diff --git a/LibMpc/MpcConnection.cs b/LibMpc/MpcConnection.cs
index 9fb1f7a..804aa0d 100644
--- a/LibMpc/MpcConnection.cs
+++ b/LibMpc/MpcConnection.cs
@@ -1,234 +1,245 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Net;
-using System.Net.Sockets;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-namespace LibMpc
- ///
- /// Keeps the connection to the MPD server and handels the most basic structure of the
- /// MPD protocol. The high level commands are handeled in the
- /// class.
- ///
- public class MpcConnection
- {
- private static readonly string FIRST_LINE_PREFIX = "OK MPD ";
- private static readonly string OK = "OK";
- private static readonly string ACK = "ACK";
- private static readonly Regex ACK_REGEX = new Regex("^ACK \\[(?[0-9]*)@(?[0-9]*)] \\{(?[a-z]*)} (?.*)$");
- private readonly IPEndPoint _server;
- private TcpClient _tcpClient;
- private NetworkStream _networkStream;
- private StreamReader _reader;
- private StreamWriter _writer;
- private string _version;
- public MpcConnection(IPEndPoint server)
- {
- if (IsConnected) return;
- ClearConnectionFields();
- _server = server;
- }
- public bool IsConnected => (_tcpClient != null) && _tcpClient.Connected;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Net;
+using System.Net.Sockets;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+namespace LibMpc
+ ///
+ /// Keeps the connection to the MPD server and handels the most basic structure of the
+ /// MPD protocol. The high level commands are handeled in the
+ /// class.
+ ///
+ public class MpcConnection
+ {
+ private static readonly string FIRST_LINE_PREFIX = "OK MPD ";
+ private static readonly string OK = "OK";
+ private static readonly string ACK = "ACK";
+ private readonly IPEndPoint _server;
+ private TcpClient _tcpClient;
+ private NetworkStream _networkStream;
+ private StreamReader _reader;
+ private StreamWriter _writer;
+ private string _version;
+ public MpcConnection(IPEndPoint server)
+ {
+ if (IsConnected) return;
+ ClearConnectionFields();
+ _server = server;
+ }
+ public bool IsConnected => (_tcpClient != null) && _tcpClient.Connected;
public string Version => _version;
- public async Task ConnectAsync()
- {
- if (_server == null)
- throw new InvalidOperationException("Server IPEndPoint not set.");
- if (IsConnected)
- throw new AlreadyConnectedException();
- _tcpClient = new TcpClient();
- await _tcpClient.ConnectAsync(_server.Address, _server.Port);
- _networkStream = _tcpClient.GetStream();
- _reader = new StreamReader(_networkStream, Encoding.UTF8);
- _writer = new StreamWriter(_networkStream, Encoding.UTF8) { NewLine = "\n" };
- var firstLine = _reader.ReadLine();
- if (!firstLine.StartsWith(FIRST_LINE_PREFIX))
- {
- await Disconnect();
- throw new InvalidDataException("Response of mpd does not start with \"" + FIRST_LINE_PREFIX + "\"." );
- }
- _version = firstLine.Substring(FIRST_LINE_PREFIX.Length);
- await _writer.WriteLineAsync();
- _writer.Flush();
- ReadResponse();
- }
- ///
- /// Disconnects from the current MPD server.
- ///
- private Task Disconnect()
- {
- if (_tcpClient == null)
- {
- return Task.CompletedTask;
- }
- _networkStream.Dispose();
- ClearConnectionFields();
- return Task.CompletedTask;
- }
- ///
- /// Executes a simple command without arguments on the MPD server and returns the response.
- ///
- /// The command to execute.
- /// The MPD server response parsed into a basic object.
- /// If the command contains a space of a newline charakter.
- public async Task Exec(string command)
- {
- if (command == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("command");
- if (command.Contains(" "))
- throw new ArgumentException("command contains space");
- if (command.Contains("\n"))
- throw new ArgumentException("command contains newline");
- // TODO: Integrate connection status in MpdResponse
- var connectionResult = await CheckConnectionAsync();
- try
- {
- _writer.WriteLine(command);
- _writer.Flush();
- return ReadResponse();
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- try { await Disconnect(); } catch (Exception) { }
- return null; // TODO: Create Null Object for MpdResponse
- }
- }
- ///
- /// Executes a MPD command with arguments on the MPD server.
