// remove place and tag from url when unnecessary function onSubmit() { $("select[name=place]").each(function() { if ($(this).val() == "") $(this).remove(); }); $("select[name=tag]").each(function() { if ($(this).val() == "") $(this).remove(); }); return true; } jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // get URL parameters urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); paramYear = (urlParams.get('years') == null ? urlParams.getAll('year') : urlParams.getAll('years')); paramMonth = (urlParams.get('months') == null ? urlParams.getAll('month') : urlParams.getAll('months')); paramDimension = (urlParams.get('dimensions') == null ? urlParams.getAll('dimension') : urlParams.getAll('dimensions')); paramGenre = (urlParams.get('genres') == null ? urlParams.getAll('genre') : urlParams.getAll('genres')); paramTheme = (urlParams.get('themes') == null ? urlParams.getAll('theme') : urlParams.getAll('themes')); paramPlace = (urlParams.get('places') == null ? urlParams.getAll('place') : urlParams.getAll('places')); paramTag = (urlParams.get('tags') == null ? urlParams.getAll('tag') : urlParams.getAll('tags')); paramPhoto = (urlParams.get('photos') == null ? urlParams.getAll('photo') : urlParams.getAll('photos')); paramHelp = (urlParams.get('helps') == null ? urlParams.getAll('help') : urlParams.getAll('helps')); $.getJSON("data.json", function(data) { var originalData = data; /**********/ /** MENU **/ /**********/ var availableOptions = []; /*var selectedPhotos = []; var selectedYears = []; var selectedMonths = []; var selectedGenres = []; var selectedThemes = []; var selectedPlaces = []; var selectedTags = []; var selectedDimensions = []; var selectedHelps = [];*/ var selectedOptions = []; // filter data depending of parameters function filterData(selectedOptions) { function CheckItem(name, selectedElements) { return function(item) { if (selectedElements.length == 0) return true; for (elem of selectedElements) { if (item[name] == elem) return true; } return false; } } function CheckTag(item) { for (tag of selectedOptions.tags) { if (!item.tags.includes(tag)) return false; } return true; } function CheckDimension(item) { if (selectedOptions.dimensions.length == 0) return true; for (dimension of selectedOptions.dimensions) { if (item.dimension.split("x")[0] == dimension) return true; } return false; } data = data.filter(CheckTag); data = data.filter(CheckDimension); data = data.filter(CheckItem("year", selectedOptions.years)); data = data.filter(CheckItem("photo", selectedOptions.photos)); data = data.filter(CheckItem("month", selectedOptions.months)); data = data.filter(CheckItem("genre", selectedOptions.genres)); data = data.filter(CheckItem("theme", selectedOptions.themes)); data = data.filter(CheckItem("place", selectedOptions.places)); data = data.filter(CheckItem("help", selectedOptions.helps)); } // gather data from json to make form function gatherData() { var photos = []; var years = []; var months = []; var genres = []; var themes = []; var places = []; var tags = []; var dimensions = []; var helps = []; function makeItem(item, array, displayName, min, max) { if (item >= min && item <= max) { if (array.indexOf(displayName) === -1) array.push(displayName); } } for (i of data) { if (photos.indexOf(i.photo) === -1 && i.photo != "" && i.photo != "—") photos.push(i.photo); if (months.indexOf(i.month) === -1 && i.month != "" && i.month != "—") months.push(i.month); if (genres.indexOf(i.genre) === -1 && i.genre != "" && i.genre != "—") genres.push(i.genre); if (themes.indexOf(i.theme) === -1 && i.theme != "" && i.theme != "—") themes.push(i.theme); if (places.indexOf(i.place) === -1 && i.place != "" && i.place != "—") places.push(i.place); if (helps.indexOf(i.help) === -1 && i.help != "" && i.help != "—") helps.push(i.help); if (i.year != "" && i.year != "—") { makeItem(i.year, years, "50s", 1956, 1959); makeItem(i.year, years, "60s", 1960, 1969); makeItem(i.year, years, "70s", 1970, 