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$.getJSON("data.json", function(data) { /**********/ /** MENU **/ /**********/ var dimensions = []; var themes = []; var categories = []; var places = []; var tags = []; function generateMenu() { for (i of data) { if (dimensions.indexOf(i.dimension) === -1 && i.dimension != "" && i.dimension != "—") dimensions.push(i.dimension); if (themes.indexOf(i.theme) === -1 && i.theme != "" && i.theme != "—") themes.push(i.theme); if (categories.indexOf(i.category) === -1 && i.category != "" && i.category != "—") categories.push(i.category); if (places.indexOf(i.place) === -1 && i.place != "" && i.place != "—") places.push(i.place); if (tags.indexOf(i.tags) === -1 && i.tags != "" && i.tags != "—") { splitTags = i.tags.split(", "); for (splitTag of splitTags) { if (tags.indexOf(splitTag) === -1) { tags.push(splitTag); } } } } dimensions.sort(); themes.sort(); categories.sort(); places.sort(); tags.sort(); for (dimension of dimensions) { html = '\n'; html += ''; $(".box.dimensions .item-cont").append(html); 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\ ℹ︎\ ' + data[idx].title + '' + (data[idx].month != '—' ? data[idx].month + ' ' : '') + data[idx].year + '\ ' + data[idx].paint + ' sur ' + data[idx].support + ' (' + data[idx].dimension + ')\ ' + data[idx].comment + '\
\ '; } }); }); });