
668 lines
29 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// remove place and tag from url when unnecessary
function onSubmit() {
$("select[name=place]").each(function() {
if ($(this).val() == "")
$("select[name=tag]").each(function() {
if ($(this).val() == "")
return true;
// get URL parameters
urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
paramYear = (urlParams.get('years') == null ? urlParams.getAll('year') : urlParams.getAll('years'));
paramMonth = (urlParams.get('months') == null ? urlParams.getAll('month') : urlParams.getAll('months'));
paramDimension = (urlParams.get('dimensions') == null ? urlParams.getAll('dimension') : urlParams.getAll('dimensions'));
paramGenre = (urlParams.get('genres') == null ? urlParams.getAll('genre') : urlParams.getAll('genres'));
paramTheme = (urlParams.get('themes') == null ? urlParams.getAll('theme') : urlParams.getAll('themes'));
paramPlace = (urlParams.get('places') == null ? urlParams.getAll('place') : urlParams.getAll('places'));
paramTag = (urlParams.get('tags') == null ? urlParams.getAll('tag') : urlParams.getAll('tags'));
paramPhoto = (urlParams.get('photos') == null ? urlParams.getAll('photo') : urlParams.getAll('photos'));
paramHelp = (urlParams.get('helps') == null ? urlParams.getAll('help') : urlParams.getAll('helps'));
$.getJSON("data.json", function(data)
/** MENU **/
var genres = [];
var themes = [];
var places = [];
var tags = [];
function generateMenu()
for (i of data)
if (genres.indexOf(i.genre) === -1 && i.genre != "" && i.genre != "—")
if (themes.indexOf(i.theme) === -1 && i.theme != "" && i.theme != "—")
if (places.indexOf( === -1 && != "" && != "—")
if (tags.indexOf(i.tags) === -1 && i.tags != "" && i.tags != "—")
splitTags = i.tags.split(", ");
for (splitTag of splitTags) {
if (tags.indexOf(splitTag) === -1)
for (genre of genres)
html = '<span><input type="checkbox" id="' + genre + '" name="genre" value="' + genre + '"></input>\n';
html += '<label for="' + genre + '">' + genre + '</label></span>';
$(".box.genres .item-cont").append(html);
for (theme of themes)
html = '<span><input type="checkbox" id="' + theme + '" name="theme" value="' + theme + '"></input>\n';
html += '<label for="' + theme + '">' + theme + '</label></span>';
$(".box.themes .item-cont").append(html);
$(".box.places select").append('<option value="">Aucun</option');
for (place of places)
$(".box.places select").append('<option value="' + place + '">' + place + '</option');
$(".box.tags select").append('<option value="">Aucun</option');
for (tag of tags)
$(".box.tags select").append('<option value="' + tag + '">' + tag + '</option');
function URLGeneration()
// populate checkboxes depending on URL
function URLcheckBoxSelector(names, name, urlParam)
if (urlParam == "all")
$('input[name="'+names+'"]').prop("checked", true);
$('input[name="'+name+'"]').prop("disabled", true);
$('input[name="'+name+'"]').prop("checked", true);
for (a of urlParam)
$('input[id="'+a+'"]').prop("checked", true);
// populate list depending on URL
function URLlistSelector(selector, name, param, names)
if (param.length >= 1)
$(selector + ' select').parent().remove();
for (a of param)
html = '<span><span class="inline">&#x203B;&nbsp;</span><select name="' + name + '">';
html += '<option value="">Aucun</option>';
for (i of names)
if (i == a)
html += '<option value="' + i + '" selected>' + i + '</option>';
html += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + '</option>';
html += '</select></span>';
$(selector + ' .item-cont').append(html);
if (!param.includes("all") && param.length >= 1)
html = '<span><span class="inline">&#x203B;&nbsp;</span><select name="' + name + '">';
html += '<option value="">Aucun</option>';
for (i of names)
html += '<option value="' + i + '">' + i + '</option>';
html += '</select></span>';
$(selector + ' .item-cont').append(html);
URLcheckBoxSelector("years", "year", paramYear)
URLcheckBoxSelector("months", "month", paramMonth);
URLcheckBoxSelector("dimensions", "dimension", paramDimension);
URLcheckBoxSelector("genres", "genre", paramGenre);
URLcheckBoxSelector("themes", "theme", paramTheme);
URLcheckBoxSelector("places", "place", paramPlace);
URLcheckBoxSelector("tags", "tag", paramTag);
URLcheckBoxSelector("photos", "photo", paramPhoto);
URLcheckBoxSelector("helps", "help", paramHelp);
URLlistSelector(".box.places", "place", paramPlace, places);
URLlistSelector(".box.tags", "tag", paramTag, tags);
// URL special case for photos with "exist"
if (paramPhoto == "exist")
$('input[id="exist"]').prop("checked", true);
$('input[id="bad"]').prop("checked", true); $('input[id="bad"]').prop("disabled", true);
$('input[id="ok"]').prop("checked", true); $('input[id="ok"]').prop("disabled", true);
$('input[id="good"]').prop("checked", true); $('input[id="good"]').prop("disabled", true);
function userActionHandle()
// if "all" is selected, check all other options and disable them