1979); makeItem(i.year, years, "80s", 1980, 1989); makeItem(i.year, years, "90s", 1990, 1999); makeItem(i.year, years, "00s", 2000, 2009); makeItem(i.year, years, "10s", 2010, 2016); } if (i.dimension != "" && i.dimension != "—") { makeItem(i.dimension.split("x")[0], dimensions, "18", 0, 19); makeItem(i.dimension.split("x")[0], dimensions, "20", 20, 29); makeItem(i.dimension.split("x")[0], dimensions, "30", 30, 39); makeItem(i.dimension.split("x")[0], dimensions, "40", 40, 49); makeItem(i.dimension.split("x")[0], dimensions, "50", 50, 59); makeItem(i.dimension.split("x")[0], dimensions, "60", 60, 69); makeItem(i.dimension.split("x")[0], dimensions, "70", 70, 79); makeItem(i.dimension.split("x")[0], dimensions, "80", 80, 89); makeItem(i.dimension.split("x")[0], dimensions, "90", 90, 99); makeItem(i.dimension.split("x")[0], dimensions, "100", 100, 109); } if (tags.indexOf(i.tags) === -1 && i.tags != "" && i.tags != "—") { splitTags = i.tags.split(", "); for (splitTag of splitTags) { if (tags.indexOf(splitTag) === -1) { tags.push(splitTag); } } } } genres.sort(); themes.sort(); helps.sort(); places.sort(Intl.Collator().compare); tags.sort(Intl.Collator().compare); dimensions.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); var targetMonths = ["Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Août", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "Décembre"]; months.sort(function(a, b) { return targetMonths.indexOf(a) - targetMonths.indexOf(b); }); var targetPhotos = ["none", "bad", "ok", "good"]; photos.sort(function(a, b) { return targetPhotos.indexOf(a) - targetPhotos.indexOf(b); }); return {"photos": photos, "years": years, "months": months, "genres": genres, "themes": themes, "places": places, "tags": tags, "dimensions": dimensions, "helps": helps}; } // gather data from url to check available options function gatherURLdata() { selectedYears = []; selectedDimensions = []; selectedPhotos = paramPhoto; selectedMonths = paramMonth; selectedGenres = paramGenre; selectedThemes = paramTheme; selectedPlaces = paramPlace; selectedTags = paramTag; selectedHelps = paramHelp; for (p of paramYear) { if (p == "50s") for (i = 1956; i <= 1959; i++) selectedYears.push(i); if (p == "60s") for (i = 1960; i <= 1969; i++) selectedYears.push(i); if (p == "70s") for (i = 1970; i <= 1979; i++) selectedYears.push(i); if (p == "80s") for (i = 1980; i <= 1989; i++) selectedYears.push(i); if (p == "90s") for (i = 1990; i <= 1999; i++) selectedYears.push(i); if (p == "00s") for (i = 2000; i <= 2009; i++) selectedYears.push(i); if (p == "10s") for (i = 2010; i <= 2016; i++) selectedYears.push(i); } for (p of paramDimension) { if (p == "18") for (i = 18; i <= 19; i++) selectedDimensions.push(i); if (p == "20") for (i = 20; i <= 29; i++) selectedDimensions.push(i); if (p == "30") for (i = 30; i <= 39; i++) selectedDimensions.push(i); if (p == "40") for (i = 40; i <= 49; i++) selectedDimensions.push(i); if (p == "50") for (i = 50; i <= 59; i++) selectedDimensions.push(i); if (p == "60") for (i = 60; i <= 69; i++) selectedDimensions.push(i); if (p == "70") for (i = 70; i <= 79; i++) selectedDimensions.push(i); if (p == "80") for (i = 80; i <= 89; i++) selectedDimensions.push(i); if (p == "90") for (i = 90; i <= 99; i++) selectedDimensions.push(i); if (p == "100") for (i = 100; i <= 109; i++) selectedDimensions.push(i); } return {"photos": selectedPhotos, "years": selectedYears, "months": selectedMonths, "genres": selectedGenres, "themes": selectedThemes, "places": selectedPlaces, "tags": selectedTags, "dimensions": selectedDimensions, "helps": selectedHelps}; } selectedOptions = gatherURLdata(); filterData(selectedOptions); availableOptions = gatherData(); // menu initial generation $.getScript("scripts/explorer_menu.js", function() { generateMenu(availableOptions); // menu configurer show / hide $("article.explorer h2").click(function() { if ($(this).hasClass("active")) { $(this).removeClass("active"); $("form").slideUp(200); } else { $(this).addClass("active"); $("form").slideDown(200); } }); // menu configurer child on mobile show/hide if ($(window).width() <= 600) { $("article.explorer .box h3").click(function() { if ($(this).parent().hasClass("active")) { $(this).parent().removeClass("active"); $(this).parent().children(".item-cont").slideUp(200); } else { $(this).parent().addClass("active"); $(this).parent().children(".item-cont").slideDown(200); } }); } userActionHandle(availableOptions); URLGeneration(availableOptions); function removeFromArray(array, item) { index = array.indexOf(item); if (index > -1) array.splice(index, 1); } function visualFilterListItem(name, param) { $('input[name="' + name + '"]').change(function() { if (this.checked) { console.log("checked"); param.push(this.id); } else { console.log("unchecked"); removeFromArray(param, this.id); } selectedOptions = gatherURLdata(); data = originalData; filterData(selectedOptions); availableOptions = []; availableOptions = gatherData(); console.log(data); updateMenu(availableOptions); }); } visualFilterListItem("photo", paramPhoto); visualFilterListItem("year", paramYear); visualFilterListItem("month", paramMonth); visualFilterListItem("genre", paramGenre); visualFilterListItem("theme", paramTheme); visualFilterListItem("dimension", paramDimension); visualFilterListItem("help", paramHelp); }); /*********************/ /** TABLE & GALLERY **/ /*********************/ // gallery vars window.pageSize = 14; window.paintingList = []; function generateTable() { hasResult = false; numberOfItem = 0; canDisplay = true; for (i of data) { if (urlParams.toString() === "") // no parameter in URL res = false; else res = true; if (!res) continue; hasResult = true; numberOfItem++; // table $("table").css("display", "block"); result = ""; result += "" + i.number + ""; result += "" + i.title + ""; result += "" + (i.month != "—" ? i.month + " " : "") + i.year + ""; result += "" + i.dimension + ""; result += "" + i.genre + ""; result += "" + i.theme + ""; result += "" + i.place + ""; result += "" + i.tags + ""; if (i.photo == "good") result += '★★★'; else if (i.photo == "ok") result += '★★'; else if (i.photo == "bad") result += '★'; else if (i.photo == "none") result += '☆'; if (i.help == "yes") result += 'Oui' else result += ' ' result += ''; result += ""; $("table").append(result); // gallery paintingList.push(i.number); if (paintingList.length % (pageSize + 1) == 0) canDisplay = false; paintingHtml = ''; $(".gallery").append(paintingHtml); } $(".explorer .result").append("La recherche donne un résultat de " + numberOfItem + " élément" + (numberOfItem > 1 ? "s" : "") + "."); return hasResult; } $("#gallery").hide(); $(".style-select").hide(); var targetPage = 0; if (urlParams.get('page') != "") targetPage = urlParams.get('page'); //generateMenu(); var res = generateTable(); if (res) // display table or no result depending of computed result { $(".style-select").show(); $("article.explorer h2").removeClass("active") //$("form").slideUp(200); $("article.explorer p.result").css("display", "block"); // pagination configuration window.currentPage = 0; window.previousArray = [] $.getScript("scripts/pagination.js", function() { paginationInit(data, paintingList, true); if (targetPage > 0) $("#pagination").pagination('go', targetPage); }); } else { $("article.explorer p.no-result").css("display", "block"); $("article.explorer p.result").css("display", "none"); } // on mobile, show only the first item slided down if ($(window).width() <= 600) { $("article.explorer .container .box").each(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) { $(this).children(".item-cont").slideUp(200); } }); } // change display: gallery/table $(".style-select.frame").click(function() { $("table").hide(); $("#gallery").show(); }) $(".style-select.list").click(function() { $("#gallery").hide(); $("table").show(); }) // fancybox configuration $.getScript("scripts/fancybox.js", function() { fancyboxInit(data, true); }); }); });