get('months') == null ? urlParams.getAll('month') : urlParams.getAll('months'));
paramDimension = (urlParams.get('dimensions') == null ? urlParams.getAll('dimension') : urlParams.getAll('dimensions'));
paramGenre = (urlParams.get('genres') == null ? urlParams.getAll('genre') : urlParams.getAll('genres'));
paramTheme = (urlParams.get('themes') == null ? urlParams.getAll('theme') : urlParams.getAll('themes'));
paramPlace = (urlParams.get('places') == null ? urlParams.getAll('place') : urlParams.getAll('places'));
paramTag = (urlParams.get('tags') == null ? urlParams.getAll('tag') : urlParams.getAll('tags'));
paramPhoto = (urlParams.get('photos') == null ? urlParams.getAll('photo') : urlParams.getAll('photos'));
paramHelp = (urlParams.get('helps') == null ? urlParams.getAll('help') : urlParams.getAll('helps'));
$.getJSON("data.json", function(data)
/** MENU **/
//var dimensions = [];
var genres = [];
var themes = [];
var places = [];
var tags = [];
function generateMenu()
for (i of data)
/*if (dimensions.indexOf(i.dimension) === -1 && i.dimension != "" && i.dimension != "—")
if (genres.indexOf(i.genre) === -1 && i.genre != "" && i.genre != "—")
if (themes.indexOf(i.theme) === -1 && i.theme != "" && i.theme != "—")
if (places.indexOf( === -1 && != "" && != "—")
if (tags.indexOf(i.tags) === -1 && i.tags != "" && i.tags != "—")
splitTags = i.tags.split(", ");
for (splitTag of splitTags) {
if (tags.indexOf(splitTag) === -1)
/*for (dimension of dimensions)
html = '<span><input type="checkbox" id="' + dimension + '" name="dimension" value="' + dimension + '"></input>\n';
html += '<label for="' + dimension + '">' + dimension + '</label></span>';
$(".box.dimensions .item-cont").append(html);
for (genre of genres)
html = '<span><input type="checkbox" id="' + genre + '" name="genre" value="' + genre + '"></input>\n';
html += '<label for="' + genre + '">' + genre + '</label></span>';
$(".box.genres .item-cont").append(html);
for (theme of themes)
html = '<span><input type="checkbox" id="' + theme + '" name="theme" value="' + theme + '"></input>\n';
html += '<label for="' + theme + '">' + theme + '</label></span>';
$(".box.themes .item-cont").append(html);
//$(".box.places select").append('<option value="none">Aucun</option');
for (place of places)
html = '<span><input type="checkbox" id="' + place + '" name="place" value="' + place + '"></input>\n';
html += '<label for="'+place+'">' + place + '</label></span>';
$(".box.places .item-cont").append(html);
//$(".box.places select").append('<option value="' + place + '">' + place + '</option');
//$(".box.tags select").append('<option value="none">Aucun</option');
for (tag of tags)
html = '<span><input type="checkbox" id="' + tag + '" name="tag" value="' + tag + '"></input>\n';
html += '<label for="'+tag+'">' + tag + '</label></span>';
$(".box.tags .item-cont").append(html);
//$(".box.tags select").append('<option value="' + tag + '">' + tag + '</option');
// populate checkboxes depending on URL
function checkBoxSelector(names, name, urlParam)
if (urlParam == "all")
$('input[name="'+names+'"]').prop("checked", true);
$('input[name="'+name+'"]').prop("disabled", true);
$('input[name="'+name+'"]').prop("checked", true);
for (a of urlParam)
$('input[id="'+a+'"]').prop("checked", true);
checkBoxSelector("years", "year", paramYear)
checkBoxSelector("months", "month", paramMonth);
checkBoxSelector("dimensions", "dimension", paramDimension);
checkBoxSelector("genres", "genre", paramGenre);
checkBoxSelector("themes", "theme", paramTheme);
checkBoxSelector("places", "place", paramPlace);
checkBoxSelector("tags", "tag", paramTag);
checkBoxSelector("photos", "photo", paramPhoto);
checkBoxSelector("helps", "help", paramHelp);
// if "all" is selected, check all other options and disable them
function AllCheckBoxSelector(names, name)
$('input[id="' + names + '"]').click(function()
if ($(this).prop("checked") == true)
$('input[name="' + name + '"]').prop("checked", true);
$('input[name="' + name + '"]').prop("disabled", true);
else if ($(this).prop("checked") == false)
$('input[name="' + name + '"]').prop("checked", false);
$('input[name="' + name + '"]').prop("disabled", false);
$("input").prop("checked", false); // by default, uncheck all options
AllCheckBoxSelector("years", "year");
AllCheckBoxSelector("months", "month");
AllCheckBoxSelector("dimensions", "dimension");
AllCheckBoxSelector("genres", "genre");
AllCheckBoxSelector("themes", "theme");
AllCheckBoxSelector("places", "place");
AllCheckBoxSelector("tags", "tag");
AllCheckBoxSelector("photos", "photo");
AllCheckBoxSelector("helps", "help");
// menu configurer show / hide
$("article.explorer h2").click(function()
if ($(this).hasClass("active"))
// menu configurer child on mobile show/hide
if ($(window).width() <= 600)
$("article.explorer .box h3").click(function()
if ($(this).parent().hasClass("active"))
function checkYear(year)
if (paramYear == "all") return true;
if (paramYear.includes("50s") && year >= 1950 && year <= 1959) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("60s") && year >= 1960 && year <= 1969) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("70s") && year >= 1970 && year <= 1979) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("80s") && year >= 1980 && year <= 1989) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("90s") && year >= 1990 && year <= 1999) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("00s") && year >= 2000 && year <= 2009) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("10s") && year >= 2010 && year <= 2020) return true;
return false;
function checkMonth(month)
if (paramMonth == "all") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("01") && month == "Janvier") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("02") && month == "Février") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("03") && month == "Mars") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("04") && month == "Avril") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("05") && month == "Mai") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("06") && month == "Juin") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("07") && month == "Juillet") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("08") && month == "Août") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("09") && month == "Septembre") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("10") && month == "Octobre") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("11") && month == "Novembre") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("12") && month == "Décembre") return true;