function allCheckBoxSelected(names, name)
$('input[id="' + names + '"]').click(function()
if ($(this).prop("checked") == true)
$('input[name="' + name + '"]').prop("checked", true);
$('input[name="' + name + '"]').prop("disabled", true);
else if ($(this).prop("checked") == false)
$('input[name="' + name + '"]').prop("checked", false);
$('input[name="' + name + '"]').prop("disabled", false);
// for places and tags
function listOptionSelected(selector, name, names)
$(selector).on('change', 'select[name="' + name + '"]', function()
if (this.value != "")
createNewElem = true; // if we modify an existing element to a value, we don't delete it
$(selector + ' select').each(function()
if ($(this).val() == "")
createNewElem = false;
if (createNewElem)
html = '<span><span class="inline">&#x203B;&nbsp;</span><select name="' + name + '">';
html += '<option value="">Aucun</option>';
for (a of names)
html += '<option value="' + a + '">' + a + '</option>';
html += '</select></span>';
$(selector + " .item-cont").append(html);
// if the element has no value, we delete it
$("input").prop("checked", false); // by default, uncheck all options
allCheckBoxSelected("years", "year");
allCheckBoxSelected("months", "month");
allCheckBoxSelected("dimensions", "dimension");
allCheckBoxSelected("genres", "genre");
allCheckBoxSelected("themes", "theme");
allCheckBoxSelected("places", "place");
allCheckBoxSelected("tags", "tag");
allCheckBoxSelected("photos", "photo");
allCheckBoxSelected("helps", "help");
listOptionSelected(".box.places", "place", places);
listOptionSelected(".box.tags", "tag", tags);
// special case for photos with "exist"
if ($(this).prop("checked") == true)
$('input[id="bad"]').prop("checked", true); $('input[id="bad"]').prop("disabled", true);
$('input[id="ok"]').prop("checked", true); $('input[id="ok"]').prop("disabled", true);
$('input[id="good"]').prop("checked", true); $('input[id="good"]').prop("disabled", true);
$('input[id="bad"]').prop("checked", false); $('input[id="bad"]').prop("disabled", false);
$('input[id="ok"]').prop("checked", false); $('input[id="ok"]').prop("disabled", false);
$('input[id="good"]').prop("checked", false); $('input[id="good"]').prop("disabled", false);
// menu configurer show / hide
$("article.explorer h2").click(function()
if ($(this).hasClass("active"))
// menu configurer child on mobile show/hide
if ($(window).width() <= 600)
$("article.explorer .box h3").click(function()
if ($(this).parent().hasClass("active"))
function checkYear(year)
if (paramYear == "all") return true;
if (paramYear.includes("50s") && year >= 1950 && year <= 1959) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("60s") && year >= 1960 && year <= 1969) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("70s") && year >= 1970 && year <= 1979) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("80s") && year >= 1980 && year <= 1989) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("90s") && year >= 1990 && year <= 1999) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("00s") && year >= 2000 && year <= 2009) return true;
if (paramYear.includes("10s") && year >= 2010 && year <= 2020) return true;
return false;
function checkMonth(month)
if (paramMonth == "all") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("01") && month == "Janvier") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("02") && month == "Février") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("03") && month == "Mars") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("04") && month == "Avril") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("05") && month == "Mai") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("06") && month == "Juin") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("07") && month == "Juillet") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("08") && month == "Août") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("09") && month == "Septembre") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("10") && month == "Octobre") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("11") && month == "Novembre") return true;
if (paramMonth.includes("12") && month == "Décembre") return true;
return false;
function checkDimension(dimension)