- ///
- /// The command to execute.
- /// The arguments of the command.
- /// The MPD server response parsed into a basic object.
- /// If the command contains a space of a newline charakter.
- public async Task Exec(string command, string[] argument)
- {
- if (command == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("command");
- if (command.Contains(" "))
- throw new ArgumentException("command contains space");
- if (command.Contains("\n"))
- throw new ArgumentException("command contains newline");
- if (argument == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("argument");
- for (int i = 0; i < argument.Length; i++)
- {
- if (argument[i] == null)
- throw new ArgumentNullException("argument[" + i + "]");
- if (argument[i].Contains("\n"))
- throw new ArgumentException("argument[" + i + "] contains newline");
- }
- // TODO: Integrate connection status in MpdResponse
- var connectionResult = await CheckConnectionAsync();
- try
- {
- _writer.Write(command);
- foreach (string arg in argument)
- {
- _writer.Write(' ');
- WriteToken(arg);
- }
- _writer.WriteLine();
- _writer.Flush();
- return ReadResponse();
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- try { await Disconnect(); } catch (Exception) { }
- throw;
- }
- }
- private async Task CheckConnectionAsync()
- {
- if (!IsConnected)
- {
- await ConnectAsync();
+ public async Task ConnectAsync()
+ {
+ if (_server == null)
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("Server IPEndPoint not set.");
+ if (IsConnected)
+ throw new AlreadyConnectedException();
+ _tcpClient = new TcpClient();
+ await _tcpClient.ConnectAsync(_server.Address, _server.Port);
+ _networkStream = _tcpClient.GetStream();
+ _reader = new StreamReader(_networkStream, Encoding.UTF8);
+ _writer = new StreamWriter(_networkStream, Encoding.UTF8) { NewLine = "\n" };
+ var firstLine = _reader.ReadLine();
+ if (!firstLine.StartsWith(FIRST_LINE_PREFIX))
+ {
+ await Disconnect();
+ throw new InvalidDataException("Response of mpd does not start with \"" + FIRST_LINE_PREFIX + "\"." );
+ }
+ _version = firstLine.Substring(FIRST_LINE_PREFIX.Length);
+ await _writer.WriteLineAsync();
+ _writer.Flush();
+ await ReadResponseAsync();
+ }
+ private Task Disconnect()
+ {
+ if (_tcpClient == null)
+ {
+ return Task.CompletedTask;
- return IsConnected;
- }
- private void WriteToken(string token)
- {
- if (token.Contains(" "))
- {
- _writer.Write("\"");
- foreach (char chr in token)
- if (chr == '"')
- _writer.Write("\\\"");
- else
- _writer.Write(chr);
- }
- else
- _writer.Write(token);
- }
- private MpdResponse ReadResponse()
- {
- List ret = new List();
- string line = _reader.ReadLine();
- while (!(line.Equals(OK) || line.StartsWith(ACK)))
- {
- ret.Add(line);
- line = _reader.ReadLine();
- }
- if (line.Equals(OK))
- return new MpdResponse(new ReadOnlyCollection(ret));
- else
- {
- Match match = ACK_REGEX.Match(line);
- if (match.Groups.Count != 5)
- throw new InvalidDataException( "Error response not as expected" );
- return new MpdResponse(
- int.Parse( match.Result("${code}") ),
- int.Parse( match.Result("${nr}") ),
- match.Result("${command}"),
- match.Result("${message}"),
- new ReadOnlyCollection(ret)
- );
- }
- }
- private void ClearConnectionFields()
- {
- _writer?.Dispose();
- _reader?.Dispose();
- _networkStream?.Dispose();
- _tcpClient?.Dispose();
- _version = string.Empty;
- }
- }
+ _networkStream.Dispose();
+ ClearConnectionFields();
+ return Task.CompletedTask;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Executes a simple command without arguments on the MPD server and returns the response.