return false;
function checkDimension(dimension)
if (paramDimension == "all") return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("18") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 18 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 19) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("20") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 20 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 29) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("30") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 30 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 39) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("40") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 40 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 49) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("50") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 50 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 59) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("60") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 60 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 69) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("70") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 70 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 79) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("80") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 80 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 89) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("90") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 90 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 99) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("100") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 100 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 109) return true;
return false;
function checkGenre(genre)
if (paramGenre == "all")
return true;
if (paramGenre.includes(genre))
return true;
return false;
function checkTheme(theme)
if (paramTheme == "all")
return true;
if (paramTheme.includes(theme))
return true;
return false;
function checkPlace(place)
if (paramPlace == "all")
return true;
if (paramPlace.includes(place))
return true;
return false;
function checkTag(tag)
if (paramTag == "all")
return true;
splitTag = tag.split(", ");
for (t of splitTag)
if (paramTag.includes(t))
return true;
return false;
function checkPhoto(photo)
if (paramPhoto == "all") return true;
if (paramPhoto.includes("none") && photo == "none") return true;
if (paramPhoto.includes("bad") && photo == "bad") return true;
if (paramPhoto.includes("ok") && photo == "ok") return true;
if (paramPhoto.includes("good") && photo == "good") return true;
return false;
function checkHelp(help)
if (paramHelp == "all") return true;
if (paramHelp.includes("no") && help == "no") return true;
if (paramHelp.includes("yes") && help == "yes") return true;
return false;
function generateTable()
hasResult = false;
numberOfItem = 0;
for (i of data)
if (urlParams.toString() === "") // no parameter in URL
res = false;
res = true;
// check URL parameters and compute result
if (paramYear != "") res &&= checkYear(i.year);
if (paramMonth != "") res &&= checkMonth(i.month);
if (paramDimension != "") res &&= checkDimension(i.dimension);
if (paramGenre != "") res &&= checkGenre(i.genre);
if (paramTheme != "") res &&= checkTheme(i.theme);
if (paramPlace != "") res &&= checkPlace(;
if (paramTag != "") res &&= checkTag(i.tags);
if (paramPhoto != "") res &&= checkPhoto(;
if (paramHelp != "") res &&= checkHelp(;
if (!res)
hasResult = true;
// table
$("table").css("display", "block");
result = "<tr>";
result += "<td>" + i.number + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + i.title + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + (i.month != "—" ? i.month + "&nbsp;" : "") + i.year + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + i.dimension + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + i.genre + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + i.theme + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + i.tags + "</td>";
if ( == "good")
result += '<td class="photo">&#x2605;&#x2605;&#x2605;</td>';
else if ( == "ok")
result += '<td class="photo">&#x2605;&#x2605;</td>';
else if ( == "bad")
result += '<td class="photo">&#x2605;</td>';
else if ( == "none")
result += '<td class="photo">&#x2606;</td>';
if ( == "yes")
result += '<td class="help">&#8252;&#xFE0E;</td>'
result += '<td>&nbsp;</td>'
result += '<td><a href="painting.html?number=' + i.number + '"><img src="styles/icons/eye.svg"></a></td>';
result += "</tr>";
// gallery
if ( == "none")
paintingHtml = '<a data-fancybox="exposition" href="images/unknown.jpg" data-fancybox-index="' + i.number + '">'
paintingHtml += '<img src="images/unknown.jpg"></a>'
paintingHtml = '<a data-fancybox="exposition" href="photos/paintings/normal/' + i.number + '.jpg" data-fancybox-index="' + i.number + '">'
paintingHtml += '<img src="photos/paintings/mini/' + i.number + '.jpg"></a>'
$(".explorer .result").append("La recherche donne un résultat de <strong>" + numberOfItem + " éléments</strong>.");
return hasResult;
var res = generateTable();
if (res) // display table or no result depending of computed result
$("article.explorer h2").removeClass("active")
$("article.explorer p.result").css("display", "block");
$("article.explorer").css("display", "block");
$("article.explorer p.result").css("display", "none");
// on mobile, show only the first item slided down
if ($(window).width() <= 600)
$("article.explorer .container .box").each(function()
if (!$(this).hasClass('active'))
// change display: gallery/table
// fancybox configuration
infobar: false,
toolbar: true,
smallBtn: false,
buttons: ["arrowLeft", "arrowRight", "close"],
arrows: false,
transitionEffect: "fade",
baseClass: 'fancybox-custom-layout',
mobile: {
preventCaptionOverlap: true,
caption: function(instance, item)
var idx = item.opts.fancyboxIndex - 1; // painting number
if (item.opts.fancyboxIndex >= 1000)
idx = item.opts.fancyboxIndex - 1000 + 383 - 1; // inédit: index starts at 1000 // 383: total number of paintings except inédit
return '\
<div id="info">\
<span class="info"><a href="painting.html?number=' + data[idx].number + '">&#8505;&#xFE0E;</span></a></span>\
<span class="title">' + data[idx].title + '</span><span class="year">' + (data[idx].month != '—' ? data[idx].month + '&nbsp;' : '') + data[idx].year + '</span>\
<span class="format">' + data[idx].paint + ' sur ' + data[idx].support + ' (' + data[idx].dimension + ')</span>\
<span class="comment">' + data[idx].comment + '</span>\