if (paramDimension == "all") return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("18") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 18 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 19) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("20") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 20 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 29) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("30") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 30 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 39) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("40") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 40 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 49) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("50") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 50 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 59) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("60") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 60 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 69) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("70") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 70 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 79) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("80") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 80 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 89) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("90") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 90 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 99) return true;
if (paramDimension.includes("100") && dimension.split("x")[0] >= 100 && dimension.split("x")[0] <= 109) return true;
return false;
function checkGenre(genre)
if (paramGenre == "all")
return true;
if (paramGenre.includes(genre))
return true;
return false;
function checkTheme(theme)
if (paramTheme == "all")
return true;
if (paramTheme.includes(theme))
return true;
return false;
function checkPlace(place)
if (paramPlace == "all")
return true;
if (paramPlace.includes(place))
return true;
return false;
function checkTag(tag)
if (paramTag == "all")
return true;
splitTag = tag.split(", ");
for (t of paramTag)
if (!splitTag.includes(t))
return false;
return true;
function checkPhoto(photo)
if (paramPhoto == "all") return true;
if (paramPhoto.includes("none") && photo == "none") return true;
if (paramPhoto.includes("bad") && photo == "bad") return true;
if (paramPhoto.includes("ok") && photo == "ok") return true;
if (paramPhoto.includes("good") && photo == "good") return true;
if (paramPhoto.includes("exist") && (photo == "bad" || photo == "ok" || photo == "good")) return true;
return false;
function checkHelp(help)
if (paramHelp == "all") return true;
if (paramHelp.includes("no") && help == "no") return true;
if (paramHelp.includes("yes") && help == "yes") return true;
return false;
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
// gallery vars
var pageSize = 14;
var paintingList = [];
function generateTable()
hasResult = false;
numberOfItem = 0;
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
canDisplay = true;
for (i of data)
if (urlParams.toString() === "") // no parameter in URL
res = false;
res = true;
// check URL parameters and compute result
if (paramYear != "") res = res && checkYear(i.year);
if (paramMonth != "") res = res && checkMonth(i.month);
if (paramDimension != "") res = res && checkDimension(i.dimension);
if (paramGenre != "") res = res && checkGenre(i.genre);
if (paramTheme != "") res = res && checkTheme(i.theme);
if (paramPlace != "") res = res && checkPlace(;
if (paramTag != "") res = res && checkTag(i.tags);
if (paramPhoto != "") res = res && checkPhoto(;
if (paramHelp != "") res = res && checkHelp(;
if (!res)
hasResult = true;
// table
$("table").css("display", "block");
result = "<tr>";
result += "<td>" + i.number + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + i.title + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + (i.month != "—" ? i.month + "&nbsp;" : "") + i.year + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + i.dimension + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + i.genre + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + i.theme + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + + "</td>";
result += "<td>" + i.tags + "</td>";
if ( == "good")
result += '<td class="photo">&#x2605;&#x2605;&#x2605;</td>';
else if ( == "ok")
result += '<td class="photo">&#x2605;&#x2605;</td>';
else if ( == "bad")
result += '<td class="photo">&#x2605;</td>';
else if ( == "none")
result += '<td class="photo">&#x2606;</td>';
if ( == "yes")
result += '<td class="help"><img width="5rem" src="styles/icons/exclamation-mark.svg" alt="Oui"></td>'
result += '<td>&nbsp;</td>'
2021-02-12 13:19:24 +00:00
result += '<td><a data-fancybox="exposition-list" href="';
if ( == "none")
result += 'images/unknown.jpg';
result += 'photos/paintings/normal/' + i.number + '.jpg'
result += '" data-fancybox-index="' + i.number + '"><img src="styles/icons/eye.svg"></a></td>';
result += "</tr>";
// gallery
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
if (paintingList.length % (pageSize + 1) == 0)
canDisplay = false;
paintingHtml = '<div class="gallery-item ';
if (canDisplay)
paintingHtml += 'active">';
paintingHtml += 'inactive">';
if ( == "none")
paintingHtml += '<a data-fancybox="exposition" href="images/unknown.jpg" data-fancybox-index="' + i.number + '">'
paintingHtml += '<img src="images/unknown.jpg" alt="Tableau ' + i.number + '"></a>'