+ ///
+ /// The command to execute.
+ /// The MPD server response parsed into a basic object.
+ /// If the command contains a space of a newline charakter.
+ public async Task Exec(string command)
+ {
+ if (command == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException("command");
+ if (command.Contains(" "))
+ throw new ArgumentException("command contains space");
+ if (command.Contains("\n"))
+ throw new ArgumentException("command contains newline");
+ // TODO: Integrate connection status in MpdResponse
+ var connectionResult = await CheckConnectionAsync();
+ try
+ {
+ _writer.WriteLine(command);
+ _writer.Flush();
+ return await ReadResponseAsync();
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ try { await Disconnect(); } catch (Exception) { }
+ return null; // TODO: Create Null Object for MpdResponse
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Executes a MPD command with arguments on the MPD server.
+ ///
+ /// The command to execute.
+ /// The arguments of the command.
+ /// The MPD server response parsed into a basic object.
+ /// If the command contains a space of a newline charakter.
+ public async Task Exec(string command, string[] argument)
+ {
+ if (command == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException("command");
+ if (command.Contains(" "))
+ throw new ArgumentException("command contains space");
+ if (command.Contains("\n"))
+ throw new ArgumentException("command contains newline");
+ if (argument == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException("argument");
+ for (int i = 0; i < argument.Length; i++)
+ {
+ if (argument[i] == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException("argument[" + i + "]");
+ if (argument[i].Contains("\n"))
+ throw new ArgumentException("argument[" + i + "] contains newline");
+ }
+ // TODO: Integrate connection status in MpdResponse
+ var connectionResult = await CheckConnectionAsync();
+ try
+ {
+ _writer.Write(command);
+ foreach (string arg in argument)
+ {
+ _writer.Write(' ');
+ WriteToken(arg);
+ }
+ _writer.WriteLine();
+ _writer.Flush();
+ return await ReadResponseAsync();
+ }
+ catch (Exception)
+ {
+ try { await Disconnect(); } catch (Exception) { }
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ private async Task CheckConnectionAsync()
+ {
+ if (!IsConnected)
+ {
+ await ConnectAsync();
+ }
+ return IsConnected;
+ }
+ private void WriteToken(string token)
+ {
+ if (token.Contains(" "))
+ {
+ _writer.Write("\"");
+ foreach (char chr in token)
+ if (chr == '"')
+ _writer.Write("\\\"");
+ else
+ _writer.Write(chr);
+ }
+ else
+ _writer.Write(token);
+ }
+ private async Task ReadResponseAsync()
+ {
+ var response = new List();
+ var currentLine = _reader.ReadLine();
+ // Read response untli reach end token (OK or ACK)
+ while (!(currentLine.Equals(OK) || currentLine.StartsWith(ACK)))
+ {
+ response.Add(currentLine);
+ currentLine = await _reader.ReadLineAsync();
+ }
+ if (currentLine.Equals(OK))
+ {
+ return new MpdResponse(new ReadOnlyCollection(response));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return AcknowledgeResponse.Parse(currentLine, response);
+ }
+ }
+ private void ClearConnectionFields()
+ {
+ _writer?.Dispose();
+ _reader?.Dispose();
+ _networkStream?.Dispose();
+ _tcpClient?.Dispose();
+ _version = string.Empty;
+ }
+ }
+ public class AcknowledgeResponse
+ {
+ private static readonly Regex AcknowledgePattern = new Regex("^ACK \\[(?[0-9]*)@(?[0-9]*)] \\{(?[a-z]*)} (?.*)$");
+ public static MpdResponse Parse(string acknowledgeResponse, IList payload)
+ {
+ var match = AcknowledgePattern.Match(acknowledgeResponse);
+ if (match.Groups.Count != 5)
+ throw new InvalidDataException("Error response not as expected");
+ return new MpdResponse(
+ int.Parse(match.Result("${code}")),
+ int.Parse(match.Result("${nr}")),
+ match.Result("${command}"),
+ match.Result("${message}"),
+ new ReadOnlyCollection(payload));
+ }
+ }