paintingHtml += '<a data-fancybox="exposition" href="photos/paintings/normal/' + i.number + '.jpg" data-fancybox-index="' + i.number + '">'
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
paintingHtml += '<img src="photos/paintings/mini/" alt="Tableau ' + i.number + '"></a>'
paintingHtml += '<span class="item-title">' + i.title;
if (i.year != '—')
paintingHtml += ' (' + i.year + ')';
paintingHtml += '</span></div>';
$(".explorer .result").append("La recherche donne un résultat de <strong>" + numberOfItem + " élément" + (numberOfItem > 1 ? "s" : "") + "</strong>.");
return hasResult;
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
var targetPage = 0;
if (urlParams.get('page') != "")
targetPage = urlParams.get('page');
var res = generateTable();
if (res) // display table or no result depending of computed result
$("article.explorer h2").removeClass("active")
$("article.explorer p.result").css("display", "block");
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
// pagination
2021-02-14 11:38:46 +00:00
function getPageRange()
if (window.innerWidth >= 600)
return 6;
else if (window.innerWidth < 600 && window.innerWidth > 450)
2021-02-14 11:42:57 +00:00
return 4;
2021-02-14 11:38:46 +00:00
2021-02-14 11:42:57 +00:00
return 1;
2021-02-14 11:38:46 +00:00
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
var currentPage = 0;
var previousArray = []
var options =
dataSource: paintingList,
pageSize: pageSize,
2021-02-14 11:38:46 +00:00
pageRange: getPageRange(),
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
className: 'paginationjs-theme-ginou',
hideWhenLessThanOnePage: true,
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
callback: function (response, pagination)
currentPage = pagination.pageNumber;
urlParams = new URLSearchParams(
if (urlParams.get('page') == undefined)
window.history.replaceState('', '', window.location.pathname + + '&page=' + currentPage + window.location.hash);
trimSearch =,'&'));
window.history.replaceState('', '', window.location.pathname + trimSearch + '&page=' + currentPage + window.location.hash);
if (previousArray.length > 0)
for (i of previousArray)
previousArray = response;
$.each(response, function(index, item)
idx = item-1;
if (item >= 1000)
idx = item - 1000 + 383 - 1; // inédit: index starts at 1000 // 383: total number of paintings except inédit
if (data[idx].photo != "none")
$('[data-fancybox="exposition"][data-fancybox-index="'+item+'"] img').attr("src", "photos/paintings/mini/"+item+".jpg");
$('[data-fancybox="exposition"][data-fancybox-index="'+item+'"] img').attr("src", "images/unknown.jpg");
if (targetPage > 0)
$("#pagination").pagination('go', targetPage);
$("article.explorer").css("display", "block");
$("article.explorer p.result").css("display", "none");
// on mobile, show only the first item slided down
if ($(window).width() <= 600)
$("article.explorer .container .box").each(function()
if (!$(this).hasClass('active'))
// change display: gallery/table
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
// fancybox configuration
2021-02-12 13:19:24 +00:00
$('[data-fancybox="exposition"], [data-fancybox="exposition-list"]').fancybox(
infobar: false,
toolbar: true,
smallBtn: false,
buttons: ["arrowLeft", "arrowRight", "close"],
arrows: false,
transitionEffect: "fade",
baseClass: 'fancybox-custom-layout',
mobile: {
preventCaptionOverlap: true,
caption: function(instance, item)
var idx = item.opts.fancyboxIndex - 1; // painting number
if (item.opts.fancyboxIndex >= 1000)
idx = item.opts.fancyboxIndex - 1000 + 383 - 1; // inédit: index starts at 1000 // 383: total number of paintings except inédit
function generateCartel()
cartel = '<div id="info"><span class="info">';
cartel += '<a href="painting.html?number=' + data[idx].number + '">&#8505;&#xFE0E;</span></a></span>';
cartel += '<span class="title">' + data[idx].title + '</span><span class="year">';
if (data[idx].month != '—')
cartel += data[idx].month + '&nbsp;';
if (data[idx].year != '—')
cartel += data[idx].year;
2021-02-14 12:15:48 +00:00
cartel += '&nbsp;</span><span class="format">' + data[idx].paint + ' sur ' + data[idx].support.toLowerCase();
if (data[idx].dimension != '—')
cartel += ' (' + data[idx].dimension + ')';
cartel += '</span>';
if (data[idx].comment != '—')
cartel += '<span class="comment">' + data[idx].comment + '</span>';
cartel += '</div>';
return cartel;
return generateCartel();
2021-02-14 11:24:53 +00:00
beforeShow : function(instance, current)
if (current.opts.fancyboxIndex > previousArray[previousArray.length - 1])
if (current.opts.fancyboxIndex < previousArray[0])
afterClose : function(instance)
// after closing, changing the URL again. I guess there's no better way except by changing fancybox code...
// (apparently fancybox changes back to the original url it had when starting)
urlParams = new URLSearchParams(
trimSearch =,'&'));
window.history.replaceState('', '', window.location.pathname + trimSearch + '&page=' + currentPage + window.location.hash);